#' PlotWindow
#' Initiate a plot and draw axes. Used by plotting functions in Metaboseek.
#' @return plots an empty coordinate system in the current plotting device
#' @param cx character expansion factor (font size)
#' @param ylim numeric(2) of y-axis range
#' @param xlim numeric(2) of x-axis range
#' @param heading heading of the plot
#' @param single if TRUE, this plot is expected to be the only
#' plot in a composite plot (different margin settings)
#' @param par if FALSE, par margin settings are not set inside
#' the function and should be set outside
#' @param xlab x axis label
#' @param ylab y axis label
#' @param relto show y axis values relative to relto if not NULL.
#' @param ysci if TRUE, y axis label numbers are shown in scientific format
#' @param liwi line width for axes
#' @param textadj passed on to mtext adj for orientation
#' of plot description/title text line
#' @param ylabshift integer to adjust the position of the y axis label
PlotWindow <- function(cx = 1,
ylim = c(0,1),
xlim = c(0,1),
heading = "test",
single = F,
par = T,
relto = NULL,
ylab = "Intensity",
xlab = "RT (min)",
ysci = T,
liwi = 1,
textadj = 0.5,
ylabshift = 0
if(max(ylim)==0){ylim = c(0,1)}
mar = c(5.1,6,4.1,0),#oma causes issues in interactive mode
# mai=c(0,0.5,0,0),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i"
# oma=c(0,2,0,0),
# mai=c(0,0.5,0,0),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i"
plot(numeric(),numeric(), type= "n",
ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim,
axes=F, ylab="",xlab="")
pn <- if(max(ylim)==0){1}else{5}
#x axis
axis(side=1, lwd=liwi, lwd.ticks = liwi, at = pretty(xlim),
labels = format(pretty(xlim), scientific = F),
mgp=c(0,0.4*cx,0), cex.axis=1*cx, xaxs = "i")
#x-axis mgp[2] controls distance of tick labels to axis
mtext(side=1, text= xlab, line=1.5*(1+(cx-1)/2), cex=par("cex")*cx*1)
if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1 ){
axis(side=2, las=2, at = pretty(ylim, n =pn),
labels = format(pretty(ylim, n =pn), scientific = F),
mgp=c(0,0.6,0), cex.axis=1*cx, lwd = liwi, lwd.ticks = liwi)
#axis labels
mtext(side=2, text= ylab,
#y axis
axis(side=2, las=2, at = pretty(ylim, n =pn),
labels = format(pretty(ylim, n =pn), scientific = ysci,digits = 3),
mgp=c(0,0.6,0), cex.axis=1*cx, lwd = liwi, lwd.ticks = liwi)
#axis labels
mtext(side=2, text= ylab,
#fix axis to not have gaps at edges
abline(v=min(xlim), h=min(ylim), lwd = liwi)
Hmisc::minor.tick(nx=2, ny=2,
tick.ratio=0.5, x.args = list(),
y.args = list())
# text(max(xlim), max(ylim)+1.5*strheight("M"),
# labels = heading, bty="n",
# font = 2, cex=cx*1, adj = textadj)
title(main=heading, line=2, cex.main = cx, adj = textadj)
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