
Defines functions ba.bisulfiteconv2 ba.bisulfiteconv1.grn ba.targetremoval2 ba.targetremoval1 ba.hybridization.med.vs.low ba.hybridization.hi.vs.med ba.extension.grn ba.extension.red ba.specificity2 ba.specificity1.grn ba.specificity1.red ba.restoration ba.bisulfiteconv1.red ba.nonpolymorphic.grn ba.nonpolymorphic.red ba.biotinstaining.grn ba.biotinstaining.red ba.background

Documented in ba.background ba.biotinstaining.grn ba.biotinstaining.red ba.bisulfiteconv1.grn ba.bisulfiteconv1.red ba.bisulfiteconv2 ba.extension.grn ba.extension.red ba.hybridization.hi.vs.med ba.hybridization.med.vs.low ba.nonpolymorphic.grn ba.nonpolymorphic.red ba.restoration ba.specificity1.grn ba.specificity1.red ba.specificity2 ba.targetremoval1 ba.targetremoval2

#!/usr/bin/env R

# Functions for BeadArray metric calculations.

#' ba.background
#' Get background signal for BeadArray metric calculations.
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame.
#' @param ct Column name/metric title.
#' @rdname ba
ba.background <- function(cdf, ct = "Extension"){
  # Notes: single metric, uses extension grn channel
  message("Getting background signal...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){return("NA")}
  addr.bkg <- ci[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address

#' ba.biotinstaining.red
#' Get the Biotin staining Red BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param biotin.baseline Baseline signal for the biotin stain 
#' assay (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.biotinstaining.red <- function(rs, biotin.baseline, rm, cdf, 
                                  mnum = 1, mtot = 17,
                                  cnamei = "biotin.stain.red", 
                                  ct = "Biotin|DNP"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Biotin Staining Red metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.stain <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                         ci[grepl("DNP \\(High", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  which.bkg <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                       ci[grepl("DNP \\(Bkg", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  m1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){x[which.stain]/(x[which.bkg] + biotin.baseline)})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1); colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.biotinstaining.grn
#' Get the Biotin staining Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param biotin.baseline Baseline signal for the biotin stain 
#' assay (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.biotinstaining.grn <- function(gs, biotin.baseline, 
                                  rm, cdf, mnum = 2, 
                                  mtot = 17, 
                                  cnamei = "biotin.stain.grn", 
                                  ct = "Biotin|DNP"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Biotin Staining Green metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.stain <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                         ci[grepl("Biotin \\(High", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  which.bkg <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                       ci[grepl("Biotin \\(Bkg", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
    x[which.stain]/(x[which.bkg] + biotin.baseline)})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.nonpolymorphic.red
#' Get the Non-polymorphic Red BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.nonpolymorphic.red <- function(rs, rm, cdf, mnum = 3, 
                                  mtot = 17, 
                                  cnamei = "nonpolymorphic.red", 
                                  ct = "NP"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Non-polymorphic Red metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.cg <- which(rownames(rs) %in% ci$Address[grepl("(C)|(G)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.at <- which(rownames(rs) %in% ci$Address[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){min(x[which.at])/max(x[which.cg])})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1); colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.nonpolymorphic.grn
#' Get the Non-polymorphic Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.nonpolymorphic.grn <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 4, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "nonpolymorphic.grn", ct = "NP"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Non-polymorphic Grn metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.cg <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                      ci$Address[grepl("(C)|(G)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.at <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                      ci$Address[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.bisulfiteconv1.red
#' Get the Bisulfite Conversion I Red BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.bisulfiteconv1.red <- function(rs, rm, cdf, mnum = 5, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "bisulfite.conv1.red", ct = "Conversion I-"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Bisulfite Conversion I metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.c456 <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                        ci$Address[grepl("C4|C5|C6", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.u456 <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                        ci$Address[grepl("U4|U5|U6", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.restoration
#' Get the Restoration BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param addr.bkg Background signal probe address (required).
#' @param baseline Baseline measure for signals (integer, 3000).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.restoration <- function(gs, rm, cdf, addr.bkg, baseline = 3000, mnum = 6, 
  mtot = 17, cnamei = "restoration.grn", ct = "RESTORATION"){
  # note: single metric, uses only grn channel
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Restoration metric...")
  ci <- cdf[cdf$Type == ct,]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.rest <- which(rownames(gs) %in% ci$Address)
  m1 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
    x[which.rest]/(max(x[addr.bkg]) + baseline)})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.specificity1.red
#' Get the Specificity I Red BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.specificity1.red <- function(rs, rm, cdf, mnum = 7, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "specificityI.red"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Specificity I Red metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl("Mismatch (1|2|3)", cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  addr.mm.index <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                           ci[grepl("MM", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  addr.pm.index <- which(rownames(rs) %in% 
                           ci[grepl("PM", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  m1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.specificity1.grn
#' Get the Specificity I Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.specificity1.grn <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 8, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "specificityI.grn"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Specificity I...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl("Mismatch (1|2|3)", cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  addr.mm.index <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                           ci[grepl("MM", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  addr.pm.index <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                           ci[grepl("PM", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.specificity2
#' Get the Specificity II Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.specificity2 <- function(rs, gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 9, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "specificityII", ct = "Specificity 2"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Specificity II metric...")
  ci <- cdf[cdf$ExtendedType == ct,]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.addr.red <- which(rownames(rs) %in% ci$Address)
  which.addr.grn <- which(rownames(gs) %in% ci$Address)
  m0.1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){
  m0.2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  m1 <- m0.1/m0.2
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.extension.red
#' Get the Extension Red BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.extension.red <- function(rs, rm, cdf, mnum = 10, mtot = 17,
  cnamei = "extension.red", ct = "Extension.*"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Extension Red metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  addr.ext.cg <- ci$Address[grepl("(C)|(G)", ci$ExtendedType)]
  addr.ext.at <- ci$Address[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType)]
  which.cg <- which(rownames(rs) %in% addr.ext.cg)
  which.at <- which(rownames(rs) %in% addr.ext.at)
  m1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.extension.grn
#' Get the Extension Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.extension.grn <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 11, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "extension.grn", ct = "Extension.*"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Extension Green metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  addr.ext.cg <- ci$Address[grepl("(C)|(G)", ci$ExtendedType)]
  addr.ext.at <- ci$Address[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType)]
  which.cg <- which(rownames(gs) %in% addr.ext.cg)
  which.at <- which(rownames(gs) %in% addr.ext.at)
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.hybridization.hi.vs.med
#' Get the Hybridication (high vs. medium) BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.hybridization.hi.vs.med <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 12, mtot = 17,
  cnamei = "hyb.hi.med", ct = "High|Medium"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Hybridization High vs. Medium metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.hi <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                      ci$Address[grepl("(High)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.med <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                       ci$Address[grepl("(Medium)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m1 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.hybridization.med.vs.low
#' Get the Hybridication (medium vs. low) BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.hybridization.med.vs.low <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 13, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "hyb.med.low", ct = "Low|Medium"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Hybridization Medium vs. Low metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.med <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                       ci$Address[grepl("(Medium)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.low <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                       ci$Address[grepl("(Low)", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.targetremoval1
#' Get the Target Removal 1 BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param baseline Baseline measure for signals (integer, 3000).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.targetremoval1 <- function(gs, rm, cdf, baseline = 3000, mnum = 14, 
  mtot = 17, cnamei = "target.removal1", ct = "Extension|Target Removal 1"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Target Removal 1 metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl("Extension|Target Removal 1", cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.bkg <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                                ci$ExtendedType), ]$Address)
  which.t1 = which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                     ci[grepl("Removal 1", 
  m1 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
    (max(x[which.bkg]) + baseline)/x[which.t1]})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.targetremoval2
#' Get the Target Removal 2 BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param baseline Baseline measure for signals (integer, 3000).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.targetremoval2 <- function(gs, rm, cdf, baseline = 3000, mnum = 15, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "target.removal2", ct = "Extension|Target Removal 2"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Target Removal 2 metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.bkg <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                       ci[grepl("(A)|(T)", ci$ExtendedType), ]$Address)
  which.t2 <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                      ci[grepl("Target Removal 2", ci$ExtendedType),]$Address)
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
    (max(x[which.bkg]) + baseline)/x[which.t2]})
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.bisulfiteconv1.grn
#' Get the Bisulfite Conversion I Green BeadArray metric.
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.bisulfiteconv1.grn <- function(gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 16, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "bisulfite.conv1.grn", ct = "Conversion I-"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Bisulfite Conversion I metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.c123 <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                        ci$Address[grepl("C1|C2|C3", ci$ExtendedType)])
  which.u123 <- which(rownames(gs) %in% 
                        ci$Address[grepl("U1|U2|U3", ci$ExtendedType)])
  m2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  rm <- cbind(rm, m2)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm

#' ba.bisulfiteconv2
#' Get the Bisulfite Conversion II BeadArray metric.
#' @param rs Red signal matrix (required).
#' @param gs Green signal matrix (required).
#' @param rm Results matrix containing control metrics (required).
#' @param cdf Control probe data frame (required).
#' @param mnum Metric number out of total (numeric).
#' @param mtot Total metrics to be calculated (numeric, 17).
#' @param cnamei Column name (character, required).
#' @param ct Column name/metric title (character, required).
#' @rdname ba
ba.bisulfiteconv2 <- function(rs, gs, rm, cdf, mnum = 17, mtot = 17, 
  cnamei = "bisulfite.conv2", ct = "Conversion II-"){
  message("(",mnum,"/",mtot,") Calculating Bisulfite Conversion II metric...")
  ci <- cdf[grepl(ct, cdf$ExtendedType),]
  if(nrow(ci) == 0){
    message("Warning: couldn't find control probe addresses for metric ", 
            cnamei, ". Continuing..."); return(rm)}
  which.ci.red <- which(rownames(rs) %in% ci$Address)
  which.ci.grn <- which(rownames(gs) %in% ci$Address)
  m0.1 <- apply(rs, 2, function(x){
  m0.2 <- apply(gs, 2, function(x){
  m1 <- m0.1/m0.2
  rm <- cbind(rm, m1)
  colnames(rm)[ncol(rm)] <- cnamei # update rm
metamaden/recountmethylation documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 9:56 a.m.