What is datelife?

datelife is an R package that allows researchers and the general audience to obtain open scientific data on the age of any organism they are interested in, by retrieving organism ages from a database of dated phylogenetic trees (aka chronograms), that have been peer-reviewed and published as part of a scientific research article, in an indexed journal (Open Tree of Life's tree store). As such, organism ages retrieved by datelife constitute state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed, public scientific knowledge, that can be accessed and reused by experts and non-experts in the field alike.

How can you use datelife?

You can install the datelife R package on your own computer and use it locally. You can find instructions for a local installation below.

If you do not want/have time to deal with installation and R code, you can use DateLife's interactive website application. r if (website_down) "Note that the website is not live at the moment, apologies."

phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.