
Defines functions runConsensusPhylo

Documented in runConsensusPhylo

#' runConsensusPhylo
#'  Runs a minimal evolution tree algorithm for the consensus data frame
#' @param scCNA The scCNA object.
#' @param root A string indicating how to root the consensus tree.
#' @param root_user A numeric with the vector to be used as root of the tree if
#' \code{root} is set to 'user'. Must have the same length as the number of bins
#' of the genome scaffold.
#' @importFrom ape fastme.bal Ntip root.phylo drop.tip
#' @return A phylo object with a consensus tree stored in the consensusPhylo slot
#' of the CopyKit object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' copykit_obj <- copykit_example_filtered()
#' copykit_obj <- findClusters(copykit_obj)
#' copykit_obj <- calcConsensus(copykit_obj)
#' copykit_obj <- runConsensusPhylo(copykit_obj)
#' plotPhylo(copykit_obj, consensus = TRUE, label = "subclones")
runConsensusPhylo <- function(scCNA,
                              root = c("mrca", "neutral", "user"),
                              root_user = NULL) {
    root <- match.arg(root)

    if (nrow(consensus(scCNA)) == 0) {
        stop("Consensus slot is empty. run calcConsensus().")

    consensus_df <- as.data.frame(t(consensus(scCNA)))

    if (root == "neutral") {

        # adding a neutral state, will use as root
        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- 1
        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- 1

    if (root == "mrca") {
        # obtain number closest to the ground state for each
        anc_profile <- apply(
            function(x) x[which.min(abs(x - 1))]

        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- anc_profile
        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- anc_profile

    if (root == "user") {
        if (length(root_user) != ncol(consensus_df)) {
            stop("Length of root_user argument must be the same as nrow(scCNA).")

        anc_profile <- root_user

        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- anc_profile
        consensus_df[nrow(consensus_df) + 1, ] <- anc_profile

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fri Nov 20 12:24:27 2020
    # tree ME
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fri Nov 20 12:24:35 2020

    tree <- ape::fastme.bal(dist(consensus_df, method = "manhattan"))

    tree <-
            outgroup = which(tree$tip.label == ape::Ntip(tree)),
            resolve.root = TRUE

    tree <-
        ape::drop.tip(tree, tip = as.character(c(
            nrow(consensus_df), nrow(consensus_df) - 1

    tree <- ladderize(tree)

    consensusPhylo(scCNA) <- tree

navinlabcode/copykit documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 2:55 p.m.