# Script Name: AnalysisRelatednessFunctions.R
# Description: Functions for TASSEL relatedness analyses
# Author: Brandon Monier
# Created: 2019-04-04 at 21:31:09
# Last Modified: 2022-03-01 at 17:50:19
# Detailed Purpose:
# The main purpose of this Rscript is to house functions necessary
# for relatedness-based methods in TASSEL.
#' @title Create a TASSEL kinship matrix
#' @description This function will calculate a kinship matrix using
#' TASSEL's \code{Kinship} plugin and respective parameters.
#' @name kinshipMatrix
#' @rdname kinshipMatrix
#' @param tasObj An object of class \code{TasselGenotypePenotype}.
#' @param method A Kinship method. Defaults to \code{Centered_IBS}. Other
#' options include \code{Normalized_IBS}, \code{Dominance_Centered_IBS},
#' and \code{Dominance_Normalized_IBS}.
#' @param maxAlleles Maximum number of alleles. Can be within the range of
#' \code{2} to \code{6}.
#' @param algorithmVariation Algorithm variation. If
#' \code{Dominance_Centered_IBS} is selected, users can switch between
#' \code{Observed_Allele_Freq} and \code{Proportion_Heterozygous}.
#' @return Returns a `TasselDistanceMatrix` object.
#' @importFrom rJava is.jnull
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava .jnull
#' @export
kinshipMatrix <- function(tasObj,
method = "Centered_IBS",
maxAlleles = 6,
algorithmVariation = "Observed_Allele_Freq") {
if (class(tasObj) != "TasselGenotypePhenotype") {
stop("`tasObj` must be of class `TasselGenotypePhenotype`")
jGenoTable <- getGenotypeTable(tasObj)
if (rJava::is.jnull(jGenoTable)) {
stop("TASSEL genotype object not found")
# Create kinship plugin
plugin <- rJava::new(
plugin$setParameter("method", toString(method))
plugin$setParameter("maxAlleles", toString(maxAlleles))
plugin$setParameter("algorithmVariation", toString(algorithmVariation))
distMatrix <- plugin$runPlugin(jGenoTable)
jTl <- distMatrix$getTaxaList()
tl <- sapply(1:distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(), function(i) {
jTl$taxaName(as.integer(i - 1))
Class = "TasselDistanceMatrix",
taxa = tl,
numTaxa = distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(),
summaryMatrix = summaryDistance(distMatrix),
jDistMatrix = distMatrix
#' @title Create a TASSEL distance matrix
#' @description This function will calculate a distance matrix using
#' TASSEL's \code{DistanceMatrix} plugin.
#' @name distanceMatrix
#' @rdname distanceMatrix
#' @param tasObj an rTASSEL \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} object
#' @return Returns a `TasselDistanceMatrix` object.
#' @importFrom rJava is.jnull
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava .jnull
#' @export
distanceMatrix <- function(tasObj) {
if (class(tasObj) != "TasselGenotypePhenotype") {
stop("`tasObj` must be of class `TasselGenotypePhenotype`")
jGenoTable <- getGenotypeTable(tasObj)
if (rJava::is.jnull(jGenoTable)) {
stop("TASSEL genotype object not found")
plugin <- rJava::new(
distMatrix <- plugin$getDistanceMatrix(jGenoTable)
jTl <- distMatrix$getTaxaList()
tl <- sapply(1:distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(), function(i) {
jTl$taxaName(as.integer(i - 1))
Class = "TasselDistanceMatrix",
taxa = tl,
numTaxa = distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(),
summaryMatrix = summaryDistance(distMatrix),
jDistMatrix = distMatrix
#' @title read TASSEL distance matrix object from file
#' @description This function will read a TASSEL distance matrix from
#' file and convert it into a \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} object.
#' @name readTasselDistanceMatrix
#' @rdname readTasselDistanceMatrix
#' @param file A file path of type \code{character}
#' @return Returns a \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} object.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
readTasselDistanceMatrix <- function(file) {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop("File does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
rJC <- rJava::J("net/maizegenetics/taxa/distance/ReadDistanceMatrix")
distMatrix <- rJC$readDistanceMatrix(file)
jTl <- distMatrix$getTaxaList()
tl <- sapply(1:distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(), function(i) {
jTl$taxaName(as.integer(i - 1))
Class = "TasselDistanceMatrix",
taxa = tl,
numTaxa = distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(),
summaryMatrix = summaryDistance(distMatrix),
jDistMatrix = distMatrix
#' @title Coerce matrix to TasselDistanceMatrix object
#' @description Coerces an object of \code{matrix} class into an rTASSEL
#' object of \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} class.
#' @param m An object of \code{matrix} class of \eqn{m \times m} structure
#' (e.g. a pairwise matrix). Additionally, row and column names must be
#' the same.
#' @return Returns a \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} object.
#' @importFrom rJava .jarray
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
asTasselDistanceMatrix <- function(m) {
if (!inherits(m, "matrix")) {
stop("'m' parameter must be a matrix object", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(m) != ncol(m)) {
stop("Matrix object must have equal rows and columns", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(colnames(m)) || is.null(rownames(m))) {
stop("Matrix object must have column and row names", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(colnames(m) == rownames(m))) {
stop("Matrix object must have the same row and column name structure", call. = FALSE)
plugin <- rJava::J("net/maizegenetics/plugindef/GenerateRCode")
mJ <- rJava::.jarray(m, dispatch = TRUE)
tJ <- rJava::.jarray(colnames(m), dispatch = TRUE)
distMatrix <- plugin$asTasselDistanceMatrix(mJ, tJ)
Class = "TasselDistanceMatrix",
taxa = colnames(m),
numTaxa = distMatrix$numberOfTaxa(),
summaryMatrix = summaryDistance(distMatrix),
jDistMatrix = distMatrix
#' @title Run PCA on Genotype Table
#' @description This method performs principal components analysis and returns
#' the requested number of PC axes (components).
#' @param tasObj an rTASSEL \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} object.
#' @param useCovariance If \code{TRUE}, analysis will do an eigenvalue
#' decomposition of the covariance matrix. If \code{FALSE}, it will use a
#' correlation matrix. NOTE: Using the covariance matrix is recommended for
#' genotypes while the correlation matrix is often used for phenotypes.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param limitBy This parameter determines the type of value that will be used
#' to limit the number of principal components (axes) returned. The possible
#' choices are \code{number_of_components}, \code{min_eigenvalue},
#' and \code{total_variance}.
#' @param nComponents The analysis will return this many principal components
#' up to the number of taxa.
#' @param minEigenval All principal components with an eigenvalue greater than
#' or equal to this value will be returned. NOTE: works only if
#' \code{min_eigenvalue} is set in the \code{limitBy} parameter.
#' @param totalVar The first principal components that together explain this
#' proportion of the total variance will be returned. NOTE: works only if
#' \code{total_variance} is set in the \code{limitBy} parameter.
#' @param reportEigenvalues Returns a list of eigenvalues sorted high to low.
#' @param reportEigenvectors Returns the eigenvectors calculated from a
#' Singular Value Decomposition of the data. The resulting table can be
#' quite large if the number of variants and taxa are big.
#' @return A \code{DataFrame} object.
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava .jnull
#' @export
pca <- function(
useCovariance = TRUE,
limitBy = c("number_of_components", "min_eigenvalue", "total_variance"),
nComponents = 5,
minEigenval = 0,
totalVar = 0.5,
reportEigenvalues = TRUE,
reportEigenvectors = TRUE
) {
if (class(tasObj) != "TasselGenotypePhenotype") {
stop("`tasObj` must be of class `TasselGenotypePhenotype`")
jGenoTable <- getGenotypeTable(tasObj)
if (rJava::is.jnull(jGenoTable)) {
stop("TASSEL genotype object not found")
limitBy <- match.arg(limitBy)
# Create PCA plugin
plugin <- rJava::new(
# Set PCA parameters
plugin$setParameter("covariance", tolower(as.character(useCovariance)))
plugin$setParameter("limitBy", limitBy)
plugin$setParameter("ncomponents", as.character(nComponents))
plugin$setParameter("minEigenval", as.character(minEigenval))
plugin$setParameter("reportEigenvalues", tolower(as.character(reportEigenvalues)))
plugin$setParameter("reportEigenvectors", tolower(as.character(reportEigenvectors)))
# Run PCA plugin
dataSet <- rJava::J("net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet")
pcaRes <- plugin$processData(dataSet$getDataSet(jGenoTable))
reportBody <- lapply(seq_len(pcaRes$getSize()), function(i) {
b <- pcaRes$getData(as.integer(i - 1))
reportNames <- lapply(seq_len(pcaRes$getSize()), function(i) {
pcaRes$getData(as.integer(i - 1))$getName()
names(reportBody) <- unlist(reportNames)
if (reportEigenvalues) {
colnames(reportBody$Eigenvalues_Datum) <- gsub(" ", "_", colnames(reportBody$Eigenvalues_Datum))
results = reportBody,
jObj = pcaRes$getDataWithName("PC_Datum")$get(0L)$getData()
# Add `CorePhenotype` object to return
# reportBody$jPcaObj <- pcaRes$getDataWithName("PC_Datum")$get(0L)$getData()
# if (!reportEigenvalues && !reportEigenvectors) {
# return(reportBody[c("PC_Datum", "jPcaObj")])
# } else {
# return(reportBody)
# }
#' @title Run MDS on \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} objects
#' @description Perform multidimensional scaling (MDS) on
#' \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} objects.
#' @param distMat A \code{TasselDistanceMatrix} object.
#' @param nAxes The number of axes or dimensions and associated eigenvalues to
#' be returned by the analysis. Defaults to \code{5}.
#' @param removeNaN Remove \code{NaNs} from matrix before performing MDS.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{DataFrame} object.
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava .jnull
#' @export
mds <- function(
nAxes = 5,
removeNaN = TRUE
) {
if (class(distMat) != "TasselDistanceMatrix") {
stop("`distMat` must be of class `TasselDistanceMatrix`")
# Create MDS plugin
plugin <- rJava::new(
# Set parameters
plugin$setParameter("axes", as.character(nAxes))
plugin$setParameter("removeNaN", tolower(as.character(removeNaN)))
# Run PCA plugin
dataSet <- rJava::J("net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet")
mdsRes <- plugin$performFunction(dataSet$getDataSet(distMat@jDistMatrix))
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