test_that("tree_from_taxonomy works with Phyllostomidae (reticulations)", {
taxa_dq <- make_datelife_query("Phyllostomidae", get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE)
taxa <- unname(taxa_dq$cleaned_names)
taxtree_ncbi <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa, source = "NCBI")
test_that("classification_paths_from_taxonomy works", {
taxa <- c("Homo sapiens", "twilight sparkle", "Equus quagga", "Archaeopteryx")
results <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa)
expect_true(inherits(results$resolved, "data.frame"))
expect_true(length(results$unresolved) > 0)
# the following happens when using cached opentree_chronograms from load(data-raw/opentree_chronograms_oct2018.rda)
# classification_paths_from_taxonomy(opentree_chronograms$trees[[50]], sources = "Open Tree of Life Reference Taxonomy")
# gives: Error: Request-URI Too Long (HTTP 414)
# not sure yet why it happens
test_that("tree_from_taxonomy works", {
taxa <- c("Homo sapiens", "twilight sparkle", "Equus quagga", "Archaeopteryx")
results <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa)
# not passing:
# expect_true(inherits(results$phy, "phylo"))
test_that("tree_from_taxonomy works with weird inputs and PBDB", {
taxa <- c("Homo sapiens", "twilight sparkle", "Equus quagga", "Archaeopteryx", "Marchantiophyta", "Polypodiopsida")
# rotl::tnrs_match_names("Equus quagga")
classifications <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa, sources = "The Paleobiology Database")
expect_true(inherits(classifications$resolved, "data.frame"))
results <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa, sources = "The Paleobiology Database")
# not passing:
# expect_true(inherits(results$phy, "phylo"))
taxa <- c("Gorilla", "Panthera", "Tyto", "Dromaius", "Aedes", "Solenopsis", "Caretta", "Crocodylus", "Brassica", "Solanum", "Zea", "Prunus", "Rosa", "Climacograptus")
classifications <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa, sources = "The Paleobiology Database")
expect_true(inherits(classifications$resolved, "data.frame"))
results <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa, sources = "The Paleobiology Database")
# not passing:
# expect_true(inherits(results$phy, "phylo"))
test_that("get_fossil_range works", {
dates <- get_fossil_range("Tyrannosaurus rax") # yep, with misspellings
# not passing:
# expect_true(all(dates$min_ma > 64))
dates <- get_fossil_range("Tyrannosaurus rex", recent = FALSE) # I'm not allowed to say how I know this, but T. rex is still alive.
# not passing:
# expect_true(min(dates$min_ma) == 0)
test_that("summarize_fossil_range works", {
dates <- summarize_fossil_range("Tyrannosaurus rax") # yep, with misspellings
# not passing:
# expect_true(dates$min_ma > 64)
# expect_true(nrow(dates)==1)
# expect_true(rownames(dates)=="Tyrannosaurus rax") # we get the name we put in (which may match our tree), not the GNR'ed name
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