Man pages for natureanalytics-ca/BycatchEstimator
Generic Model-Based Bycatch Estimation Procedure

areaDivideFunction to divide up areas. Input grid areas, returns East...
areafuncStratum designations from Scott-Denton paper, and shrimp...
areaGOMFunction to convert new areas to old areas from Kevin...
BycatchEstimator-packageBycatch Estimator
bycatchFitBycatch model fitting routine
bycatchSetupBycatch estimation model setup
CheckForPositivesFunction to look for positive and zero observations across...
CheckForPositivesPlotSame for plotting
dataCheckMake plots and tables of the data
deltaEstimatorMeanFunction for Pennington(1983) method mean
deltaEstimatorSE2Function for Pennington(1983) method SE of the mean squAred
deltaEstimatorVarFunction for Pennington(1983) method variance
findBestModelFuncFunction to find best model by information criteria, by model...
fishTimeFuncFunction to calculate number of hours fished in each day...
FitModelFuncFunction to fit a specified model formula and print outputs
FitModelFuncCVFunction to fit a specified model formula and print outputs...
getdatefuncFunction to convert data in excel format with date and time...
getdatefunc2Function 2 to convert data in excel format with date and time...
getDesignEstimatesFunction to make design based estimates of bycatch from the...
getMECalculate mean error
getPoolingFunction to setup pooling if requested for design estimators
getRangeFunction to find range of a numerical variable
getRMSECalculate RMSE
getSimDeltaLNGenerate mean and standard error of predictions for delta...
getSimSEGenerate standard errors of predictions from simulation from...
gettimefunc2Convert time in excel format
GmFunction for Pennington(1983) method
goodman.varExact variance of the product of two independent variables,...
ilogitInverse logit
length.uniqueFunction to count the number of unique levels in a vector
LLSIM_BUM_Example_logbookLLSIM-based example logbook program data set
LLSIM_BUM_Example_observerLLSIM-based example observer program data set
lnorm.meanCalculate lognormal mean and standard error from normal mean...
logdatExampleLogbook simple example data set
lo.seVariance of a product from Lo et al. (1992)
makeIndexVarFunction to get an abundance index with SE
makePredictionsFunction to predict CPUE without variances to get predictions...
makePredictionsDeltaVarGenerate standard errors and confidence intervals of...
makePredictionsNoVarGenerate predictions without estimating variance
makePredictionsSimVarBigGenerate standard errors and confidence intervals of...
MakeSummaryFunction to make data summarizes including ratio estimate at
mostfreqfuncFunction to find mode of a categorical variable
norm.meanCalculate normal mean from lognormal mean and se
norm.seCalculate standard error from lognormal mean and se
obsdatExampleObserver simple example data set
outlierCountFuncFunction to count outliers, defined as more than numSD...
plotCrossValFunction to plot boxplots of RMSE and ME across folds
plotIndexFunction to plot abundance index plus minus standard error
plotSumsFunction to plot either total positive trips (binomial) or...
plotSumsValidateFunction to plot total catch by all models plus a validation...
ratio.funcBasic ratio estimator with variance (Cochran)
ratioVarCalculate variance of ratio estimator, from data already...
ResidualsFuncFunction plots residuals with both R and Dharma library and...
seasonfuncFunction to convert months into 2, 3 4 or 6 numbered seasons
simulateNegBinGamFunction to simulate DHARMa residuals from a negative...
simulateTweedieGenerate simulations to use as input to DHARMa residual...
standard.errorStandard error of a mean
yearfuncFunction to group the specified number of years together,...
natureanalytics-ca/BycatchEstimator documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 10:28 p.m.