Man pages for paul-shannon/BrowserViz
BrowserViz: interactive R/browser graphics using websockets and JSON

addRMessageHandlerSupply the name of a function to call, identified by its key
BrowserVizConstructor for BrowserViz
BrowserViz-classBrowserViz: a base class providing simple, extensible message...
closeWebSocketClose the websocket connection - between your R session and...
dispatchMessageRoute the message coming in from the browser to the...
displayHTMLInDivAsk the browser to display html markup in the specified div
fromJSONTransform JSON string into a native R object
getBrowserInfoRetrieve basic attributes of the attached web browser.
getBrowserResponseRetrieve the response sent by the browser
getBrowserWindowSizeSupply the name of a function to call, identified by its key
getBrowserWindowTitleSupply the name of a function to call, identified by its key
portGet the port number
readyIs the websocket connection to the browser ready for use?
roundTripTestSend data to the browser, ensure that it is returned...
sendSend the specified message to the browser
setBrowserWindowTitleSupply the name of a function to call, identified by its key
showDisplay the core attributes of the BrowserViz object to...
toJSONTransform an R data structure into JSON
waitPause for the specified number of milliseconds
webBrowserAvailableForTestingIs there a web browser available for testing?
paul-shannon/BrowserViz documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 10:27 p.m.