# Script Name: GenomicPrediction.R
# Description: General functions for running genomic prediction
# Author: Brandon Monier
# Created: 2020-06-16 at 16:22:57
# Last Modified: 2021-07-26 at 11:53:09
# Detailed Purpose:
# The main purpose of this Rscript is to house all necessary
# general functions and wrappers for TASSEL genomic prediction
# capabilities.
#' @title R interface for TASSEL's genomic prediction capabilities
#' @description This function acts as a front-end for TASSEL's genomic
#' prediction functions. This analysis method uses gBLUP (genomic BLUP) to
#' predict phenotypes from genotypes. It proceeds by fitting a mixed model
#' that uses kinship to capture covariance between taxa. The mixed model can
#' calculate BLUPs for taxa that do not have phenotypes based on the
#' phenotypes of lines with relationship information.
#' A phenotype dataset and a kinship matrix must be supplied as input to the
#' method by selecting both then choosing Analysis/Genomic Selection. In
#' addition to trait values, the phenotype dataset may also contain factors
#' or covariates which will be used as fixed effects in the model. All taxa
#' in the phenotype dataset can only appear once. No repeated values are
#' allowed for a single taxon. When the analysis is run, the user is
#' presented with the choice to run k-fold cross-validation. If cross-
#' validation is selected, then the number of folds and the number of
#' iterations can be entered. For each iteration and each fold within an
#' iteration, the correlation between the observed and predicted values will
#' be reported. If cross-validation is not selected, then the original
#' observations, predicted values and PEVs (prediction error variance) will
#' be reported for all taxa in the dataset.
#' When k-fold cross-validation is performed, only taxa with phenotypes and
#' rows in the kinship matrix are used. That set of taxa are divided into k
#' subsets of equal size. Each subset in turn is used as the validation set.
#' Phenotypes of the individuals in the validation are set to 0 then
#' predicted using the remaining individuals as the training set. The
#' correlation (r) of the observed values and predicted values is calculated
#' for the validation set and reported. The mean and standard deviation of
#' the mean of the r's are calculated for each trait and reported in the
#' comments section of the "Accuracy" data set that is output by the
#' analysis. In general, the results are not very sensitive to the choice of
#' k. The number of iterations affects the standard error of the mean for the
#' accuracy estimates. The defaults of k = 5 and iterations = 20 will be
#' adequate for most users.
#' @name genomicPrediction
#' @rdname genomicPrediction
#' @param tasPhenoObj An object of class \code{TasselGenotypePenotype} that
#' contains a phenotype object.
#' @param kinship A TASSEL kinship object of class \code{TasselDistanceMatrix}.
#' @param doCV Do you want to perform k-fold cross-validation? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param kFolds Number of folds to be entered.
#' @param nIter Number of iterations to be ran.
#' @return Returns a \code{DataFrame}-based data frame
#' @importFrom rJava is.jnull
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
genomicPrediction <- function(tasPhenoObj, kinship, doCV = FALSE, kFolds, nIter) {
## Check for correct rTASSEL class
if (!inherits(tasPhenoObj, "TasselGenotypePhenotype")) {
stop("`tasObj` must be of class `TasselGenotypePhenotype`", call. = FALSE)
## Check to see if rTASSEL class object contains phenotype table
jGenoTable <- getPhenotypeTable(tasPhenoObj)
if (rJava::is.jnull(jGenoTable)) {
stop("TASSEL phenotype object not found", call. = FALSE)
## Get phenotype pointer object
tasPhenoObj <- tasPhenoObj@jPhenotypeTable
## Check to see if kinship parameter is of rJava and DistanceMatrix class
## class(kinship) != "TasselDistanceMatrix"
if (!inherits(kinship, "TasselDistanceMatrix")) {
stop("TASSEL kinship object is not of TasselDistanceMatrix class", call. = FALSE)
kinship <- kinship@jDistMatrix
## Check to see if doCV parameter and subsequent parameters are right
if (!doCV) {
kFolds <- 0L
nIter <- 0L
} else if (doCV) {
kFolds <- as.integer(kFolds)
nIter <- as.integer(nIter)
## Run genomic selection
plugin <- rJava::J("net/maizegenetics/plugindef/GenerateRCode")
genSelRes <- plugin$genomicSelection(tasPhenoObj, kinship, doCV, kFolds, nIter)
genSelRes <- tableReportToDF(genSelRes)
## Convert columns to appropriate data types
if (!doCV) {
colsNum <- c("Observed", "Predicted", "PEV")
genSelRes[colsNum] <- sapply(genSelRes[colsNum], as.numeric)
} else if (doCV) {
colsNum <- c("Iteration", "Fold", "Accuracy")
genSelRes[colsNum] <- sapply(genSelRes[colsNum], as.numeric)
## Return object
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