Download the following FASTQ files to local dir
metadata <- read.csv("../extdata/metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) files <- metadata$SourceUrl all.files <- c(files, sub("_1.fastq.gz","_2.fastq.gz",files))
Run HISAT2 to align paired-end reads to genome
With the genome: H. sapiens, Ensembl GRCh38 genome_tran (this is version 84)
hisat2 -x $genome -1 $dir/$f\_1.fastq.gz -2 $dir/$f\_2.fastq.gz -p 10 -k 1 > out/$f.sam samtools view -@ 4 -b out/$f.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 -O bam -T tmp - > out/$f.bam samtools index out/$f.bam
Resulting in SAM and BAM files:
sam.files <- paste0("out/",metadata$Title,".sam") bam.files <- paste0("out/",metadata$Title,".bam")
Download the corresponding Ensembl GTF file
gtf.file <- "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.84.gtf"
Count paired-end reads to genes using featureCounts
library(Rsubread) if (!file.exists("featurecounts.rda")) { fc <- featureCounts(files=sam.files, annot.ext=gtf.file, isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, isPairedEnd=TRUE, autosort=FALSE) save(fc, file="featurecounts.rda") } else { load("featurecounts.rda") }
Select a set of genes with moderate counts, not too high so that we keep the size of the output files small.
mid.count.idx <- rowMeans(fc$counts) > 200 & rowMeans(fc$counts) < 2000 sum(mid.count.idx) mid.count.genes <- rownames(fc$counts)[mid.count.idx]
Load an Ensembl TxDb and select certain genes:
library(ensembldb) if (!file.exists(basename(gtf.file))) { ensDbFromGtf(gtf.file, outfile=basename(gtf.file)) } txdb <- EnsDb(basename(gtf.file)) # names of single isoform genes txdf <- transcripts(txdb, return.type="DataFrame") tab <- table(txdf$gene_id) one.iso.genes <- names(tab)[tab == 1] two.iso.genes <- names(tab)[tab == 2] three.iso.genes <- names(tab)[tab == 3] # subset to genes with moderate counts and # possessing a single isoform g <- genes(txdb) g <- keepSeqlevels(g, sort(c(as.character(1:22),"X","Y","MT"))) table(mid.count.genes %in% one.iso.genes) table(mid.count.genes %in% two.iso.genes) table(mid.count.genes %in% three.iso.genes) intersect.genes <- intersect(names(g), mid.count.genes) set.seed(1) idx.genes <- c(sample(intersect(intersect.genes, one.iso.genes),30), sample(intersect(intersect.genes, two.iso.genes),10), sample(intersect(intersect.genes, three.iso.genes),10)) g.sub <- sort(g[idx.genes]) write(names(g.sub), file="../extdata/selected.genes.txt")
Extract paired-end reads covering these genes for each BAM:
library(GenomicAlignments) library(rtracklayer) for (i in seq_len(nrow(metadata))) { # read in pt <- proc.time() ga <- readGAlignments(bam.files[i], use.names=TRUE, param=ScanBamParam(which=g.sub, what=c("flag","mrnm","mpos"), flag=scanBamFlag(isProperPair=TRUE, isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE))) gap <- makeGAlignmentPairs(ga) et <- unname((proc.time() - pt)[3]) print(paste(i,round(et),length(gap))) # export to BAM pt <- proc.time() export(gap, con=paste0("out/",metadata$Title[i],"_galignpairs.bam"), format="bam") et <- unname((proc.time() - pt)[3]) print(paste(i,round(et),length(gap))) # save as .rda assign(metadata$Title[i], gap) save(list=metadata$Title[i], file=paste0("out/",metadata$Title[i],".rda")) }
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