
Defines functions simpleApp prepareApp

Documented in prepareApp simpleApp

#' Make UI and server functions for Shiny apps based on data supplied as
#' modfied SummarizedExperiments
#' Draws on various components (heatmaps, tables etc) to produce the UI and server
#' components of a variety of shiny apps, based on the type and data specified,
#' using modularised Shiny components.
#' @param type A string specifying the type of shiny app required. Currently,
#'   'rnaseq' or 'chipseq' produce large multi-panel applications designed to
#'   facilitate analysis of those data types. For any other 'type', the call is
#'   passed to \code{simpleApp()}, which will attempt to build an application
#'   using \code{Input} and \code{Output} functions of the same module.
#' @param eselist An ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing assay
#'   data (expression, counts...), sample data and annotation data for the rows.
#' @param ui_only Don't add server components (for UI testing)
#' @param ... Additional argments passed to \code{simpleApp()}
#' @return output A list of length 2 containing: the UI and server components
#' @keywords shiny
#' @import shiny
#' @import plotly
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(airway)
#' library(shinyngs)
#' # Get an example RNA-seq dataset from the `airway` package
#' data(airway, package = "airway")
#' # Get some information about these data from the package description
#' expinfo <- packageDescription("airway")
#' # Convert to an ExploratorySummarizedExperiment (with extra slots)
#' ese <- as(airway, "ExploratorySummarizedExperiment")
#' # Make the ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList that represents the study as a
#' # whole.
#' eselist <- ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList(
#'   ese,
#'   title = expinfo$Title,
#'   author = expinfo$Author,
#'   description = expinfo$Description
#' )
#' # Make the app
#' app <- prepareApp("rnaseq", eselist)
#' # Run the app
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
#' # Use Biomart to retrieve some annotation, and add it to the object
#' library(biomaRt)
#' attributes <- c(
#'   "ensembl_gene_id", # The sort of ID your results are keyed by
#'   "entrezgene", # Could be used for gene sets keyed by Entrez ID (must set \code{gene_set_id_type} correctly on the containing \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList})
#'   "external_gene_name" # Used to annotate gene names on the plot
#' )
#' mart <- useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host = "www.ensembl.org")
#' annotation <- getBM(attributes = attributes, mart = mart)
#' annotation <- annotation[order(annotation$entrezgene), ]
#' mcols(ese) <- annotation[match(rownames(ese), annotation$ensembl_gene_id), ]
#' ese@labelfield <- "external_gene_name"
#' # Re-do app creation etc, choose to use a different grouping variable by
#' # default
#' eselist <- ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList(
#'   ese,
#'   title = expinfo$Title,
#'   author = expinfo$Author,
#'   description = expinfo$Description,
#'   default_groupvar <- "dex"
#' )
#' app <- prepareApp("rnaseq", eselist)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
#' # See vignette for more info. However, the included sample
#' # ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList has the appopriate slots populated
#' # to demonstrate contrasts, gene set annotations etc. The app produced in
#' # this way will have more panels for differential analyses.
#' data("zhangneurons")
#' app <- prepareApp("rnaseq", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
prepareApp <- function(type, eselist, ui_only = FALSE, ...) {
  if (type %in% c("rnaseq", "chipseq", "illuminaarray")) {
    inputFunc <- get(paste0(type, "Input"))

    app <- list(ui = inputFunc(type, eselist), server = function(input, output, session) {
      callModule(get(type), type, eselist)
  } else {
    app <- simpleApp(eselist, type, ui_only = ui_only, ...)


#' Produce a simple app with controls and layout for a single module, in a
#' shiny \code{sideBarLayout()}.
#' Internal function called by prepareApp() to make simple single-function
#' apps.
#' @param eselist List of ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects with assay and experimental
#' data
#' @param module Character string specifying the module to use
#' @param ui_only Don't add server components (for UI testing)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the module output function
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' simpleApp(eselist, "heatmap", "My study name")
simpleApp <- function(eselist, module = NULL, ui_only = FALSE, ...) {
  inputFunc <- get(paste0(module, "Input"))
  outputFunc <- get(paste0(module, "Output"))

  moduletitle <- prettifyVariablename(module)

  cssfile <- system.file("www", paste0(packageName(), ".css"), package = packageName())

  if (!is.null(module)) {
    ui <- fluidPage(includeCSS(cssfile), theme = shinythemes::shinytheme("cosmo"), shinyjs::useShinyjs(), navbarPage(
      id = "pages", title = moduletitle,
      windowTitle = moduletitle, tabPanel(prettifyVariablename(module), sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(inputFunc(module, eselist, ...), width = 3), mainPanel(outputFunc(
      ), width = 9)))

    if (ui_only) {
      server <- function(input, output, session) {
    } else {
      server <- function(input, output, session) {
        callModule(get(module), module, eselist, ...)
    list(ui = ui, server = server)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.