
Defines functions barplot barplotOutput barplotInput

Documented in barplot barplotInput barplotOutput

#' Input function of the \code{barplot} module
#' Generic module to isplay grouped, stacked or overlaid bars for a matrix
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param default_mode Default bar mode
#' @param allow_select Allow user to choose stack mode?
#' @return A list of controls that can be added to a UI definition

barplotInput <- function(id, default_mode = "stack", allow_select = TRUE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  if (allow_select) {
    selectInput(ns("barMode"), "Mode", choices = c("group", "stack", "overlay"), selected = default_mode)
  } else {
    hiddenInput(ns("barMode"), default_mode)

#' Output function of the \code{barplot} module
#' Generic module to isplay grouped, stacked or overlaid bars for a matrix
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param height Height of the plotting space in px
#' @return A list of elements that can be included in a panel

barplotOutput <- function(id, height = "400") {
  ns <- NS(id)

  list(plotlyOutput(ns("barPlot"), height = paste0(height, "px")))

#' Server function of the \code{barplot} module
#' Display grouped, stacked or overlaid bars for a matrix
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param getPlotmatrix Reactive supplying a matrix to plot
#' @param getYLabel Reactive supplying the Y axis label
#' @param barmode Bar mode: 'stack', 'group' or 'overlay'

barplot <- function(input, output, session, getPlotmatrix, getYLabel, barmode = "stack") {
  # If we're doing an overlay plot, let's re-order the rows such that we've a better chance of seeing each group

  formatPlotMatrix <- reactive({
    pm <- getPlotmatrix()

    validate(need(input$barMode, "Waiting for bar mode"))

    if (input$barMode == "overlay") {
      pm <- pm[order(rowMeans(pm), decreasing = TRUE), ]

  # Render the plot

  output$barPlot <- renderPlotly({
    fpm <- formatPlotMatrix()
    plotdata <- reshape2::melt(fpm)

    # Prevent interpretation of row names as numbers

    plotdata$Var2 <- as.character(plotdata$Var2)
    plotdata %>%
      plot_ly(x = ~Var2, y = ~value, color = ~Var1, type = "bar") %>%
        margin = list(b = 100), barmode = input$barMode, xaxis = list(title = " "),
        yaxis = list(title = getYLabel())
      ) %>%
      config(showLink = TRUE)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.