Man pages for m-swirski/RiboCrypt
Interactive visualization in genomics

antisenseGet antisense
browseRCBrowse a gene on Ribocrypt webpage
collection_dir_from_expGet collection directory
collection_path_from_expGet collection path
collection_to_wideCast a collection table to wide format
compute_collection_tableGet collection table normalized in wide format
createSeqPanelPatternCreate sequence panel for RiboCrypt
DEG_plotDifferential expression plots (1D or 2D)
fetch_JS_seqFetch Javascript sequence
fetch_summaryFetch summary of uniprot id
geneTrackLayerHow many rows does the gene track need
getCoverageProfileGet coverage profile
getIndexesGet index
get_meta_browser_plot_fullFull plot for allsamples browser
ggplotlyHoverCall ggplotly with hoveron defined
load_collectionLoad a ORFik collection table
make_rc_urlCreate URL to browse a gene on Ribocrypt webpage
matchMultiplePatternsMatch multiple patterns
matchToGRangesMatch to GRanges
multiOmicsPlot_animateMulti-omics animation using list input
multiOmicsPlot_listMulti-omics plot using list input
multiOmicsPlot_ORFikExpMulti-omics plot using ORFik experiment input
normalize_collectionNormalize collection table
organism_input_selectSelect box for organism
RiboCrypt_appCreate RiboCrypt app
trimOverlapsTrim overlaps
m-swirski/RiboCrypt documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 4:50 a.m.