
Defines functions SelectActiveTableModuleUI SelectActiveTableModule

Documented in SelectActiveTableModule SelectActiveTableModuleUI

#' SelectActiveTableModule
#' Module to select the active Feature Table
#' @inherit MseekModules
#' @return Returns nothing
#' @describeIn SelectActiveTableModule Server logic
#' @export 
SelectActiveTableModule <- function(input,output, session,
                           values = reactiveValues(featureTables = NULL,
                                                   MainTable = NULL)
  ns <- NS(session$ns(NULL))
  output$activeTable <- renderUI({
    selectizeInput(ns('activeTable'), 'Active Table', 
                   selected = values$featureTables$active, 
                   choices = values$featureTables$index,
                   multiple = FALSE)
  observeEvent(input$activeTable, { 
    #  if(values$featureTables$active != input$activeTable){

    values$featureTables$tableSwitch <- TRUE
    values$featureTables$active <- input$activeTable
    values$featureTables$row_filters <- TRUE
    #  }
  }, priority = 1000)

#' @describeIn SelectActiveTableModule UI elements
#' @export 
SelectActiveTableModuleUI <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
mjhelf/Mosaic documentation built on April 28, 2022, 11:32 a.m.