
#' Top-N Results for Simulated Data (\code{sim_FS})
#' A list of objects returned from \code{candidate_search} 
#' using simulated dataset \code{FS = sim_FS}, \code{input_score = sim_Scores}, 
#' \code{top_N = 7}, \code{method = "ks_pval"}, \code{alternative = "less"}, 
#' \code{search_method = "both"}, \code{max_size = 10}, and 
#' \code{best_score_only = FALSE}.
#' NOTE: \code{max_size} is set to 10 as we would like to account
#' for the presence of 10 left-skewed (i.e. true positive or TP) features 
#' in \code{sim_FS} dataset.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(topn_list)
#' @format A list of objects returned from \code{candidate_search} including 
#' a set of best meta-feature matrix, its corresponding best score, its 
#' observed input scores, rank of the best features based on their scores, 
#' marginal best scores, and cumulative best scores. pertaining to each 
#' top N feature searches.
#' See \code{\link[CaDrA]{candidate_search}} for more information.
#' @return a list of objects returned from \code{candidate_search} function
#' @references Kartha VK, Kern JG, Sebastiani P, Zhang L,
#' Varelas X, Monti S (2019) CaDrA: A computational framework for performing
#' candidate driver analyses using binary genomic features.
#' (\href{https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2019.00121/full}{Frontiers in Genetics})
#' @examples
#' # Load pre-computed Top-N list generated for sim_FS and sim_Scores dataset
#' data(topn_list)
#' # Fetch the first meta-feature
#' topn_list[[1]]$feature_set
#' # Fetch the second meta-feature
#' topn_list[[2]]$feature_set
#' # Retrieve the meta-feature with the best score among top_N = 7 runs
#' topn_best_meta <- topn_best(topn_list = topn_list)
#' # Visualize the best meta-feature using meta_plot function
#' meta_plot(topn_best_list = topn_best_meta)
#' # Visualize overlap of meta-features across top_N = 7 
#' # using topn_plot function
#' topn_plot(topn_list = topn_list)
montilab/CaDrA documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 11:55 p.m.