Man pages for perishky/meffonym
DNA methylation exposure and phenotypic archive

anti.trafoInverse log-transform of child ages
meffonym.accelCalculate age acceleration
meffonym.add.modelAdd or update set of available models
meffonym.bmiq.calibrationBMIQ normalization to a standard
meffonym.dunedinpace.estimateDunedinPACE pace of aging estimate
meffonym.dunedinpace.standardDunedinPACE methylation standard
meffonym.epismokerEpismoker smoking status probabilities
meffonym.epismoker.scoreEpismoker linear predictor for a specified smoking status
meffonym.get.modelRetrieve model details
meffonym.horvath.ageHorvath DNA methylation age estimate
meffonym.horvath.standardHorvath 21k methylation standard
meffonym.modelsList names of available models
meffonym.quantile.normalizationQuantile normalization to a standard
meffonym.scoreCalculate DNA methylation scores
miageEstimate mitotic age from DNAm using the MiAge algorithm
trafoLog-transform child ages
perishky/meffonym documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 6:18 p.m.