#' A function to create permuted datasets for permutation based hypothesis
#' testing.
#' This function creates permuted datasets for permutation based hypothesis
#' testing of GADGETS fitness scores.
#' @param preprocessed.list The output list from \code{preprocess.genetic.data}
#' for the original genetic data.
#' @param permutation.data.file.path If running GADGETS for GxG interactions,
#' this argument specifies a directory where each permuted dataset will be saved
#' on disk. If searching for GxE interactions, permuted versions of the
#' exposure matrix will be saved to this directory.
#' @param n.permutations The number of permuted datasets to create.
#' @param bp.param The BPPARAM argument to be passed to bplapply.
#' See \code{BiocParallel::bplapply} for more details.
#' @return If genetic data are specified, a total of \code{n.permutations}
#' datasets containing pairs of case and complement data, where the observed
#' case/complement status has been randomly flipped or not flipped, will be
#' saved to \code{permutation.data.file.path}. If exposure data are specified, a
#' total of \code{n.permutations} exposure matrices, where the observed
#' exposures have been randomly re-assigned across the permuted 'families'.
#' @examples
#' data(case)
#' case <- as.matrix(case)
#' data(dad)
#' dad <- as.matrix(dad)
#' data(mom)
#' mom <- as.matrix(mom)
#' pp.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case[, 1:10],
#' father.genetic.data = dad[ , 1:10],
#' mother.genetic.data = mom[ , 1:10],
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' set.seed(15)
#' perm.data.list <- permute.dataset(pp.list, "tmp_perm", n.permutations = 1)
#' unlink("tmp_perm", recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
#' @export
permute.dataset <- function(preprocessed.list, permutation.data.file.path,
n.permutations = 100,
bp.param = bpparam()) {
if (!dir.exists(permutation.data.file.path)){
dir.create(permutation.data.file.path, recursive = TRUE)
permutation.data.file.path <- normalizePath(permutation.data.file.path)
# grab input genetic data
case.genetic.data <- preprocessed.list$case.genetic.data
complement.genetic.data <- preprocessed.list$complement.genetic.data
### permute the data ###
n.families <- nrow(case.genetic.data)
if (!preprocessed.list$E_GADGETS){
permuted.data.list <- bplapply(seq_len(n.permutations),
function(permute, n.families,
complement.genetic.data) {
# flip the case/complement status for these families
flip.these <- seq_len(n.families)[as.logical(
rbinom(n.families, 1, 0.5))]
case.perm <- case.genetic.data
comp.perm <- complement.genetic.data
case.perm[flip.these, ] <- complement.genetic.data[flip.these, ]
comp.perm[flip.these, ] <- case.genetic.data[flip.these, ]
case.out.file <- file.path(permutation.data.file.path,
paste0("case.permute", permute, ".rds"))
comp.out.file <- file.path(permutation.data.file.path,
permute, ".rds"))
#account for missing vals
case.perm[case.perm == -9] <- NA
comp.perm[comp.perm == -9] <- NA
saveRDS(case.perm, case.out.file)
saveRDS(comp.perm, comp.out.file)
}, n.families = n.families, case.genetic.data = case.genetic.data,
complement.genetic.data = complement.genetic.data,
BPPARAM = bp.param)
} else {
exposure <- preprocessed.list$exposure.mat
n.fams <- nrow(exposure)
permuted.data.list <- lapply(seq_len(n.permutations), function(permute) {
shuffled.order <- sample(seq_len(n.fams), n.fams)
exposure.perm <- exposure[shuffled.order, , drop = FALSE]
out.file <- file.path(permutation.data.file.path,
paste0("exposure.permute", permute, ".rds"))
saveRDS(exposure.perm, out.file)
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