.RedisParam <- setRefClass(
contains = "BiocParallelParam",
fields = c(
hostname = "character", port = "integer", password = "character",
backend = "RedisBackend", is.worker = "logical",
queue.multiplier = "numeric", attached.worker = "character"
.RedisParam_prototype <- c(
hostname = NA_character_, port = NA_integer_, password = NA_character_,
backend = .redisNULL(), is.worker = NA, queue.multiplier = 2,
attached.worker = NA_character_
#' @rdname RedisParam-class
#' @title Enable redis-based parallel evaluation in BiocParallel
#' @description `RedisParam()` creates an object describing manager
#' and worker configurations for parallel compuation using a Redis
#' server back-end.
#' @param workers integer(1) number of redis workers. For
#' `is.worker=FALSE`, this parameter is the maximum number of
#' workers expected to be available. For `is.worker=NA`, this is
#' the number of workers opened by `bpstart()`.
#' @param tasks See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param log See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param logdir See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param threshold See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param resultdir See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param stop.on.error See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param timeout See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param exportglobals See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param progressbar See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param RNGseed See `?"BiocParallelParam-class"`.
#' @param jobname character(1) name (unique) used to associate manager
#' & workers on a queue.
#' @param queue.multiplier numeric(1), The multiplier of the queue
#' depth. The depth of the queue is calculated by
#' `queue.multiplier * bpnworkers(p)`. A proper queue depth can
#' provide more performance benefit in task dispatching, but the
#' improvement is likely to be marginal for an excessively large
#' `queue.multiplier`.
#' @param redis.hostname character(1) host name of redis server, from
#' system environment variable `REDISPARAM_HOST` or `REDIS_HOST`,
#' if both are not defined, the default `""` is used.
#' @param redis.port integer(1) port of redis server, from system
#' environment variable `REDISPARAM_PORT` or `REDIS_PORT`, if both
#' are not defined, the default `6379` is used.
#' @param redis.password character(1) or NULL, host password of redis
#' server from system environment variable `REDISPARAM_PASSWORD`
#' or `REDIS_PASSWORD`, if both are not defined, the default
#' `NA_character_` (no password) is used.
#' @param is.worker logical(1) \code{bpstart()} creates worker-only
#' (\code{TRUE}), manager-only (\code{FALSE}), or manager and
#' worker (\code{NA}, default) connections.
#' @details Use an instance of `RedisParam()` for interactive parallel
#' evaluation using `bplapply()` or `bpiterate()`. `RedisParam()`
#' requires access to a redis server, running on `manager.hostname`
#' (e.g., at `manager.port` (e.g., 6379). The manager and
#' workers communicate via the redis server, rather than the socket
#' connections used by other BiocParallel back-ends.
#' When invoked with `is.worker = NA` (the default) `bpstart()`,
#' `bplapply()` and `bpiterate()` start and stop redis workers on the
#' local computer. It may be convenient to use `bpstart()` and
#' `bpstop()` independently, to amortize the cost of worker start-up
#' across multiple calls to `bplapply()` / `bpiterate()`.
#' Alternatively, a manager and one or more workers can each be
#' started in different processes across a network. The manager is
#' started, e.g., in an interactive session, by specifying
#' `is.worker=FALSE`. Workers are started, typically as background
#' processes, with `is.worker = TRUE`. Both manager and workers must
#' specify the same value for `jobname =`, the redis key used for
#' communication. In this scenario, workers can be added at any time,
#' including during e.g., `bplapply()` evaluation on the manager. See
#' the vignette for possible scenarios.
#' @return `RedisParam()` returns an object of class `RedisParam`, for
#' use in controlling parallel evaluation with
#' `BiocParallel::bplapply()` or `BiocParallel::bpiterate()`.
#' @examples
#' param <- RedisParam()
#' if (rpalive(param)) {
#' res <- bplapply(1:20, function(i) Sys.getpid(), BPPARAM = param)
#' table(unlist(res))
#' }
#' @export
RedisParam <-
workers = rpworkers(is.worker), tasks = 0L, jobname = ipcid(),
log = FALSE, logdir = NA, threshold = "INFO",
resultdir = NA_character_, stop.on.error = TRUE,
timeout = NA_integer_, exportglobals = TRUE,
progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL,
queue.multiplier = 2L,
redis.hostname = rphost(), redis.port = rpport(),
redis.password = rppassword(),
is.worker = NA
if (!is.null(RNGseed))
RNGseed <- as.integer(RNGseed)
if (!nzchar(redis.password) || is.null(redis.password))
redis.password <- NA_character_
if (isTRUE(is.worker) && missing(jobname))
warning("Job name is not specified!")
prototype <- .prototype_update(
workers = as.integer(workers),
tasks = as.integer(tasks),
jobname = as.character(jobname),
log = as.logical(log),
logdir = as.character(logdir),
threshold = as.character(threshold),
resultdir = as.character(resultdir),
stop.on.error = as.logical(stop.on.error),
timeout = as.integer(timeout),
exportglobals = as.logical(exportglobals),
queue.multiplier = as.numeric(queue.multiplier),
progressbar = as.logical(progressbar),
RNGseed = RNGseed,
hostname = as.character(redis.hostname),
port = as.integer(redis.port),
password = as.character(redis.password),
is.worker = as.logical(is.worker)
x <- do.call(.RedisParam, prototype)
#' @rdname RedisParam-class
#' @param x A `RedisParam` object.
#' @description `rpalive()` tests whether it is possible to connect to
#' a redis server using the host, port, and password in the
#' `RedisParam` object.
#' @export
rpalive <-
password <- rppassword(x)
if (is.na(password))
password <- NULL
hiredis(host = rphost(x), port = rpport(x), password = password)
}, error = function(e) FALSE)
#' @rdname RedisParam-class
#' @description `rpstopall()` is used from the manager to stop redis
#' workers launched independently, with `is.worker=TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## start workers in background proocess(es)
#' rscript <- R.home("bin/Rscript")
#' worker_script <- tempfile()
#' writeLines(c(
#' 'worker <- RedisParam::RedisParam(jobname = "demo", is.worker = TRUE)',
#' 'RedisParam::bpstart(worker)'
#' ), worker_script)
#' for (i in seq_len(2))
#' system2(rscript, worker_script, wait = FALSE)
#' ## start manager
#' p <- RedisParam(jobname = "demo", is.worker = FALSE)
#' result <- bplapply(1:5, function(i) Sys.getpid(), BPPARAM = p)
#' table(unlist(result))
#' ## stop all workers
#' rpstopall(p)
#' }
#' @export
rpstopall <-
stopifnot(is(x, "RedisParam"))
.trace(x, "rpstopall")
if (isTRUE(rpisworker(x))) {
.error(x, "use 'rpstopall()' from manager, not worker")
if (!bpisup(x)) {
if (!rpalive(x))
.bpstop_impl(x) # send 'DONE' to all workers
bpbackend(x) <- .redisNULL()
gc() # close connections
#' @rdname RedisParam-deprecated
#' @title Deprecated functions in the RedisParam package
#' @description `bpstopall()` is provided for compatibility with
#' previous versions of RedisParam, and will be defunct after the
#' next release. Use `rpstopall()` instead.
#' @param x a `RedisParam` object.
#' @return See `?rpstopall` for return value.
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) {
#' ## bpstopall()
#' ## deprecated -- use rpstopall() instead
#' }
#' @export
bpstopall <-
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