#' @include class_RegspliceData.R class_RegspliceResults.R
#' Calculate 'voom' transformation and weights.
#' Use \code{limma-voom} to transform counts and calculate exon-level weights.
#' Raw counts do not fulfill the statistical assumptions required for linear modeling.
#' The \code{limma-voom} methodology transforms counts to log2-counts per million
#' (logCPM), and calculates exon-level weights based on the observed mean-variance
#' relationship. Linear modeling methods can then be applied.
#' For more details, see the documentation for \code{\link[limma]{voom}} in the
#' \code{limma} package.
#' Note that \code{voom} assumes that exon bins (rows) with zero or low counts have
#' already been removed, so this step should be done after filtering with
#' \code{\link{filterZeros}} and \code{\link{filterLowCounts}}.
#' Normalization factors can be provided in a column named \code{norm_factors} in the
#' column meta-data (\code{colData} slot) of the \code{\linkS4class{RegspliceData}}
#' object. These will be used by \code{voom} to calculate normalized library sizes. If
#' normalization factors are not provided, \code{voom} will use non-normalized library
#' sizes (columnwise total counts) instead.
#' The experimental conditions or group labels for each biological sample are assumed to
#' be in a column named \code{condition} in the column meta-data (\code{colData} slot) of
#' the \code{\linkS4class{RegspliceData}} object. This column is created when the object
#' is initialized with the \code{RegspliceData()} constructor function.
#' The transformed counts are stored in the updated \code{counts} matrix, which can be
#' accessed with the \code{\link{countsData}} accessor function. The weights are stored
#' in a new data matrix labeled \code{weights}, which can be accessed with the
#' \code{\link{weightsData}} accessor function. In addition, the normalized library sizes
#' (if available) are stored in a new column named \code{lib_sizes} in the column
#' meta-data (\code{colData} slot).
#' If you are using exon microarray data, this step should be skipped, since exon
#' microarray intensities are already on a continuous scale.
#' Previous step: Calculate normalization factors with \code{\link{runNormalization}}.
#' Next step: Initialize \code{\linkS4class{RegspliceResults}} object with the
#' constructor function \code{RegspliceResults()}.
#' @param rs_data \code{\linkS4class{RegspliceData}} object, which has been filtered with
#' \code{\link{filterZeros}} and \code{\link{filterLowCounts}}, and (optionally)
#' normalization factors added with \code{\link{runNormalization}}.
#' @return Returns a \code{\linkS4class{RegspliceData}} object. Transformed counts are
#' stored in the \code{counts} matrix, and weights are stored in a new \code{weights}
#' data matrix. The data matrices can be accessed with the accessor functions
#' \code{\link{countsData}} and \code{\link{weightsData}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{runNormalization}} \code{\link{fitRegMultiple}}
#' \code{\link{fitNullMultiple}} \code{\link{fitFullMultiple}}
#' @importFrom limma voom
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file_counts <- system.file("extdata/vignette_counts.txt", package = "regsplice")
#' data <- read.table(file_counts, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' head(data)
#' counts <- data[, 2:7]
#' tbl_exons <- table(sapply(strsplit(data$exon, ":"), function(s) s[[1]]))
#' gene_IDs <- names(tbl_exons)
#' n_exons <- unname(tbl_exons)
#' condition <- rep(c("untreated", "treated"), each = 3)
#' rs_data <- RegspliceData(counts, gene_IDs, n_exons, condition)
#' rs_data <- filterZeros(rs_data)
#' rs_data <- filterLowCounts(rs_data)
#' rs_data <- runNormalization(rs_data)
#' rs_data <- runVoom(rs_data)
runVoom <- function(rs_data) {
norm_factors <- colData(rs_data)$norm_factors
condition <- colData(rs_data)$condition
counts <- countsData(rs_data)
# design matrix
design <- stats::model.matrix(~ condition)
# normalized library sizes
if (!is.null(norm_factors)) {
lib_sizes <- norm_factors * colSums(counts)
} else {
lib_sizes <- NULL
colData(rs_data)$lib_sizes <- lib_sizes
# run voom
out_voom <- limma::voom(counts = counts, design = design, lib.size = lib_sizes)
assays(rs_data)$counts <- out_voom$E
assays(rs_data)$weights <- out_voom$weights
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