#' Get information relative to registration in .xml Big Data Viewer files
#' @param setup filter on setup value. Default to setup = 0.
#' @param XML_BDV xml file generated by the Big Data Viewer (opened to create the first MaMuT annotation file)
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dfr map
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate
#' @export
read_ViewRegistration <- function(XML_BDV, setup = 0) {
AllViewRegistrations <- XML_BDV$ViewRegistrations
id_allviewregistrations <- which(names(AllViewRegistrations) == "ViewRegistration")
names_regis <- paste0(names(AllViewRegistrations)[id_allviewregistrations],
"_", formatC(1:length(id_allviewregistrations),
flag = "0", width = nchar(length(id_allviewregistrations))))
Registration_df <-
map2_dfr(AllViewRegistrations[id_allviewregistrations], names_regis, get_registration) %>%
mutate(vector_Affine = map(AffineTransform,
~strsplit(.x, "\\s") %>%
unlist() %>%
as.numeric())) %>%
filter(Setup == setup)
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