test_that("tree_fix_brlen works", {
x1 <- tree_fix_brlen(tree = plant_bold_otol_tree, fixing_criterion = "negative", fixing_method = 0)
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(x1, option = 2))
skip_on_os("linux") # b/c no mrbayes on travis linux
# install.packages("phylocomr", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
# devtools::install_github("ropensci/phylocomr")
x2 <- tree_fix_brlen(tree = plant_bold_otol_tree, fixing_criterion = "negative", fixing_method = "bladj")
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(x2, option = 2))
# mrbayes fix brlen test. It takes a while:
wwdd <- getwd()
x3 <- tree_fix_brlen(tree = plant_bold_otol_tree, fixing_criterion = "negative", fixing_method = "mrbayes")
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(x3, option = 2))
# prefer option = 2, using the variance to test ultrametricity, cf. E, Paradis'
# comments on this post http://blog.phytools.org/2017/03/forceultrametric-method-for-ultrametric.html
# fixing_criterion = "negative", fixing_method = 0
x4 <- summarize_datelife_result(datelife_result = subset2_search$result, summary_format = "phylo_sdm")
skip("we need to debug tree_fix_brlen for this example")
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(x4, option = 2))
test_that("missing_taxa_check works", {
mt1 <- missing_taxa_check(missing_taxa = felid_gdr_phylo_all$absent_taxa, dated_tree = felid_sdm$phy)
mt2 <- missing_taxa_check(missing_taxa = NA, dated_tree = felid_sdm$phy) # returns "NA"
mt3 <- missing_taxa_check(missing_taxa = FALSE, dated_tree = felid_sdm$phy) # returns "FALSE"
mt4 <- missing_taxa_check(missing_taxa = NULL, dated_tree = felid_sdm$phy) # does not return error, bc missing_taxa can be NULL
expect_s3_class(mt1, "data.frame") # output is data.frame
expect_equal(mt2, "NA") # output is a character vector
expect_equal(mt3, "FALSE") # output is a character vector
expect_true(length(mt4) == 0)
# until we figure out how to make mrbayes work, this testhat does not work
# test_that("generate_uncertainty gives a tree with different branch lengths and sample_trees works", {
# skip_on_cran()
# skip_on_os("linux")
# utils::data(felid_sdm)
# xx <- phylo_generate_uncertainty(felid_sdm$phy, uncertainty_method = "mrbayes", age_distribution = "uniform", size = 10)
# expect_true("consensus_tree" %in% names(xx))
# expect_true("trees" %in% names(xx))
# expect_equal(class(xx$trees), "multiPhylo")
# expect_true(length(xx$trees) == 10)
# expect_true(all(length(felid_sdm$phy$edge.length) == sapply(xx$trees, function(x) length(x$edge.length))))
# xx$trees1 <- sample_trees(trees_file = "felid_sdm_phy_mrbayes_uncertainty_uniform.nexus.t", burnin = 0.25, size = 1)
# expect_equal(class(xx$trees1), "phylo")
# expect_true(length(xx$trees1) == 4) # it contains the 4 minimum elements of a phylo object
# xx$trees1 <- ape::drop.tip(xx$trees1, "fake_outgroup")
# expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$edge.length) == length(xx$trees1$edge.length))
# expect_true(any(sort(felid_sdm$phy$edge.length) != sort(xx$trees1$edge.length))) #
# })
test_that("tree_add_outgroup and tree_get_singleton_outgroup work", {
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(felid_sdm$phy)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$tip.label) != length(xx$tip.label))
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(felid_sdm$phy, outgroup = "fake_outgroup")
expect_true("fake_outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("fake_outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$tip.label) != length(xx$tip.label))
felid_sdm$phy$root.edge <- 10
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(felid_sdm$phy)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$tip.label) != length(xx$tip.label))
felid_sdm$phy$edge.length <- NULL
felid_sdm$phy$root.edge <- NULL
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(felid_sdm$phy)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
# expect_false(ape::is.ultrametric(xx)) # this tree has no branch lengths, but if we leave a root edge, the function will run and give a false result
expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$tip.label) != length(xx$tip.label))
new_tree <- "((Zea mays,Oryza sativa),((Arabidopsis thaliana,(Glycine max,Medicago sativa)),Solanum lycopersicum));"
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(new_tree)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
expect_true(length(felid_sdm$phy$tip.label) != length(xx$tip.label))
new_tree <- "(((t4:19.93154846,t3:19.93154846):1.42784927,t2:21.35939773):4.956403277,(t5:7.102366565,t1:7.102366565):19.21343444):48.85405041;"
xx <- tree_add_outgroup(new_tree, outgroup = "fake_outgroup")
expect_true("fake_outgroup" %in% xx$tip.label)
expect_true("fake_outgroup" %in% tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = xx))
test_that("tree_add_dates works", {
skip_on_os("linux") # b/c no mrbayes on travis linux
y <- tree_add_dates(dated_tree = felid_sdm$phy, missing_taxa = letters[1:5])
# missing_taxa <- felid_sdm$phy
# dated_tree <- ape::drop.tip(felid_sdm$phy, c(1,5,9,10,20))
# missing_taxa$edge.length <- NULL
# constraint_tree <- suppressWarnings(geiger::congruify.phylo(reference = phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(dated_tree), target = phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(missing_taxa), scale = NA))
# names(constraint_tree$calibrations)
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