# rBLAST - Interface to BLAST
# Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Hahsler and Anurag Nagar
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#' Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)
#' Open a BLAST database and execute blastn (blastp or blastx)
#' from blast+ to find sequences matches.
#' # Installing BLAST+
#' The BLAST+ software needs to be installed on your system. Installation
#' instructions are available in this package's
#' [INSTALL](https://github.com/mhahsler/rBLAST/blob/devel/INSTALL) file and
#' at \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK569861/}.
#' R needs to be able to find the executable. After installing the software,
#' try in R
#' ```
#' Sys.which("blastn")
#' ```
#' If the command returns "" instead of the path to the executable,
#' then you need to set the environment variable called PATH. In R
#' ```
#' Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),
#' "path_to_your_BLAST_installation", sep=.Platform$path.sep))
#' ```
#' # BLAST Databases
#' You will also need a database. NCBI BLAST databases are updated daily and
#' may be downloaded via FTP from \url{https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/}.
#' See [blast_db_cache()] on how to manage a local cache of database files.
#' BLAST databases are a set of database files with different extensions.
#' All files start with the same database name. For example,
#' `16S_ribosomal_RNA.tar.gz` contains
#' files starting with `16S_ribosomal_RNA` which is the database name used
#' for calling `blast()`.
#' Large databases are separated into several archives numbered `00`, `01`, etc.
#' Download all archives and extract the files in the same directory.
#' All files will have a common name which is the database name used for calling
#' `blast()`.
#' @name blast
#' @aliases blast BLAST
#' @family blast
#' @param db the database file to be searched (without file extension).
#' @param type BLAST program to use (e.g., `blastn`, `blastp`, `blastx`).
#' @param object,x An open BLAST database as a BLAST object created
#' with [blast()].
#' @param newdata the query as an object of class [Biostrings::XStringSet].
#' @param remote logical execute the query remotely on the NCBI server. `db`
#' needs to be the name of a database available in the server.
#' @param BLAST_args additional arguments in command-line style.
#' @param custom_format custom format specified by space delimited format
#' specifiers.
#' @param info print information about the database (needs the executable
#' `blastdbcmd` in the
#' path).
#' @param verbose logical; print progress and debugging information.
#' @param keep_tmp logical; keep temporary files for debugging.
#' @param info show additional data base information.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @return
#' * `blast()` returns a BLAST database object which can be used for
#' queries (via `predict`).
#' * `predict` returns a data.frame containing
#' the BLAST results.
#' * `has_blast()` returns `TRUE` if the blast software installation can be
#' found and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @references BLAST Help - BLAST+ Executable:
#' https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/doc/blast-help/downloadblastdata.html
#' BLAST Command Line Applications User Manual,
#' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279690/
#' @keywords model
#' @examples
#' ## check if blastn is correctly installed. Should return the path to the
#' ## executable
#' Sys.which("blastn")
#' ## only run if blast is installed
#' if (has_blast()) {
#' ## check version you should have version 1.8.1+
#' system2("blastn", "-version")
#' ## download the latest version of the 16S Microbial
#' ## rRNA data base from NCBI using the local chache
#' tgz_file <- blast_db_get("16S_ribosomal_RNA.tar.gz")
#' ## extract the database files
#' untar(tgz_file, exdir = "./16S_rRNA_DB")
#' ## Note the database file can also downloaded without using a
#' ## cache using download.file
#' # download.file(paste("https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db",
#' # "16S_ribosomal_RNA.tar.gz", sep = "/"),
#' # "16S_ribosomal_RNA.tar.gz", mode = "wb")
#' # untar("16S_ribosomal_RNA.tar.gz", exdir = "./16S_rRNA_DB")
#' ## A BLAST database is just a set of files. It is a good idea to
#' ## organize the files in a directory.
#' list.files("./16S_rRNA_DB")
#' ## load a BLAST database (replace db with the location + name of
#' ## the BLAST DB without the extension)
#' bl <- blast(db = "./16S_rRNA_DB/16S_ribosomal_RNA")
#' bl
#' ## read a single example sequence to BLAST
#' seq <- readRNAStringSet(system.file("examples/RNA_example.fasta",
#' package = "rBLAST"
#' ))[1]
#' seq
#' ## query a sequence using BLAST
#' cl <- predict(bl, seq)
#' cl[1:5, ]
#' ## Pass on BLAST arguments (99% identity) and use a custom format
#' ## (see BLAST documentation)
#' fmt <- paste(
#' "qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend",
#' "sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq"
#' )
#' cl <- predict(bl, seq,
#' BLAST_args = "-perc_identity 99",
#' custom_format = fmt
#' )
#' cl
#' ## cleanup the example: delete the database files
#' unlink("./16S_rRNA_DB", recursive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import Biostrings
#' @export
blast <- function(db = NULL, remote = FALSE, type = "blastn") {
if (is.null(db)) {
stop("No BLAST database specified!")
if (remote) {
return(structure(list(db = db, type = type, remote = TRUE),
class = "BLAST"))
db <- file.path(normalizePath(dirname(db)), basename(db))
dbfiles <- Sys.glob(paste0(db, "*"))
if (length(dbfiles) < 1) {
stop("BLAST database does not exist! (tried to open: ", db, ")")
### check for spaces
if (length(grep(" ", db)) > 0) {
"Database name or path contains spaced.",
" Rename or move database to remove spaces (current path: ",
### check if executable is available
### check database
status <-
args = c("-db", db, "-info"),
stdout = FALSE
if (status != 0) {
stop("Problem loading the database! (trying to execute: blastdbcmd)")
structure(list(db = db, remote = FALSE, type = type), class = "BLAST")
#' @rdname blast
#' @export
blast_help <- function(type = "blastn") {
system2(.findExecutable(c(type)), args = c("-help"))
#' @rdname blast
#' @export
print.BLAST <- function(x, info = TRUE, ...) {
cat("BLAST Database\nLocation:", x$db, "\n")
cat("BLAST Type:", x$type, "\n")
if (info) {
out <- system2(
args = c(
"-db", x$db,
stdout = TRUE
cat(paste(out, collapse = "\n"))
#' @rdname blast
#' @export
predict.BLAST <-
BLAST_args = "",
custom_format = "",
verbose = FALSE,
keep_tmp = FALSE,
...) {
db <- object$db
remote <- object$remote
if (is.null(remote)) {
remote <- FALSE
exe <- object$type
x <- newdata
## get temp files and change working directory
wd <- tempdir()
dir <- getwd()
temp_file <- basename(tempfile(tmpdir = wd))
if (!keep_tmp) {
file.remove(Sys.glob(paste(temp_file, "*", sep = "")))
} else {
cat("Temporary BLAST files kept in", wd, "\n")
if (verbose) {
cat("Starting BLAST\n * all files are written to:", wd, "\n")
infile <- paste(temp_file, ".fasta", sep = "")
outfile <- paste(temp_file, "_BLAST_out.txt", sep = "")
if (verbose) {
cat(" * writing FASTA query sequences to", infile, "\n")
writeXStringSet(x, infile, append = FALSE, format = "fasta")
cmd <- .findExecutable(exe)
args <- c(
ifelse(remote, "-remote", ""),
'-outfmt "10 delim=@ ',
### 10 is CSV
if (verbose) {
" * running", .findExecutable(exe),
args, "\n"
command = cmd,
args = args
## rdp output column names
if (custom_format == "") {
c_names <- c(
} else {
c_names <- unlist(strsplit(custom_format, split = " +"))
## read and parse BLAST output
hits <- length(readLines(outfile))
if (verbose) {
cat(" * reading results from", outfile, "\n")
cat(" * number of lines in results file:", hits, "\n")
if (length(readLines(outfile)) == 0L) {
return(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(c_names), nrow = 0)))
cl_tab <-
sep = "@",
quote = "",
col.names = c_names
if (verbose) {
cat(" * found", nrow(cl_tab), "matches.\n")
#' @rdname blast
#' @export
has_blast <- function() {
interactive = FALSE
)) != 0
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