Man pages for pachterlab/SpatialFeatureExperiment
Integrating SpatialExperiment with Simple Features in sf

addVisiumSpotPolyAdd Visium spot polygons to colGeometry
affineImgAffine transformation of images
aggBboxesAggregate bounding boxes
aggregate-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodAggregate data in SFE using geometry
aggregateTxAggregate transcript spots from file
annotGeometriesAnnotation geometry methods
annotOpBinary operations for geometry of each cell/spot and...
annotPredBinary predicates for geometry of each cell/spot and...
annotSummarySummarize attributes of an annotGeometry for each cell/spot
bbox_centerFind center of bounding box
bbox-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodFind bounding box of SFE objects
BioFormatsImageOn disk representation of BioFormats images in SFE object
BioFormatsImage-gettersOther 'BioFormatsImage' getters
cbind-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodConcatenate SpatialFeatureExperiment objects
changeSampleIDsChange sample IDs
colFeatureDataGet global spatial analysis results and metadata of colData,...
colGeometriesColumn geometry getters and setters
cropCrop an SFE object with a geometry
cropImgCrop images
df2sfFrom ordinary data frame to sf to construct SFE object
dim-BioFormatsImage-methodFind dimension of BioFormatsImage
dimGeometriesDimension geometry methods
extGet and set extent of image objects
ExtImageUse the EBImage 'Image' class in SFE objects
findSpatialNeighbors-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodFind spatial neighborhood graph
findVisiumGraphFind spatial neighborhood graphs for Visium spots
findVisiumHDGraphFind Visium HD spatial neighborhood graph
formatTxSpotsRead and process transcript spots geometry for SFE
formatTxTechRead and process transcript spots for specific commercial...
gdalParquetAvailableCheck if Parquet GDAL driver is available
getParamsGet parameters used in spatial methods
getPixelSizeGet physical size of pixels
getTechTxFieldsGet relevant fields and file paths for transcript spots
imageIDsShow all image_ids in the SFE object
imgRasterGet the image from *Image class
Img-set-SpatialExperiment-methodImage setter
imgSourceSource of images that are on disk
internal-VoyagerInternal functions also used in Voyager
listw2sparseConvert listw into sparse adjacency matrix
localResultsGet and set results from local spatial statistics
mirrorImgMirror/flip images
multi_listw2sparseConvert multiple listw graphs into a single sparse adjacency...
read10xVisiumSFERead 10X Visium data as SpatialFeatureExperiment
readCosMXRead CosMX data into SFE
readSelectTxRead transcript spots of select genes
readVisiumHDRead Visium HD data
readVizgenRead Vizgen MERFISH output as SpatialFeatureExperiment
readXeniumRead 10X Xenium output as SpatialFeatureExperiment
reexportsFunctions re-exported from other packages
removeEmptySpaceRemove empty space
rotateImgRotate image
rowGeometriesRow geometry getters and setters
sampleIDsGet all unique sample IDs
saveRDS-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodSave SpatialFeatureExperiment as RDS file
scaleImgScale image
SFE-imageMethods for handling image-related data
SFE-transformAffine transfortaion of SFE object in histological space
show-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodPrint method for SpatialFeatureExperiment
SpatialFeatureExperimentConstructor of SpatialFeatureExperiment object
SpatialFeatureExperiment-classThe SpatialFeatureExperiment class
SpatialFeatureExperiment-coercionSpatialFeatureExperiment coercion methods
SpatialFeatureExperiment-subsetSubsetting SpatialFeatureExperiment objects
spatialGraphsSpatial graph methods
SpatRasterImageSpatRaster representation of images in SFE objects
splitByColSplit SFE object with categorical vector or geometry
st_any_predSimple geometry predicates
toExtImageConvert images to ExtImage
toSpatRasterImageConvert images to SpatRasterImage
translateImgTranslate/shift image in space
transposeImgTranspose images
unit-SpatialFeatureExperiment-methodGet unit of a SpatialFeatureExperiment
updateObjectUpdate a SpatialFeatureExperiment object
visium_row_colRow and columns of Visium barcodes on the slide
pachterlab/SpatialFeatureExperiment documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 10:32 p.m.