plotOccupancyProfile: Plot Occupancy Profiles

View source: R/plotOccupancy.R

plotOccupancyProfileR Documentation

Plot Occupancy Profiles


plotOccupancyProfile plots the predicted profiles. If provided, this functions will also plot ChIP-seq profiles, PWMScores (or Occupancy), chromatin States, Goodness of Fit estimates and gene information.


  plotOccupancyProfile(predictedProfile, ChIPScore = NULL,chromatinState = NULL,
    occupancy = NULL,goodnessOfFit = NULL,PWM=FALSE,
    geneRef = NULL,addLegend = TRUE,...)



predictedProfile is a either GRanges containing the predicted profiles for one loci, all loci selected for one paramter, or all loci selected for all parameter combinations selected. (see searchSites)


ChIPScore is a ChIPscore object containing ChIPscore (or a list of numeric values representing ChIP scores (Experimental ChIP))


chromatinState is a GRanges containing accesible DNA sites or chromatin States.


occupancy is a GRanges or a genomicProfiles object contaning PWM scores and Occupancy ( see computeOccupancy)


goodnessOfFit results of the profileAccuracyEstimate function.


PWM is a logical value that in the case occupancy is provided which of occupancy scores of PWM scores hsould be plotted. Default set at FALSE


geneRef is a GRanges containing gene information on exons,introns, UTR's, enhancers or any other genetic element to be plotted.


addLegend is a logical value defining if the legend should be added. The legend will add all elements provided. See details.


Any other graphical Parameter of the following : cex, cex.lab, cex.main, densityCS , densityGR , ylab, xlab, main, colPred, colChIP, colOccup, colCS, colGR, n_axis_ticks. See details.


Once the predicted ChIP-seq like profiles have been computed, it is possible to plot these profiles.

This functions allows to control graphical parameters. In short:

* col = color values - exact number of colors or colors that will be used in a colorRampPalettte.

* cex = font sizes - for text, axis labels and main

* Density = fill density for chromatin state and/or geneRef blocks

Pred = predictedProfile ChIP = ChIP score (Experimental ChIP data) CS = Chromatin States GR = Gene reference Occup = Occupnacy locations


Returns a profile plot with "Occupancy" on the y axis and DNA position on the the X- axis.


Patrick C.N. Martin <>


Zabet NR, Adryan B (2015) Estimating binding properties of transcription factors from genome-wide binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res., 43, 84–94. Patrick C.N. Martin and Nicolae Radu Zabe (2020) Dissecting the binding mechanisms of transcription factors to DNA using a statistical thermodynamics framework. CSBJ, 18, 3590-3605.


#Data extraction
# path to Position Frequency Matrix
PFM <- file.path(system.file("extdata",package="ChIPanalyser"),"BEAF-32.pfm")
#As an example of genome, this example will run on the Drosophila genome

if(!require("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm6", character.only = TRUE)){
    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
DNASequenceSet <- getSeq(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm6)
#Building data objects
GPP <- genomicProfiles(PFM=PFM,PFMFormat="JASPAR", BPFrequency=DNASequenceSet)

# Computing Genome Wide
GenomeWide <- computeGenomeWideScores(DNASequenceSet = DNASequenceSet,
    genomicProfiles = GPP)

#Compute PWM Scores
PWMScores <- computePWMScore(DNASequenceSet = DNASequenceSet,
    genomicProfiles = GenomeWide,
    loci = top, chromatinState = Access)
#Compute Occupnacy
Occupancy <- computeOccupancy(genomicProfiles = PWMScores)

#Compute ChIP profiles
chipProfile <- computeChipProfile(loci = top,
    genomicProfiles = Occupancy)

#Plotting Profile
    ChIPScore = chip,
    chromatinState = Access,
    occupancy = Occupancy,
    geneRef =geneRef)

    ChIPScore = chip,
    chromatinState = Access,
    occupancy = Occupancy,
    geneRef = geneRef,
    colCS = c("red","blue"),
    densityGR = 60)

patrickCNMartin/ChIPanalyser documentation built on Dec. 5, 2024, 9:32 a.m.