knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Installation from Bioconductor
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("Rtpca")
Thermal proteome profiling (TPP) [@Savitski2014; @Mateus2020] is a mass
spectrometry-based, proteome-wide implemention of the cellular thermal shift
assay [@Molina2013]. It was originally developed to study drug-(off-)target
engagement. However, it was realized that profiles of interacting protein
pairs appeared more similar than by chance which was coined as
'thermal proximity co-aggregation' (TPCA) [@Tan2018]. The R package Rtpca
enables analysis of TPP datasets using the TPCA concept for studying
protein-protein interactions and protein complexes and also allows to test for
differential protein-protein interactions across different conditions.
This vignette only represents a minimal example. To have a look at a more realistic example feel free to check out this more realisticexample.
Note: if you use Rtpca
in published research, please cite:
Kurzawa, N., Mateus, A. & Savitski, M.M. (2020) Rtpca: an R package for differential thermal proximity coaggregation analysis. Bioinformatics, 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa682
package workflowWe also load the TPP
package to illustrate how to import TPP data with the
Bioconductor package and then input it into the Rtpca
packageWe load the data hdacTR_smallExample
which is part of the TPP
Filter hdacTR_data to speed up computations
set.seed(123) random_proteins <- sample(hdacTR_data[[1]]$gene_name, 300)
hdacTR_data_fil <- lapply(hdacTR_data, function(temp_df){ filter(temp_df, gene_name %in% random_proteins) })
We can now import our small example dataset using the import function from
the TPP
trData <- tpptrImport(configTable = hdacTR_config, data = hdacTR_data_fil)
Then, we load string_ppi_df
which is a data frame that annotates
protein-protein interactions as obtained from StringDB [@Szklarczyk2019] that
comes with the Rtpca
data("string_ppi_df") string_ppi_df
This table has been created from the human protein.links table downloaded from the StringDB website. It can serve as a template for users to create equivalent tables for other organisms.
We can run TPCA for protein-protein interactions like this by using the
function runTPCA
string_ppi_cs_950_df <- string_ppi_df %>% filter(combined_score >= 950 ) vehTPCA <- runTPCA( objList = trData, ppiAnno = string_ppi_cs_950_df )
Note: it is not necessary that your data has the format of the TPP package (ExpressionSet), you can also supply the function with a list of matrices of data frames (in the case of data frames you need to additionally indicate with column contains the protein or gene names).
We can also run TPCA to test for coaggregation of protein complexes. For this purpose with can load a data frame that annotates proteins to protein complexes curated by @Ori2016
data("ori_et_al_complexes_df") ori_et_al_complexes_df
Then, we can invoke
vehComplexTPCA <- runTPCA( objList = trData, complexAnno = ori_et_al_complexes_df, minCount = 2 )
We can plot a ROC curve for how well our data captures protein-protein interactions:
plotPPiRoc(vehTPCA, computeAUC = TRUE)
And we can also plot a ROC curve for how well our data captures protein complexes:
plotComplexRoc(vehComplexTPCA, computeAUC = TRUE)
In order to test for protein-protein interactions that change significantly
between both conditions, we can run the runDiffTPCA
as illustrated below:
diffTPCA <- runDiffTPCA( objList = trData[1:2], contrastList = trData[3:4], ctrlCondName = "DMSO", contrastCondName = "Panobinostat", ppiAnno = string_ppi_cs_950_df)
We can then plot a volcano plot to visualize the results:
plotDiffTpcaVolcano( diffTPCA, setXLim = TRUE, xlimit = c(-0.5, 0.5))
The underlying result table can be inspected like this;
head(diffTpcaResultTable(diffTPCA) %>% arrange(p_value) %>% dplyr::select(pair, rssC1_rssC2, f_stat, p_value, p_adj))
We can see that none of these interactions is significant consiering the multiple comparisons we have done. Yet, we can look at the melting curves of pairs like the "KPNA6:KPNB1" by evoking:
plotPPiProfiles(diffTPCA, pair = c("KPNA6", "KPNB1"))
We can see that both protein do seem to coaggregate, but that the mild
difference in the treatment condition compared to the control condition is
likely due to technical rather than biological reasons.
This way of inspecting hits obtained by the differential analysis is
recommended in the case that significant pairs can be found to validate that
they do coaggregate in one condition and that the less strong coaggregations
in the other condition is based on reliable signal.
As mentioned above, this vignette includes only a very minimal example, have a look at a more extensive example here.
A big thanks to Thomas Naake and Mike Smith for helping with speeding up the code.
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