knitr::opts_chunk$set( #collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 4, fig.height = 4, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, tidy.opts = list( keep.blank.line = TRUE, width.cutoff = 150 ), options(width = 150), eval = TRUE )
This package contains functions to identify outlier spectra and peptides and then to compute weighted averages of the spectral profiles to produce a single profile for each protein. Before we describe how to use these functions, we must cover some preliminary steps needed to use them.
Start by installing the devtools package from CRAN, by typing:
If not yet installed, install the protlocassign
package from the github repository by typing
This will make the programs and data sets available, as well as installing needed libraries
The package requires that you attach these libraries:
library(outliers) library(snowfall) library(lme4)
These libraries include the lme4
package, which implements a set of routines for working with nested data. In this case, this specifically applies to the nesting of spectra within peptides and peptides within proteins. The outliers
package implements a score-based outlier detection routine, which is one option we provide. The snowfall
package implements multicore processing.
The package protlocassign
is required:
The dataset spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2
from Tannous, et al., is embedded in the protlocassign
package. For simplicity, we first re-name it and then view it.
data(spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2) spectraNSA <- spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2 str(spectraNSA, strict.width="cut", width=65)
Note that in this file, the first five columns in the data frame contain information associated with the spectra assignment (protein identifier, peptide identifier, unique spectral identifier, location of peptide in protein, and post-translational/chemical modifications), while the next nine columns contain normalized specific amount data. The final two columns contain numbered lists of distinct proteins and peptides; these two columns are needed by the outlier detection functions described in the next section. The last section of this vignette explains how to read in data from an external text file and describes a function proteinDataPrep
that aids in putting the data into the above-described format.
The first step is an outlier screen, which is performed at the spectrum level. For each spectrum, the normalized specific amount for each of the nine fractions is first log2 transformed via $y=log2(c+\epsilon)$ , where $\epsilon$ is an estimate of the background intensity in the abundance estimate $c$. We estimated $\epsilon$ as the median of the normalized specific amount of an isobaric labeling channel that lacks the bacterial standard DrR57, which is absent in mammalian cells, and which was added to all other channels. For the TMT-MS2 experiment we found $\epsilon = 0.029885$. The package provides a choice of two different outlier rejection methods that can be invoked to process the data. The “boxplot” method rejects any value that exceeds a specified multiple of the interquartile range below the first or above the third quartile. This method was used in Tannous et al. (2020) using three times the interquartile range, which we invoke here by specifying outlierMeth="boxplot"
and range=3
. The “scores” method used in Jadot et al (2017) calculates normal scores (differences between each value and the mean of those values, divided by their standard deviation) and rejects values in the tails of a standard normal distribution for a specified percentile, such as 0.99. It may be invoked by specifying outlierMeth="scores"
and proba=0.99
. Note that the outlier rejection procedure is conducted on each channel, and the number of outliers for each spectrum are reported in the variable outlier.num.spectra
, which can range from zero (no outliers) to the number of fractions (in this case 9). This process is repeated for every peptide from every protein. We reject any spectrum where outlier.num.spectra > 0
We first process the data to identify outliers when grouping spectra to peptides using the function outlierFind
and specifying that the outlier level is "peptide", meaning that profiles with outlier spectra within peptides (accepting all peptides unless they are composed entirely of spectra with outliers) will be flagged. The arguments numRefCols = 5
and numDataCols = 9
are used to identify position of the nine-element profile in the data frame. The argument randomError=TRUE
(which is the default) specifies that a small random number (uniform distribution ranging from zero to eps
) will be added to profile elements that take the value zero. This addresses a problem that arises when there are a large number of zero-valued elements, i.e., both the first and third quartile, in which case the interquartile range will be zero. Without adding these random small amounts, too many "outliers" would be detected. The argument cpus=1
specifies that one CPU will be used for multiprocessing; we do this, and specify a random number seed, so that the results are exactly reproducible. Of course, a higher number may be specified if more CPU's are available, and if exact reproducibility is not required. Note that routines to identify outliers with our example data set will take about 5 minutes to complete.
# We set the random number seed to ensure consistent output in the vignette; # users should omit this or select their own seed set.seed(17356) eps <- 0.029885209 flagSpectraBox <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA, outlierLevel="peptide", numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9, outlierMeth="boxplot", range=3, eps=eps, cpus=1, randomError=TRUE)
Alternatively, we can specify using the "scores" method as follows. Note that the argument "range" is only used when outlierMeth="boxplot"
, and ignored otherwise. Similarly, the "proba" argument is only used when outlierMeth="scores"
set.seed(27681) flagSpectraScore <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA, outlierLevel="peptide", numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9, outlierMeth="scores", proba=0.99, eps=eps, cpus=1, randomError=TRUE)
We then examine the output files from the boxplot and scores methods:
str(flagSpectraBox, strict.width="cut", width=65) str(flagSpectraScore, strict.width="cut", width=65)
We can determine the total number of spectra as well as the number of acceptable (e.g. non-outlier) and outlier spectra for both methods using the following statements:
length(flagSpectraBox$outlier.num.spectra) # total number of spectra sum(flagSpectraBox$outlier.num.spectra == 0) # number of acceptable spectra sum(flagSpectraBox$outlier.num.spectra != 0) # number of outlier spectra
Similarly, we can determine the total number of spectra and the number of acceptable spectra for the scores method using the following statements:
length(flagSpectraScore$outlier.num.spectra) # total number of spectra sum(flagSpectraScore$outlier.num.spectra == 0) # number of acceptable spectra sum(flagSpectraScore$outlier.num.spectra != 0) # number of outlier spectra
Note that in both examples shown above, the randomError
argument was used (randomError=TRUE
). The reason for invoking this argument is illustrated in the two examples below where we set the argument to False
or True
when we use the boxplot method with a very large range (range=110
) where we intuitively would expect that there would be very few outliers. However, if we use the randomError=FALSE
argument we find that there are 56 outliers:
flagSpectraBoxRange110ranErrF <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA, outlierLevel="peptide", numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9, outlierMeth="boxplot", range=110, eps=eps, cpus=1, randomError=FALSE) sum(flagSpectraBoxRange110ranErrF$outlier.num.spectra != 0)
We have identified 56 outliers because, as discussed above, there are some peptides with enough 0 values that the interquartile range is 0. We can correct this by specifying randomError=TRUE
, which reduces the number of outliers. Note in the example below there are six outliers. With repeated runs of outlierFind
, unless the same random number seed is set and only one cpu is specified, the random error will change, which will result in slightly varying outcomes.
set.seed(652908) # as before, the seed is an arbitrary number used by the random number generator flagSpectraBoxRange110ranErrT <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA, outlierLevel="peptide", numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9, outlierMeth="boxplot", range=110, eps=eps, cpus=1, randomError=TRUE) sum(flagSpectraBoxRange110ranErrT$outlier.num.spectra != 0)
The procedure described is useful in eliminating outlying spectra for estimates of peptide profiles. The next step is to create mean profiles for each peptide, and also to identify outlying peptide profiles.
The function profileSummarize
with option GroupBy="peptideId"
computes the mean profile of each peptide, eliminating spectra that have been identified as outliers. The input data, flagSpectraBox
contains six reference columns (see above), specified by numRefCols=6
. A portion of these can be kept and carried over to the output file, but note that since the function here is producing a profile for each peptide from its relevant component spectra, some of the reference columns from the input data may not be appropriate. Here, the argument refColsKeep=c(1,2,4)
causes the function to retain reference columns 1, 2, and 4, which correspond to "prot", "peptide", and "PeptidesStartPositionInProtein". If a field is kept which has multiple values across all spectra that contribute to a given peptide, only the single value from the first of these spectra is used. The argument refColsKeep
is only used in the case where GroupBy
is set to peptideId
, and if not specified, the default is to keep only the first two columns. We use the argument outlierExclude="spectra"
to indicate that, when computing mean profiles, we exclude spectra that are identified as outliers within their respective peptides. Note that in the output, Nspectra
reports the number of spectra (in this case, all non-outlier spectra) used to calculate the mean peptide profile.
pepProfiles <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraBox, numRefCols=6, numDataCols=9, refColsKeep=c(1,2,4),eps=eps, GroupBy="peptideId", outlierExclude="spectra") str(pepProfiles, strict.width="cut", width=65)
Next, using this output, we use the function outlierFind
to identify peptide outliers within proteins. We do this by specifying outlierLevel
to be "protein" and do not need to specify that we use the default boxplot method with range=3
and the randomError=TRUE
. Note that in this procedure, all peptides in a given protein are weighted equally, regardless of how many non-outlier spectra are used to determine the average peptide profile.
set.seed(823537) flagPepsBox <- outlierFind(protClass=pepProfiles, outlierLevel="protein", numRefCols=3, numDataCols=9, eps=eps, cpus=1) str(flagPepsBox, strict.width="cut", width=65)
We determine the total number of peptides and the number of acceptable and outlier peptides using the following statements:
length(flagPepsBox$outlier.num.peptides) sum(flagPepsBox$outlier.num.peptides == 0) sum(flagPepsBox$outlier.num.peptides != 0)
We can now merge the indicator of peptide outlier status into the full spectral level file. Here, we create a new data frame, flagSpectraPeps
, by adding outlier.num.peptides
(column 4 from flagPepsBox
) to flagSpectraBox
, merging on pepId (column 17 from flagPepsBox
data.frame(names(flagPepsBox)) flagSpectraPeps <- merge(x=flagSpectraBox, y=flagPepsBox[,c(4,17)], by="pepId") str(flagSpectraPeps, strict.width="cut", width=65)
We determine the number of spectra in the full data set and the number of acceptable spectra from acceptable peptides using the following statements:
length(flagSpectraPeps$outlier.num.peptides) sum({flagSpectraPeps$outlier.num.spectra == 0} & {flagSpectraPeps$outlier.num.peptides == 0})
We now calculate the mean profile for each protein, using a random effects linear model where spectra are nested within peptides. In the three examples listed below, we examine cases where we: (1) reject the contribution of any outlying spectra and peptides; (2) reject the contribution of just outlier spectra within peptides; and (3) we do not reject any peptides or spectra. Here, the outlierExclude
argument overrides the outlier specifications in the flagSpectraPeps
file. The resulting file contains the protein profile, indicating the number of peptides and spectra used to determine each protein profile using the rules above. The root portion of the name protNSA
denotes that these values are normalized specific amounts (NSAs) for protein profiles. Note that the option cpus=1
is the default, but any number of cpu's can be specified.
protNSA_1 <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraPeps, numRefCols=7, numDataCols=9, eps=eps, GroupBy="protId", outlierExclude="spectraAndPeptide", cpus=2) str(protNSA_1, strict.width="cut", width=65)
protNSA_2 <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraPeps, numRefCols=7, numDataCols=9, eps=eps, GroupBy="protId", outlierExclude="spectra", cpus=2) str(protNSA_2, strict.width="cut", width=65)
protNSA_3 <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraPeps, numRefCols=7, numDataCols=9, eps=eps, GroupBy="protId", outlierExclude="none", cpus=2) str(protNSA_3, strict.width="cut", width=65)
When comparing the total numbers of peptides and spectra used to calculate protein profiles, we see that protNSA_3 > protNSA_2 > protNSA_1 for each:
sum((protNSA_3$Nspectra)) sum((protNSA_2$Nspectra)) sum((protNSA_1$Nspectra)) sum((protNSA_3$Npep)) sum((protNSA_2$Npep)) sum((protNSA_1$Npep))
Note that even though we only reject spectra in protNSA_2, there is still one rejected peptide because all spectra assigned to this peptide were outliers.
We can examine the number of proteins with missing profile values (caused by outlier rejection) in each of the three cases by choosing one fraction, e.g., "M"; all other channels will also be missing.
sum($M)) sum($M)) sum($M))
We see that if we reject all outlier spectra and peptides (protNSA_1) there is only one protein with missing profiles. If we only reject outlier spectra within peptides (protNSA_2), there are no proteins with missing profiles. It is important to note that the outlier rejection process includes a random component, so that repeating the analysis on the embedded data set without specifically setting the seed for the random number generator could potentially result in a different number of proteins with missing profiles.
Taking the first option (rejecting outlier spectra within peptides as well as outlier peptides) as the preferred method, we then create a protein profile data frame in the same format as used in earlier vignettes by moving the protein names from a variable within the data frame to row names.
protNSA_new <- protNSA_1 #copy first field in data frame containing protein names to rownnames field rownames(protNSA_new) <- protNSA_1[,1] protNSA_new <- protNSA_new[,-1] #delete first internal column containing protein names
The data frame protNSA_new
is essentially identical to the data set protNSA_AT5tmtMS2
included in the protlocassign
package. (The argument countEQ=TRUE
causes the function to compute the mean error across all profiles, not just among those that differ.)
data(protNSA_AT5tmtMS2) all.equal(protNSA_AT5tmtMS2, protNSA_new, countEQ=TRUE, tolerance=0)
In this section, we describe a function protPepProfile
that creates a data frame with each protein profile followed by the peptide profiles associated with each protein and their outlier status. The function requires two arguments. The first is a data frame of peptide profiles specified by flagPeps = flagPepsBox
. The second is a data frame of protein profiles specified by protProfileData = protNSA_1
; this data frame must have prot
in the first column and the profiles in the following numDataCols
columns. These two data frames must be in a consistent form and use the same type of profile data (e.g., NSA), as created earlier in this vignette. We first re-examine the list of column names of flagPepsBox
to determine that there are four reference columns preceding the nine columns of profile data:
data.frame(names(flagPepsBox)) protPepProfileNSA <- protPepProfile(flagPeps=flagPepsBox, numRefCols=4, numDataCols=9, protProfileData=protNSA_1) str(protPepProfileNSA, strict.width="cut", width=65)
Finally, for later CPA analysis, we need the data frame to contain a unique row name for each profile, which we obtain from the peptide column. Here, for peptides this is a concatenation of the protein name and peptide sequence while for proteins this is the protein name alone.
rownames(protPepProfileNSA) <- protPepProfileNSA$peptide
We examine the first few row names here:
(Note that this data frame is already embedded in the protlocassign
package with the name protPepNSA_AT5tmtMS2
data(protPepNSA_AT5tmtMS2) all.equal(protPepProfileNSA, protPepNSA_AT5tmtMS2, countEQ=TRUE, tolerance=0)
We may use it to calculate CPA estimates with the fitCPA
function. These calculations, as well as transformations, are discussed in Vignette 7.
The external data file must have the following structure. For each spectrum, the first and second columns must be a protein and peptide identifier. The next columns can contain ancillary information (e.g., a unique spectral identifier, the position of a peptide within a protein, etc) followed by NSA profiles. For example, suppose your data is in a comma-delimited file “myProteinData.csv” in the subdirectory “C:\temp\myProteinInput”. You may read it into R as follows; the str
command provides a look at the structure of the data that you have read in.
mySpectraData <- read.csv("C:\\temp\\mySpectraInput\\mySpectraData.txt") str(mySpectraData, strict.width="cut", width=65)
As an example, here are commands to read in the Tannous AT5 TMT-MS2 data from an external file.
setwd("C:\\Users\\mooredf\\Box\\DirkSharedManuscript\\AblaData\\UploadMassive") QuantPSM <- read.csv("QuantPSM.csv") str(QuantPSM, strict.width="cut", width=65) # remove initial quotes on gene names # ensure that peptides are contiguous within proteins
If the protein names (which are in column 1) are prepended by a single quote (this prevents Excel from interpreting some protein names as dates), it may be removed by using the sub
function to substitute the initial quote (denoted by "^'") with an empty character ("") as shown here:
QuantPSM[,1] <- sub("^'", "", QuantPSM[,1])
The function proteinDataPrep
is available to aid in formatting a file in the required form. This takes input data, sorts it by the first and second columns (which are renamed prot
and peptide
, the latter being a concatenation of the protein name and peptide sequence), appends all remaining columns (retaining their names), and generates a unique numerical ID for prot and peptide. We specify numRefCols=5
because that is the number of columns immediately preceding the profile data, and numDataCols=9
because that is the number of fractions in each profile.
spectraNSA_new <- proteinDataPrep(QuantPSM, numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9) str(spectraNSA_new, strict.width="cut", width=65)
This data set is identical to the spectral-level data set spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2
included with the protlocassign
data(spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2) all.equal(spectraNSA_new, spectraNSA_AT5tmtMS2)
Note that in some cases, one may want to change the peptide identifier to include additional information other than the actual sequence such as presence of post-translational modifications. In this case, one would create a new variable PepMod
prior to running proteinDataPrep
, and then insert that new column after the first column, which contains the protein name.
Jadot, M.; Boonen, M.; Thirion, J.; Wang, N.; Xing, J.; Zhao, C.; Tannous, A.; Qian, M.; Zheng, H.; Everett, J. K., Accounting for protein subcellular localization: A compartmental map of the rat liver proteome. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2017, 16, (2), 194-212.
Tannous, A.; Boonen, M.; Zheng, H.; Zhao, C.; Germain, C. J.; Moore, D. F.; Sleat, D. E.; Jadot, M.; Lobel, P., Comparative Analysis of Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Methods for Subcellular Proteomics. J Proteome Res 2020, 19, (4), 1718-1730
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