We welcome and encourage to post a GitHub issue
with any comments, ideas and questions about datelife
's software and website.
If you want to contribute with code directly, we welcome and encourage pull requests.
Package and function documentation was generated with roxygen2:
We used the package lintr to check for coding style:
Code coverage was calculated with the package covr:
cov <- covr::package_coverage() usethis::use_data(cov, overwrite = TRUE)
You can see an interactive report of testing coverage:
And, find code with zero coverage:
's hexsticker:Code used to generate current datelife
's logo hexsticker is in data-raw/hexsticker-current.R
Vignettes are rendered automatically upon built. However, if you wish to see how they look rendered before releasing the package, you can do this with knitr::knit()
. The following command renders the vignette Getting_started_with_datelife
as html:
To update "pre-rendered" vignettes, follow this blog. For example, to render the vignette about making trees with BOLD, do:
knitr::knit("vignettes/making_bold_trees.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/making_bold_trees.Rmd")
Using pkgdown
for this is quite straightforward and fun:
usethis::use_pkgdown() pkgdown::build_site()
Run the following function from the package usethis
to update R CMD Check on GitHub:
This downloads the standard R CMD check workflow from r-lib action examples.
To be able to release to CRAN, the first step is to pass the checks locally. To run a local check, you can use the command R CMD check
from your terminal. For that, change directories to the one above your working clone of the datelife
cd ../
Generate a tar ball for your package by running R CMD build package-name
R CMD build datelife
Finally, run R CMD check package-tar-ball
on the tar ball that you just generated:
R CMD check --as-cran datelife_0.6.0.tar.gz
If you do not have access to different OS to test your package on, the rhub package allows remote testing on a variety of OS with the command:
rhub::check_for_cran(platforms = "debian-gcc-release") rhub::check_for_cran(platforms = "fedora-clang-devel")
For more rhub
useful workflows, check out its documentation. For example
previous_checks <- rhub::list_package_checks(".", email = "sanchez.reyes.luna@gmail.com", howmany = 4) group_check <- rhub::get_check(previous_checks$group[1]) group_check cran_prep <- check_for_cran() cran_prep$cran_summary()
To check for URL validity and on Windows OS, use:
devtools::check_win_release() devtools::check_win_devel()
To submit to CRAN call:
and answer the prompted questions. If the answer to all of these is yes, the package will be submitted to CRAN :rocket:
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.