
Defines functions modalOutput modalInput

Documented in modalInput modalOutput

#' The input function for the \code{modal} module
#' This module uses modals from \code{shinyBS} to create overlaid text for the
#' current panel which displays when a link is clicked. Input and output
#' functions are placed in the output function of the calling module (see
#' example).
#' This is handy, for example when adding help text.
#' @param id Modal ID. Must match that passed to \code{inlinehelpOutput}
#' @param label A label to use for the link
#' @param class A class to apply to the link
#' @param icon Icon used to activate modal
#' @examples
#' modalInput(ns("dendro"), "help")
modalInput <- function(id, label, class, icon = "info-circle") {
  ns <- NS(id)

  if (!is.null(icon)) {
    label <- HTML(paste(icon(icon, verify_fa = FALSE), label))

  actionLink(ns("link"), label = label, `data-toggle` = "modal", `data-target` = paste0("#", ns(id)), class = class)

#' The output function of the \code{modal} module
#' This module uses modals from \code{shinyBS} to create overlaid text for the
#' current panel which displays when a link is clicked. Input and output
#' functions are placed in the output function of the calling module (see
#' example).
#' This is handy, for example when adding help text.
#' @param id Modal ID. Must match that passed to \code{inlinehelpInput}
#' @param title Title to show on the help modal
#' @param content String with content to inlude in modal
#' @examples
#' modalOutput(ns("dendro"), "Sample clustering dendrogram", includeMarkdown(system.file("inlinehelp", "dendro.Rmd", package = packageName())))
modalOutput <- function(id, title, content) {
  ns <- NS(id)
  shinyBS::bsModal(ns(id), title, ns(id), size = "large", content)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.