
Defines functions reverseCigar

Documented in reverseCigar

#'@title Reverses the order of operations in a cigar string
#'@description For example, the string "20M5D15M" would become "15M5D20M"
#'@param cigars the cigar strings.
#'@return The reversed cigar string
reverseCigar <- function(cigars){
  wdths <- explodeCigarOpLengths(cigars)
  ops <- explodeCigarOps(cigars)
  temp <- rev(relist(rev(paste0(unlist(wdths), unlist(ops))), rev(wdths)))
  result <- as.character(Map(paste, temp, collapse = ""))
markrobinsonuzh/CrispRVariants documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:23 p.m.