This report was created with shinyÉPICo.
© 2020 Octavio Morante-Palacios
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::knit_engines$set(asis = function(options) { if (options$echo && options$eval) knitr::knit_child(text = options$code) })
```{css, echo=FALSE} div, code {overflow-x:auto !important}
## Variable and samples selection The group variable selected was __`r params$grouping_var`__, and the donor variable was __`r params$donor_var`__ . Finally, the selected samples added to the RGSet file were: ```r DT::datatable(params$rval_sheet_target, extensions = 'Buttons', style = "bootstrap", rownames = FALSE, selection = "single", options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip', columnDefs = list(list( targets = match("Basename",colnames(params$rval_sheet_target)) - 1, visible = FALSE)), #scrollX = TRUE, buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'), lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1), c(10,25,50,"All"))))
The following samples were excluded for the analysis:
cat(params$rval_sheet[[params$name_var]][!(params$rval_sheet[[params$name_var]] %in% params$rval_sheet_target[[params$name_var]])], sep = ", ")
After Minfi Normalization, 'bad' probes in RGChannelSet are calculated using a standard p.value threshold (0.01). They will be filtered in the normalized data:
detP <- minfi::detectionP(rgset) bad_pos <- row.names([rowMeans(detP) > detectP]
The selected normalization method was r params$normalization_mode
. In the next plots, we can see the comparison of the processed data with the raw data.
In this plot, the average methylated signal vs the average unmethylated signal of each sample is represented. Both average signals should be higher than the signal threshold (10) to be considered OK. Lower or very variable signals can reflect problems in the sample material or in the scanning, but the user is responsible for deciding whether a sample should be excluded.
Illumina 450k and EPIC arrays have probes to determine if bisulfite conversion has been successful or not. In this graph, the minimum ratio of converted/non-converted signal of bisulfite conversion II probes for each sample is represented.
Processed (r params$normalization_mode
Processed (r params$normalization_mode
The methylation array has 65 specific SNP probes. These SNP probes are intended to be used for sample tracking and sample mixups. Each SNP probe ought to have values clustered around 3 distinct values corresponding to homo-, and hetero-zygotes. Therefore, different samples of the same donor should cluster together.
Processed (r params$normalization_mode
Depending on the average chromosome Y signal and the average chromosome X signal is possible to predict the sex of the sample donors.
Plot of PCA is shown, with the selected principal components.
DT::datatable( format(params$table_pcaplot, digits=2), selection = "single", rownames = TRUE, style = "bootstrap", class = "table-condensed", options(list( #scrollX = TRUE, lengthChange = FALSE, paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE, info = FALSE, ordering = FALSE )) )
Correlating principal components with variables we can determine if Beta values are related to our variable of interest or other variables. This can also be useful to determine possible errors in the sample hybridization randomization and to select covariables to add to the linear model.
Not useful variables are discarded and the variable type is autodetected. The autodetected variable types were:
DT::datatable(params$table_corrplot, extensions = 'Buttons', style = 'bootstrap', rownames = FALSE, selection = "single", options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'), lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1), c(10,25,50,"All"))))
After Minfi normalization, we obtained a GenomicRatioSet with some transformations depending on the type of normalization chosen. To understand better the different classes of Minfi packages, and their relations depending of the normalization method, please read this vignette of Minfi creators (it is also valid for Illumina EPIC arrays).
Options selected:
r params$dropsnps
r if(params$dropsnps) paste('minimum MAF filtered:', params$maf)
r params$dropcphs
r params$dropsex
Moreover, we also removed SNP loci, CpHs and X/Y chromosome positions if these options are selected:
minfi::dropLociWithSnps(gset, maf = 0))
minfi::dropMethylationLoci(gset, dropRS = TRUE, dropCH = TRUE)
gset[rownames(minfi::getAnnotation(gset))[!(minfi::getAnnotation(gset)$chr %in% c("chrX","chrY"))],]
Finally, we added sex information:
After normalization, r params$probes
DNA methylation positions remained.
Then, the linear model was generated using r params$limma_voi
as variable of interest, r if(length(params$limma_covar) == 0) "None" else paste(params$limma_covar, collapse=", ")
as covariable(s), and r if(length(params$limma_inter) == 0) "None" else paste(params$limma_inter, collapse=", ")
as interaction(s).
The resulting design matrix was:
DT::datatable( params$rval_design, selection = "single", rownames = TRUE, style = "bootstrap", options(list( #scrollX = TRUE, lengthChange = FALSE, searching = FALSE )) )
Optionally, ArrayWeights can be activated to weigh the value of each sample depending on their adjust to the linear model:
if (weights_option){ try({weights = limma::arrayWeights(MValues, design = design}) } else { weights = NULL} fit = limma::lmFit(MValues, design, weights = weights)
Where weights
is the option specified in the form. In this case, weights is r params$limma_arrayweights
The relation variance/average of the fit model was:
With this sample groups, the possible contrasts were:
cat(params$rval_contrasts, sep = "\n")
Using the calculated model, the t-statistics and p.values are obtained automatically for each contrast:
mcontrast = makeContrasts(contrasts=contrast, levels = design) fitting =, mcontrast) fitting = eBayes(fitting, trend=trend, robust=robust) toptable = topTable(fitting, coef= 1, adjust.method = "fdr", number = Inf)
Where trend
and robust
are the options specified in the form. In this case, trend is r params$limma_ebayes_trend
and robust is r params$limma_ebayes_robust
For each contrast ( r paste(params$dmrs_contrasts, collapse=", ")
) , the statistics for each CpG were generated and, after, filtered with these criteria:
r params$max_fdr
r params$min_deltabeta
r params$max_pvalue
r params$Colv
r params$scale
r params$clusteralg
r params$distance
The data used for the representation are r if(!params$removebatch) "the normalized beta values" else "the normalized beta values after removing covariable effects on the data (with the limma removeBatchEffect function), preserving the variable of interest"
In the custom heatmap the selected contrasts to plot were: r paste(params$contrasts2plot, collapse=", ")
and the groups were: r paste(params$groups2plot, collapse=", ")
if(!is.null(params$filteredlist2heatmap)) create_heatmap(params$filteredlist2heatmap, factorgroups = factor(params$rval_voi[params$rval_voi %in% params$groups2plot], levels = params$groups2plot), groups2plot = params$rval_voi %in% params$groups2plot, Colv = as.logical(params$Colv), clusteralg = params$clusteralg, distance = params$distance, scale = params$scale, static=TRUE, ColSideColors = TRUE, RowSideColors = params$rval_dendrogram) else cat("Differences are not in the plotting range (<12000, >1)")
DMPs in heatmap: r if(is.null(nrow(params$filteredlist2heatmap))) "None" else nrow(params$filteredlist2heatmap)
```{asis filt_res, echo=TRUE, eval=!is.null(params$dmrs_contrasts)}
For each contrast ( r paste(params$rval_contrasts, collapse=", ")
) , the statistics for each CpG were generated and, after, filtered with these criteria:
r params$dmrs_max_fdr
r params$dmrs_min_deltabeta
r params$dmrs_max_pvalue
### Table with all contrasts (DMRs) ```r if(!is.null(params$dmrs_contrasts)) knitr::kable(params$table_dmrs) else cat("DMRs were not calculated in this analysis.")
```{asis custom_heatmap, echo=TRUE, eval=!is.null(params$dmrs_contrasts)}
r params$dmrs_Colv
r params$dmrs_scale
r params$dmrs_clusteralg
r params$dmrs_distance
The data used for the representation are r if(!params$dmrs_removebatch) "the normalized beta values" else "the normalized beta values after removing covariable effects on the data (with the limma removeBatchEffect function), preserving the variable of interest"
In the custom heatmap the selected contrasts to plot were: r paste(params$dmrs_contrasts2plot, collapse=", ")
and the groups were: r paste(params$dmrs_groups2plot, collapse=", ")
```r if(!is.null(params$filteredmcsea2heatmap) & !is.null(params$dmrs_contrasts)) create_heatmap(params$filteredmcsea2heatmap, factorgroups = factor(params$rval_voi[params$rval_voi %in% params$dmrs_groups2plot], levels = params$dmrs_groups2plot), groups2plot = params$rval_voi %in% params$dmrs_groups2plot, Colv = as.logical(params$dmrs_Colv), clusteralg = params$dmrs_clusteralg, distance = params$dmrs_distance, scale = params$dmrs_scale, static=TRUE, ColSideColors = TRUE, RowSideColors = params$dmrs_rval_dendrogram) else cat("Differences are not in the plotting range (<12000, >1)")
DMRs in heatmap: r if(is.null(nrow(params$filteredmcsea2heatmap))) "None" else nrow(params$filteredmcsea2heatmap)
This report was generated at r Sys.time()
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