
Defines functions colMedians geom_mean colGeomMeans summarizeMatrix summarisematrix summarisematrixInput

Documented in colGeomMeans colMedians geom_mean summarisematrix summarisematrixInput summarizeMatrix

#' The input function of the summarizematrix module
#' This module provides a form element and associated get function for defining
#' how a summary statistic is calculated (probably by mean).
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param allow_none Allow a 'no summarisation' selection.
#' @param select_summary_type Allow user to select summary type (e.g. mean)?
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' contrastsInput("test")
summarisematrixInput <- function(id, allow_none = TRUE, select_summary_type = TRUE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  summaryoptions <- c()
  if (allow_none) {
    summaryoptions <- c(None = "none")

  field <- inlineField(selectInput(ns("summaryType"), NULL, c(summaryoptions, Mean = "colMeans", `Geometric mean` = "colGeomMeans", Median = "colMedians"),
    selected = "none"
  ), label = "Average type")

  if (!select_summary_type) {
    field <- shinyjs::hidden(field)


#' The server function of the summarisematrix module
#' This module provides a form element and associated get function for defining
#' how a summary statistic is calculated (probably by mean).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' callModule(summarisematrix)
summarisematrix <- function(input, output, session) {
  getSummaryType <- reactive({

#' Summarise the rows of a matrix, applying a function to groups of cells
#' defined by a factor
#' Note that the specified function will be applied to a tranformed version
#' of the matrix, so \code{colMeans()}, for example, is appropriate.
#' @param matrix Numeric matrix
#' @param treatment_factor a factor defining column groups
#' @param summaryFunc A Function to apply to a transformed version of
#' \code{matrix} (default: colMeans)
#' @return Summarized matrix, with e.g. means in columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' summarizeMatrix(mymatrix, myfactor)
summarizeMatrix <- function(matrix, treatment_factor, summaryFunc = "colMeans") {
  # We need a factor

  if (!is.factor(treatment_factor)) {
    treatment_factor <- factor(treatment_factor)

  # Deal with missing values

  treatment_factor <- na.replace(treatment_factor)

  summaryFunc <- get(summaryFunc)
  t_matrix <- t(matrix)

  treatments <- levels(treatment_factor)
  sm <- do.call(cbind, lapply(treatments, function(lev) {
    summaryFunc(t_matrix[treatment_factor == lev, , drop = FALSE])
  colnames(sm) <- treatments

#' Geometric means by matrix column
#' @param x A matrix
#' @return Vector with column geometric means
#' @export

colGeomMeans <- function(x) {
  apply(x, 2, geom_mean)

#' Geometric mean
#' @param x A vector
#' @param na.rm Passed to \code{sum()}
#' @return A numeric value
#' @export

geom_mean <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  exp(sum(log(x[x > 0]), na.rm = na.rm) / length(x))

#' Medians by matrix column
#' @param x A matrix
#' @return Vector with column medians
#' @export

colMedians <- function(x) {
  apply(x, 2, median)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.