
Defines functions scatterplotcontrols scatterplotcontrolsInput

Documented in scatterplotcontrols scatterplotcontrolsInput

#' Input function for scatterplotcontrols module
#' This module provides controls (2D/3D, axes etc) for scatter plots, which
#' may then be used by one or more instances of the scatterplot module.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param allow_3d Boolean: allow user to choose 3D plotting?
#' @param make_colors Boolean: add controls for coloring?
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @examples
#' scatterplotcontrolsInput("pca", allow_3d = FALSE) # for a 2D plot
scatterplotcontrolsInput <- function(id, allow_3d = TRUE, make_colors = FALSE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  if (allow_3d) {
    inputs <- list(radioButtons(ns("threedee"), "Plot type", c(`3D` = TRUE, `2D` = FALSE), inline = TRUE))
  } else {
    inputs <- list(hiddenInput(ns("threedee"), FALSE))

  if (make_colors) {
    inputs <- c(inputs, list(colormakerInput(ns("scatterplot"))))

  c(inputs, list(uiOutput(ns("plotColumns")), checkboxInput(ns("showLabels"), "Show labels?"), sliderInput(ns("pointSize"), "Point size",
    min = 1, max = 20,
    value = 5

#' Server function for scatterplotcontrols module
#' This module provides controls (2D/3D, axes etc) for scatter plots, which
#' may then be used by one or more instances of the scatterplot module.
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param getDatamatrix Reactive expression that returns a matrix from which
#' coulumn headers will be used to create axis select drop-downs. The same
#' reactive should be supplied to the scatterplot module
#' @param x A value supplied for this parameter will cause a hidden field to
#' be generated instead of a select, useful for scatter plots that don't need
#' the user to select axes (default: NA)
#' @param y A value supplied for this parameter will cause a hidden field to
#' be generated instead of a select, useful for scatter plots that don't need
#' the user to select axes (default: NA)
#' @param z A value supplied for this parameter will cause a hidden field to
#' be generated instead of a select, useful for scatter plots that don't need
#' the user to select axes (default: NA)
#' @param makeColors Boolean: use controls for coloring?
#' @return output A list of reactives for accessing input values
#' @examples
#' unpack.list(callModule(scatterplotcontrols, "pca", pcaMatrix, x = 1, y = 2)) # To have fixed axes rather than user-selected
scatterplotcontrols <- function(input, output, session, getDatamatrix, x = NA, y = NA, z = NA, makeColors = NULL) {
  output$plotColumns <- renderUI({
    withProgress(message = "Making scatter plot controls", value = 0, {
      ns <- session$ns
      datamatrix <- getDatamatrix()
      vars <- structure(1:ncol(datamatrix), names = colnames(datamatrix))

      # Work out how many axes we need

      axes <- list(x = x, y = y)
      if (getThreedee()) {
        axes$z <- z

      # Make a select for each axis

      axis_filters <- lapply(1:length(axes), function(n) {
        ax <- names(axes)[n]

        if (is.na(axes[n])) {
          selectInput(ns(paste0(ax, "Axis")), paste(ax, "axis"), vars, selected = n)
        } else {
          hiddenInput(ns(paste0(ax, "Axis")), axes[n])

  # Provide accessor methods for inputs

  getXAxis <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$xAxis, FALSE))

  getYAxis <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$yAxis, FALSE))

  getZAxis <- reactive({
    if (getThreedee()) {
      validate(need(input$zAxis, FALSE))
    } else {

  getThreedee <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$threedee, FALSE))

  getShowLabels <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$threedee, "Waiting for showLabels"))

  getPointSize <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$threedee, "Waiting for pointsize"))

  reactives <- list(getXAxis = getXAxis, getYAxis = getYAxis, getZAxis = getZAxis, getThreedee = getThreedee, getShowLabels = getShowLabels, getPointSize = getPointSize)

  # If specified, make a palette for the specified number of colors

  if (!is.null(makeColors)) {
    reactives$getScatterPalette <- callModule(colormaker, "scatterplot", getNumberCategories = makeColors)

pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.