
Defines functions simes_pval

Documented in simes_pval

#' Calculate region-level p-value
#' This function uses the Simes method to calculate a regional-level p-value
#' based on the single-eBayes p-values. It highly depends on the choice of
#' \code{maxGap} in \code{find_dames}.
#' When used as a FDR-control method, for positively correlated P-values, Simes
#' method is even closer to the nominal alpha level than the Bonferroni-Holm
#' method.
#' @param sat Output from \code{\link{get_tstats}}.
#' @param smtstat (Smoothed) tstat vector from \code{\link{get_tstats}}.
#' @param midpt Coordinate vector for each CpG site/tuple.
#' @return Vector of summarized pvals
#' @keywords internal
simes_pval <- function(sat, smtstat, midpt) {
    # try to use this strategy using full clusters, not segments
    # which means choosing the maxGap for cluster in get_tstat is
    # the most important parameter for pval method
    pval <- S4Vectors::mcols(sat)$p.value
    cluster <- mcols(sat)$cluster
    cluster.ids <- unique(cluster)
    chr <- as.character(seqnames(sat))
    starts <- midpt
    ends <- midpt
    simes <- function(pval) min((length(pval) * pval[order(pval)])/seq(from = 1,
        to = length(pval), by = 1))
    realregs <- data.frame(
        chr = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) chr[cluster == Index][1], 
            FUN.VALUE = character(1)), 
        start = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            min(starts[cluster == Index]), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        end = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) max(ends[cluster == Index]), 
            FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        meanTstat = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            mean(smtstat[cluster == Index]), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        sumTstat = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            sum(smtstat[cluster == Index]), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        pvalSimes = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) simes(pval[cluster == 
            Index]), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        clusterL = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            length(cluster[cluster == Index]), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        numup = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            sum(smtstat[cluster == Index] > 0), FUN.VALUE = double(1)), 
        numdown = vapply(cluster.ids, function(Index) 
            sum(smtstat[cluster == Index] < 0), FUN.VALUE = double(1)))
markrobinsonuzh/DAMEfinder documentation built on April 7, 2023, 6:37 a.m.