test_that("a known datelife_search run works as it should", {
datelife_query <- make_datelife_query(
input = c("Delphinus_delphis",
"Gallus gallus",
"elephas Maximus",
datelife_result <- get_datelife_result_datelifequery(
datelife_query = datelife_query,
partial = TRUE,
cache = "opentree_chronograms")
expect_true(length(datelife_result) > 0)
res <- summarize_datelife_result(
datelife_result = datelife_result,
datelife_query = datelife_query,
summary_format = "phylo_median",
na_rm = FALSE,
summary_print = c("citations", "taxa"),
taxon_summary = c("none", "summary", "matrix"),
criterion = "taxa")
taxon_summ <- get_taxon_summary(
datelife_result = datelife_result,
datelife_query = datelife_query)
datelifeSearch <- datelife_search(
summary_format = "phylo_median")
test_that("datelife_use with bladj works", {
du <- datelife_use(
input = "Rhea americana, Struthio camelus, Gallus gallus",
each = FALSE,
dating_method = "bladj"
expect_true("phylo" %in% class(du))
# testing that phylo workflows work
# ds <- datelife_search(input = du, summary_format = "citations")
expect_warning(match_all_calibrations(phy = du, calibrations = NULL))
du00 <- du0 <- du
du0$edge.length <- NULL
expect_warning(extract_calibrations_phylo(input = du0))
expect_error(extract_calibrations_phylo(input = attributes(du)$datelife_query))
# test a datelifeQuery input with NA as phy:
dq <- attributes(du)$datelife_query
dq$phy <- NA
expect_warning(datelife_use_datelifequery(datelife_query = dq))
# when input is a datelifeQuery it returns it:
# make_datelife_query(input = attributes(du)$datelife_query)
# test that other bladj workflows work:
sapply(c("mean", "min", "max"), function(x) {
phy = du0,
calibrations = attributes(du)$datelife_calibrations,
type = x
# test that absence of phylogeny or no branch lengths returns warning
expect_warning(use_calibrations_pathd8(phy = NA))
expect_error(use_calibrations_bladj(phy = NA))
expect_warning(use_calibrations_pathd8(phy = du0, calibrations = NULL))
expect_error(use_calibrations_bladj(phy = du0, calibrations = NULL))
du00$edge.length <- c(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN)
expect_warning(use_calibrations_pathd8(phy = du00))
# test get calibrations from a vector (calls datelife_search and extract_calibrations_phylo)
gc <- get_calibrations_vector(input = c("Rhea americana", "Struthio camelus", "Gallus gallus"))
# testing that you can get a datelife result from a tree:
dr <- get_datelife_result(input = du)
extract_calibrations_dateliferesult(input = dr)
# test an empty datelifeResult object
input_process(input = du0)
test_that("datelife_use with pathd8 works", {
# du <- datelife_use(
# input = "Rhea americana, Struthio camelus, Gallus gallus",
# each = FALSE,
# dating_method = "pathd8"
# )
# Error in `if (nrow(calibs$present_calibrations) < 1) {
# warning("\nDating analysis is not possible with this set of calibrations.")
# return(NA)
# }`: argument is of length zero
# Backtrace:
# ▆
# 1. └─datelife::datelife_use(...) at test_main.R:94:3
# 2. └─datelife::datelife_use_datelifequery(...) at datelife/R/datelife_use.R:56:3
# 3. └─datelife::use_all_calibrations(...) at datelife/R/datelife_use.R:98:3
# 4. └─datelife::use_calibrations(...) at datelife/R/calibrations_use.R:51:5
# 5. └─datelife::use_calibrations_pathd8(phy, calibrations, ...) at datelife/R/calibrations_use.R:167:7
test_that("input processing a newick string and multiPhylo workflows work", {
newick <- "(Gallus_gallus,(Rhea_americana,Struthio_camelus)Palaeognathae)Aves;"
phylo <- input_process(newick)
newickBL <- "(Gallus_gallus:165.8333333,(Rhea_americana:128,Struthio_camelus:128)Palaeognathae:37.83333333)Aves;"
phyloBL <- input_process(newickBL)
multiphy <- structure(list(phylo, phylo), class = "multiPhylo")
# there are no ages in multiphy:
expect_warning(extract_calibrations_phylo(input = multiphy))
# multiphyBL has one tree with no branch lengths nad on etree with branch lengths:
multiphyBL <- structure(list(phylo, phyloBL), class = "multiPhylo")
expect_warning(calibs <- extract_calibrations_phylo(input = multiphyBL))
# expect error when calibrations are not provided
expect_error(use_calibrations(phy = multiphyBL, calibrations = NULL))
# expect error when calibrations are not congruified:
expect_error(use_calibrations(phy = multiphyBL, calibrations = calibs))
# congruifying calibrations:
# congruify_and_mrca_multiPhylo(phy = phylo, source_chronograms = multiphyBL)
matched_calibs <- datelife:::match_all_calibrations(phy = phylo, calibrations = calibs)
inherits(matched_calibs, "list")
# FIX following, giving error:
# expect_no_error(
# use_all_calibrations(phy = matched_calibs$phy,
# calibrations = matched_calibs$matched_calibrations,
# each = TRUE)
# )
# ... Using calibrations to date a tree topology.
# ... Using median ages as secondary calibrations with BLADJ.
# Error in if (nrow(calibrations) < 1) { : argument is of length zero
# do we need the following test?
# phylo$tip.label <- c("rooster", "nandu", "ostrich")
# expect_warning(match_all_calibrations(phy = phylo, calibrations = calibs))
test_that("object checks work", {
expect_warning(match_all_calibrations(phy = NULL))
expect_error(use_calibrations(phy = NULL))
expect_error(get_calibrations_datelifequery(datelife_query = NULL))
test_that("you can load opentree_chronograms",{
data(opentree_chronograms, package = "datelife")
expect_true(all(c("authors","curators","dois","studies","trees") %in% ls(opentree_chronograms)))
# test match_all_calibrations when all(all_nodes < ape::Ntip(phy)) is not TRUE
# test make_bold_otol_tree that does not get a phylo object
# test all function check_conflicting_calibrations in use_calibrations_bladj.R
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