st_network_cost: Compute a cost matrix of a spatial network

View source: R/cost.R

st_network_costR Documentation

Compute a cost matrix of a spatial network


Compute total travel costs of shortest paths between nodes in a spatial network.


  from = node_ids(x),
  to = node_ids(x),
  weights = edge_length(),
  direction = "out",
  Inf_as_NaN = FALSE,
  router = getOption("sfn_default_router", "igraph"),
  use_names = FALSE,

  from = node_ids(x),
  to = node_ids(x),
  direction = "out",
  Inf_as_NaN = FALSE,
  router = getOption("sfn_default_router", "igraph"),
  use_names = FALSE,



An object of class sfnetwork.


The nodes where the paths should start. Evaluated by evaluate_node_query. By default, all nodes in the network are included.


The nodes where the paths should end. Evaluated by evaluate_node_query. By default, all nodes in the network are included.


The edge weights to be used in the shortest path calculation. Evaluated by evaluate_weight_spec. The default is edge_length, which computes the geographic lengths of the edges.


The direction of travel. Defaults to 'out', meaning that the direction given by the network is followed and costs are computed from the points given as argument from. May be set to 'in', meaning that the opposite direction is followed an costs are computed towards the points given as argument from. May also be set to 'all', meaning that the network is considered to be undirected. This argument is ignored for undirected networks.


Should the cost values of unconnected nodes be stored as NaN instead of Inf? Defaults to FALSE.


The routing backend to use for the cost matrix computation. Currently supported options are 'igraph' and 'dodgr'. See Details.


If a column named name is present in the nodes table, should these names be used as row and column names in the matrix, instead of the node indices? Defaults to FALSE. Ignored when the nodes table does not have a column named name.


Additional arguments passed on to the underlying function of the chosen routing backend. See Details.


The sfnetworks package does not implement its own routing algorithms to compute cost matrices. Instead, it relies on "routing backends", i.e. other R packages that have implemented such algorithms. Currently two different routing backends are supported.

The default is igraph. This package supports many-to-many cost matrix computation with the distances function. The igraph router does not support dual-weighted routing.

The second supported routing backend is dodgr. This package supports many-to-many cost matrix computation with the dodgr_dists function. It also supports dual-weighted routing. The dodgr package is a conditional dependency of sfnetworks. Using the dodgr router requires the dodgr package to be installed.

The default router can be changed by setting the sfn_default_router option.


An n times m numeric matrix where n is the length of the from argument, and m is the length of the to argument.

See Also

st_network_paths, st_network_travel


library(sf, quietly = TRUE)
library(tidygraph, quietly = TRUE)

net = as_sfnetwork(roxel, directed = FALSE) |>

# Compute the network cost matrix between node pairs.
# Note that geographic edge length is used as edge weights by default.
st_network_cost(net, from = c(495, 121), to = c(495, 121))

# st_network_distance is a synonym for st_network_cost with default weights.
st_network_distance(net, from = c(495, 121), to = c(495, 121))

# Compute the network cost matrix between spatial point features.
# These are snapped to their nearest node before computing costs.
p1 = st_geometry(net, "nodes")[495] + st_sfc(st_point(c(50, -50)))
st_crs(p1) = st_crs(net)
p2 = st_geometry(net, "nodes")[121] + st_sfc(st_point(c(-10, 100)))
st_crs(p2) = st_crs(net)

st_network_cost(net, from = c(p1, p2), to = c(p1, p2))

# Use a node type query function to specify origins and/or destinations.
st_network_cost(net, from = 499, to = node_is_connected(499))

# Use a spatial edge measure to specify edge weights.
# By default edge_length() is used.
st_network_cost(net, c(p1, p2), c(p1, p2), weights = edge_displacement())

# Use a column in the edges table to specify edge weights.
# This uses tidy evaluation.
net |>
  activate("edges") |>
  mutate(foo = runif(n(), min = 0, max = 1)) |>
  st_network_cost(c(p1, p2), c(p1, p2), weights = foo)

# Compute the cost matrix without edge weights.
# Here the cost is defined by the number of edges, ignoring space.
st_network_cost(net, c(p1, p2), c(p1, p2), weights = NA)

# Use the dodgr router for dual-weighted routing.
paths = st_network_cost(net,
  from = c(p1, p2),
  to = c(p1, p2),
  weights = dual_weights(edge_segment_count(), edge_length()),
  router = "dodgr"

# Not providing any from or to points includes all nodes by default.
with_graph(net, graph_order()) # Our network has 701 nodes.
cost_matrix = st_network_cost(net)

luukvdmeer/sfnetworks documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 5:30 a.m.