
#'A gtf example for gene annotation
#'Data from the Ensembl comprasing the gene annotation for the bovine genome
#'@docType data
#'@usage data(gtfGenes)
#'@format A data frame with 24616 rows and 8 variables:
#'  \item chr: Chromosome
#'  \item start_pos: Start position in the genome for each geme
#'  \item end_pos: End position in the genome for each gene
#'  \item width Gene length
#'  \item strand Strand which the gene is mapped (+ or -)
#'  \item gene_id Ensemble gene ID
#'  \item gene_name Gene symbol
#'  \item gene_biotype Gene biotype
#' }
#'@keywords datasets
#' @keywords internal
pablobio/GALLO documentation built on March 11, 2021, 2:59 p.m.