knitr::opts_chunk$set( cache = FALSE, fig.width = 9, message = FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning = FALSE) knitr::opts_knit$set(global.par = TRUE) # knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = "cairo_pdf")
This document provides the detailed code required to replicate case study 2 discussed in Gao et al. (2023). Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14129
For general instructions and examples on using the miaSim package
tools, see the
vignette. miaSim
implements tools for microbiome data simulation based on different
ecological modeling assumptions. These can be used to simulate species
abundance matrices, including time series. For a detailed function
documentation, see the function reference
The aim of this case study is to design and demonstrate the existence of nutrient concentration threshold which limits the beta-diversity of communities.
To fulfill this aim, we designed a gradient of environments, as well as a gradient of communities.
library(ggplot2) library(vegan) library(reshape2) library(mia) library(miaSim) library(philentropy) library(cluster) # Load auxiliary functions from: # source("funcs.R")
This batch of simulations is time-consuming. To reduce the calculation burden, we have decreased the numbers of environments, resources, and communities from the original 10 to 5, and made other minor modifications.
set.seed(42) n_species <- 5 n_resources <- 5 E <- randomE(n_species, n_resources, mean_consumption = 1, mean_production = 3) growth_rates <- runif(n_species) monod_constant <- matrix(rbeta(n_species*n_resources, 10,10), nrow=n_species, ncol=n_resources) t_store <- 50 n.instances <- 1 # no stochastic process: no need to repeat
Generate communities. <- 5 # you can also try 20 or even 50. <- 0.8 set.seed(42) # Check the Rmd source file for gradient.df.generator function source code: # community.initial.df <- gradient.df.generator(n_row =, n_col = n_species, density_row =, max_gradient = 0.7, error_interval = 0.1) <- vegdist(community.initial.df, method = "bray") # Create TreeSummarizedExperiment object for the initial community community.initial.tse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(abundances=t(as.matrix(community.initial.df)))) # Visualze dissimilarities for the initial community makeHeatmap(as.matrix(, title = "dissimilarity matrix", x.label = "community.1", y.label = "community.2")
Initialize shared parameters.
crm_params <- list( n_species = n_species, n_resources = n_resources, x0 = NULL, E = E, resources = rep(1,n_resources), monod_constant = monod_constant, migration_p = 0, stochastic = FALSE, t_start = 0, t_end = 50, t_step = 1, t_store = t_store, growth_rates = growth_rates, norm=FALSE)
Generate resource gradients.
resourceConcentration <- 10^seq(0,4,1) # 1 to 10000 n.medium <- 5 density.medium <- 0.8 n_species <- 5 set.seed(42) resource.initial.df <- gradient.df.generator(n_row = n.medium, n_col = n_resources, density_row = density.medium, max_gradient = 0.7, error_interval = 0.1)
# Pick the initial community <- assay(community.initial.tse, "abundances") crmExample <- simulateConsumerResource( n_species = n_species, n_resources = n_resources, E = E, x0 = as.numeric([,1]), # First sample from the initial community resources = as.numeric(resourceConcentration[3]*resource.initial.df[1,]), growth_rates = growth_rates, monod_constant = monod_constant, stochastic = FALSE, t_end = 50, t_step = 1, t_store = 50, norm = FALSE) #makePlot(crmExample$matrix) tsem <- meltAssay(crmExample, assay.type = "counts", add_col_data = "time") p <- ggplot(tsem, aes(x=time, y=counts, color = FeatureID)) + geom_line(show.legend = TRUE, lwd=0.5) + labs(title="Species abundances by time") + theme_linedraw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14)) print(p) #makePlotRes(crmExample$resources) df <-$resources) df$time <- colData(crmExample)$time dft <- melt(df, id="time") names(dft) <- c("time", "resources", "S.t") p <- ggplot(dft, aes(x=time, y=S.t, col = resources)) + geom_line(show.legend = TRUE, lwd=0.5) + labs(title="Quantity of compounds by time") + theme_linedraw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14))
# Generate simulations and store the final community in community.simulation # Here the final relative abundance table is basisComposition_prop. set.seed(42) resourceConcentration <- 10^seq(0,4,1) # 1 to 10000 n.medium <- 5 # make use of parallel computing provided by package `foreach` library(foreach) library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(max(detectCores()/2, 1)) registerDoParallel(cl) basisComposition <- foreach(resConc = resourceConcentration, .combine = rbind) %:% foreach(medium = seq_len(n.medium), .combine = rbind, .packages = "miaSim") %dopar% { crm_params$resources <- as.numeric(resource.initial.df[medium,]*resConc) paramx0 <- as.list( crm_param_iter <- list(x0 = paramx0) print(paste("resConc", resConc, "medium", medium)) crmMoments <- miaSim::generateSimulations(model = "simulateConsumerResource", params_list = crm_params, param_iter = crm_param_iter, n_instances = n.instances, t_end = 50) # pick community composition at the last time point, lapply(crmMoments, function (x) {assay(x, "counts")[, ncol(x)]}))) } stopCluster(cl) basisComposition_prop <- basisComposition / rowSums(basisComposition)
In this step, plot result is stored in umap_CRM_gradient_plot, and this is visualized in different facets.
resourceConcentration <- 10^seq(0,4,1) # 1 to 10000 n.medium <- 5 <- 5 concentration <- as.factor(rep(resourceConcentration, each = n.medium* medium <- as.factor(rep(seq_len(n.medium), each = ,times = length(resourceConcentration) )) community <- as.factor(rep(seq_len(, times = length(resourceConcentration)*n.medium)) # Visualize with UMAP ## Provide the community data as TreeSE object library(scater) tse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment( assays=SimpleList(abundances=t(as.matrix(basisComposition))), colData=DataFrame(Medium=medium, Concentration=concentration, Community=community ) ) ## Add UMAP tse <- runUMAP(tse, name = "UMAP", exprs_values = "abundances") ## Plot UMAP plotReducedDim(tse, "UMAP", colour_by="Medium", shape_by="Concentration") # Same for compositional abundance data library(mia) ## add relative abundances; tse <- transformSamples(tse, assay.type="abundances", method="relabundance") tse <- runUMAP(tse, name = "UMAP_compositional", exprs_values = "relabundance") plotReducedDim(tse, "UMAP_compositional", colour_by="Medium", shape_by="Concentration") # Finally with communities umap_CRM_gradient_plot <<- plotReducedDim(tse, "UMAP_compositional", colour_by="Medium", shape_by="Community", size_by="Concentration")
In this part, different visualization of results demonstrate (in various facets) the gradual change of communities' beta diversity. The first figure indicates that the initial community composition is more important than the combinations of initial available resources.
The first sub-figure in the second figure demonstrates that in an oligotrophic (less available nutrients) environment, communities won't change much in a given time, whilst the last two sub-figures resemble each other, implying that the nutrient is no longer the limiting factor of the beta-diversity of the community. This pattern is further displayed in the following "curve plot".
In the third figure, the second and the th community always stays more similar, despite their initial dissimilarity, indicating that they might belong to one community type. This can be validated by input 20 or even 50 as in this case study: communities turns into clusters in each sub-figures.
# FIXME: the visual output can be polished later. print(umap_CRM_gradient_plot) umap_CRM_gradient_plot + facet_grid(size_by ~ ., labeller = label_both) umap_CRM_gradient_plot + facet_grid(colour_by ~ size_by, labeller = label_both) umap_CRM_gradient_plot + facet_grid(shape_by ~ size_by, labeller = label_both) umap_CRM_gradient_plot + facet_grid(shape_by ~ colour_by, labeller = label_both)
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