Peter W. Eide^1,2,3^, Jarle Bruun^1,2^, Ragnhild A. Lothe^1,2,3^, Anita Sveen^1,2^
^1^ Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute for Cancer Research and ^2^ K.G.Jebsen Colorectal Cancer Research Centre, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, NO-0424, Norway^3^ Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, N-0318, Norway
r paste("Date:", Sys.Date())
r pkg_ver("CMScaller")
library(Biobase) library(BiocStyle) knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=6, fig.height=3, dev.args=list(pointsize=8), dpi=150, collapse=TRUE, message=TRUE, echo=TRUE, warnings=FALSE) options(scipen=-1, digits=2)
Colorectal cancers (CRCs) can be divided into four gene expression-based biologically distinct consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) [@guinney_consensus_2015]. This classification provides prognostic stratification of the patients and presents a potential basis for stratified treatment. The original CMS classifier is dependent on gene expression signals from the immune and stromal compartments and often fails to identify the poor-prognostic CMS4 mesenchymal group in immortalized cell lines and patient-derived organoids. CMScaller uses cancer cell-intrinsic, subtype-specific gene expression markers as features for Nearest Template Prediction [@hoshida_nearest_2010].
provides robust cross platform and sample-type performance given a balanced, homogeneous dataset of >40 unique samples.[@eide_cmscaller:_2017; @sveen_colorectal_2018] For less than \~40 samples, sampling variance (by-chance subtype depletion/enrichment) is a concern. Similarly, selection, e.g. excluding microsatellite instable (MSI) samples or including only aggressive cancers, would break an underlying assumption and bias the resulting predictions [@zhao_molecular_2015].
The following packages are required in order to run examples in this vignette.
r Biocpkg(c("Biobase", "limma"))
In addition, r Biocpkg("edgeR")
is needed for specific RNA-sequencing normalization methods and r CRANpkg(c("parallel", "snow"))
for ntp
# dependencies: run if not already installed source("") biocLite(c("Biobase", "limma")) # proper repository to be fixed for publication install.packages("pathToPackageFile/CMScaller_0.99.2.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
function requires an expression matrix or ExpressionSet as input (emat
). Gene names in rownames(emat)
must be NCBI Entrez,
Ensembl or HGNC symbol identifiers. For gene symbols or Ensembl identifiers, parameter rowNames
must be set to symbol
or ensg
, respectively. The code chunk below demonstrates how to perform classification using TCGA primary colorectal cancer example data [@tcga_comprehensive_2012].
which activates quantile normalization and log~2~transform.[^log]: Hoshida[@hoshida_nearest_2010] does not explicitly state whether input should be log~2~transformed or not and examples in paper include both. Such transformation reduces the weight of genes with large deviations and will affect results at the margins.
library(Biobase) # if input is ExpressionSet library(CMScaller) # get RNA-seq counts from TCGA example data counts <- exprs(crcTCGAsubset) head(counts[,1:2]) # prediction and gene set analysis par(mfrow=c(1,2)) res <- CMScaller(emat=counts, RNAseq=TRUE, FDR=0.05) cam <- CMSgsa(emat=counts, class=res$prediction,RNAseq=TRUE) # comparison with true class table(pred=res$prediction, true=crcTCGAsubset$CMS) head(res, n=3)
equals colnames(emat)
for samples with adjusted-$p$-value > threshold CMScaller
is basically a wrapper function for ntp
. Similarly, CMSgsa
just provides some presets for subCamera
Templates consists of sets of subtype-specific marker genes. subDEG
performs r Biocpkg("limma")
differential expression analysis for identification of such markers. Below, is an example on how to prepare custom templates based on a training set with known class labels. doVoom=TRUE
enables voom transformation - required for proper limma modeling of RNA-sequencing counts [@law_voom:_2014].
emat <- crcTCGAsubset cms <- emat$CMS.Syn train <- sample(seq_along(cms), size=length(cms)/(2)) deg <- subDEG(emat[,train], class=cms[train], doVoom=TRUE) templates <- ntpMakeTemplates(deg, resDEG=TRUE, topN=50) templates$symbol <- fromTo(templates$probe) tail(templates,n=3)
provides gene set analysis and visualization and is a wrapper functions for camera
in the r Biocpkg("limma")
package. camera
controls for intra-set gene-wise correlations in order to reduce false-positive rate while retaining statistical power [@wu_camera:_2012; @ritchie_limma_2015]. CMSgsa
provides preset gene sets to subCamera
# increase left margins to accommodate gene set names par.old <- par() par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=par.old$mar+c(0,4,0,0)) subCamera(counts, cms, geneList=geneSets.CRC, doVoom=TRUE) # restore margins par(mar=par.old$mar)
and plotPC
provide convenient wrapper functions for prcomp
. subPCA
perform PCA on the input data and plot the resulting low-dimensional projection with samples colored according to either a continuous covariate (e.g. expression of gene of interest) or group (such as CMS). plotPC
visualizes the most important variables.
# increase left margins to accommodate gene set names par(mfrow=c(1,2)) p <- subPCA(emat = crcTCGAsubset, class = crcTCGAsubset$CMS.Syn, normMethod = "quantile", pch=16, frame=FALSE) plotPC(p, n=6, entrez=TRUE)
matches templates$probe
against rownames(emat)
. Missing features and features with NA/NaN
's are ignored in the prediction. emat
should be row-wise centered and scaled.
# loads included emat, scales and centers emat <- crcTCGAsubset emat_sc <- ematAdjust(emat, normMethod="quantile") head(emat_sc[,1:2])
function requires an expression matrix and templates. Since prediction confidence is estimated from permutations, strict $p$-value reproducibility requires set.seed
# test set prediction res <- ntp(emat_sc[,-train], templates, nPerm=1000) res <- subSetNA(res, pValue=.1) table(pred=res$prediction, true=cms[-train]) head(res)
output is a data.frame
with $3+K$ columns where $K$ is the number of classes. Rows represent columns in input emat
equals colnames(emat)
equaling levels(templats$class)
function resets predictions with $p$-value or FDR above some arbitrary threshold to NA
Nearest template prediction (NTP) was proposed as a classification algorithm by Yujin Hoshida and published in PLoS ONE in 2010 [@hoshida_nearest_2010]. It aims to provide robust single-sample class prediction for high-dimensional, noisy gene expression data. In brief, first, for each subclass, a template, a list of genes coherently upregulated is determined. Then, for each sample, the distance to each template is calculated and class is assigned based on the smallest distance. Finally, prediction confidence is assessed based on the distance of the null-distribution, estimated from permutation tests (feature permutation). The default distance metric selected by Hoshida was a cosine similarity-derived distance (see below). When applied to a reasonably well-balanced homogeneous dataset, row-wise centering and scaling is performed (gene means and standard deviations $\mu=0$, $\sigma=1$). In case of single-sample prediction, feature-wise means and standard deviations from a previous sample set are used to perform sample-wise scaling and centering. The key advantages of the NTP algorithm are conceptual simplicity, biological plausibility, ease of implementation and robustness.
Formally, $N$ samples with expression values for $P$ genes divided into $K$ different classes.
For the sample and template vectors ${x}$ and ${y}$, a proper distance metric, $d_{x,y}$ for the similarity function $f(x,y)$ is given by $d=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}(1-f(x,y))}$ [@van_dongen_metric_2012]. Here $f$ is either cosine, Kendall, Pearson or Spearman correlation. Cosine similarity, the angle between two Euclidean vectors is given by $$f(x,y)=\cos{(\theta)}=\frac{\sum{xy}}{\sqrt{\sum{x^2}}{\sqrt{\sum{y^2}}}}$$
The following code chunks demonstrate NTP in code.
# random centered/scaled expression matrix and templates set.seed(42) N <- 5000;P <- 5000;K <- 4;nPerm <- 1000;n <- 1 X <- matrix(rnorm(P*N, mean=0, sd=1), ncol=N) Y <- matrix(rbinom(P*K, size=1, prob=.01), ncol=K) # sample-template correlations (implemented in corCosine) cos.sim <- crossprod(X,Y) / outer( sqrt(apply(X, 2, crossprod)), sqrt(apply(Y, 2, crossprod))) # sample-template distances (vectorized) simToDist <- function(cos.sim) sqrt(1/2 * (1-cos.sim)) cos.dist <- simToDist(cos.sim) hist(cos.dist, xlab="cosine correlation distance")
For centered, scaled and uncorrelated data, the cosine correlation distance is $$\sqrt{0.5\times(1-0)}\approx0.707$$
Resulting distances are ranked among distances of permutated samples and used to estimate prediction confidence. The lowest possible $p$-value estimate is therefore $1/permutations$
# estimate prediction confidence pred.class <- apply(cos.dist, 1, which.min) pred.dists <- apply(cos.dist, 1, min) null.dist <- replicate(nPerm, min(simToDist(corCosine(sample(X[,n]), Y)))) p <- rank(c(pred.dists[n], null.dist))[1]/(length(null.dist))
Code and plot below illustrate the uniform $p$-value distribution for centered and scaled uncorrelated input[^pval].
[^pval]: present NTP implementation provides more conservative $p$-value estimates than Hoshida[@hoshida_nearest_2010].
# rearrange matrix and templates for ntp input rownames(X) <- make.names(seq_len(P)) templates <- lapply(seq_len(K), function(k) rownames(X)[Y[,k]==1]) names(templates) <- paste("k", seq_len(K)) templates <- ntpMakeTemplates(templates, resDEG=FALSE) # permutations set to 100 to reduce processing for vignette par(mfrow=c(1,2)) res <- ntp(X, templates, nCores=1L, nPerm=100, doPlot=TRUE) # expect uniform distribution hist(res$p.value, main ="", xlab="prediction p-values")
for additional details.\clearpage
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