MMmotif <- setClass(
# Set the name for the class
# define the slots
slots = c(
motif_format = "character",
version = "numeric",
alphabet = "character",
strand = "character",
background = "vector",
id = "character",
alternate_name = "character",
width = "integer",
nsites = "integer",
nPeaks = "integer",
evalue = "numeric",
motif_matrix = "matrix"
# Set the default values for the slots.
prototype = list(
motif_format = "MEME",
version = 4,
alphabet = "ACGT",
strand = "+ -",
background = c("A"=0, "C"=0, "G"=0, "T"=0),
id = "",
alternate_name = "",
width = 0L,
nsites = 0L,
nPeaks = 0L,
evalue = 0,
motif_matrix = matrix()
setGeneric(name = "updateMMmotif",
def = function(theObject, motif_format, version, alphabet, strand,
background, id, alternate_name, width, nsites, nPeaks,
evalue, motif_matrix)
setMethod(f = "updateMMmotif",
signature(theObject = "MMmotif"),
definition = function(theObject, motif_format, version, alphabet, strand,
background, id, alternate_name, width, nsites, nPeaks,
evalue, motif_matrix)
if (missing(theObject))
stop("No MMmotif object.Please use 'theObject = '")
if (!missing(motif_format))
if (!is.character(motif_format))
stop("'motif_format' should be character!")
theObject@motif_format <- motif_format
if (!missing(version))
if (!is.numeric(version))
stop("'version' should be numeric!")
theObject@version <- version
if (!missing(alphabet))
if (!is.character(alphabet))
stop("'alphabet' should be character!")
theObject@alphabet <- alphabet
if (!missing(strand))
if (!is.character(strand))
stop("'strand' should be character!")
theObject@strand <- strand
if (!missing(background))
if (!is.vector(background))
stop("'background' should be named vector!")
theObject@background <- background
if (!missing(id))
if (!is.character(id))
stop("'id' should be character!")
theObject@id <- id
if (!missing(alternate_name))
if (!is.character(alternate_name))
stop("'alternate_name' should be character!")
theObject@alternate_name <- alternate_name
if (!missing(width))
if (!is.integer(width))
stop("'width' should be integer!")
theObject@width <- width
if (!missing(nsites))
if (!is.integer(nsites))
stop("'nsites' should be integer!")
theObject@nsites <- nsites
if (!missing(nPeaks))
if (!is.integer(nPeaks))
stop("'nPeaks' should be integer!")
theObject@nPeaks <- nPeaks
if (!missing(evalue))
if (!is.numeric(evalue))
stop("'evalue' should be numeric!")
theObject@evalue <- evalue
if (!missing(motif_matrix))
if (!is.matrix(motif_matrix))
stop("'motif_matrix' should be matrix!")
theObject@motif_matrix <- motif_matrix
# MethMotif object
MethMotif <- setClass(
slots = c(MMBetaScore = "matrix", MMmotif = "MMmotif"),
prototype = list(MMBetaScore = matrix(), MMmotif = MMmotif())
setGeneric(name = "updateMethMotif",
def = function(theObject, MMBetaScore, MMmotif)
setMethod(f = "updateMethMotif",
signature(theObject = "MethMotif"),
definition = function(theObject, MMBetaScore, MMmotif)
if (missing(theObject))
stop("No MethMotif object.Please use 'theObject = '")
if (!missing(MMBetaScore))
if (!is.matrix(MMBetaScore))
stop("'MMBetaScore' should be matrix!")
theObject@MMBetaScore <- MMBetaScore
if (!missing(MMmotif))
if (class(MMmotif)[1]!="MMmotif")
stop("'MMmotif' should be MMmotif class!")
theObject@MMmotif <- MMmotif
# IntersectPeakMatrix object
IntersectPeakMatrix <- setClass(
slots = c(id = "character",
id_x = "character",
overlap_percentage_x = "numeric",
isxTFregulomeID = "logical",
MethMotif_x = "MethMotif",
methylation_profile_x = "matrix",
external_signal_x = "vector",
tag_density_x = "vector",
id_y = "character",
overlap_percentage_y = "numeric",
isyTFregulomeID = "logical",
MethMotif_y = "MethMotif",
methylation_profile_y = "matrix",
external_signal_y = "vector",
tag_density_y = "vector"),
prototype = list(id = "",
id_x = "",
overlap_percentage_x = 0,
isxTFregulomeID = FALSE,
MethMotif_x = new('MethMotif'),
methylation_profile_x = matrix(),
external_signal_x = c("signal_number"=NA, "mean"=NA,"SD"=NA,"median"=NA,
"quartile_25"=NA, "quartile_75"=NA),
tag_density_x = c("peak_number"=NA, "mean"=NA,"SD"=NA,"median"=NA,
"quartile_25"=NA, "quartile_75"=NA),
id_y = "",
overlap_percentage_y = 0,
isyTFregulomeID = FALSE,
MethMotif_y = new('MethMotif'),
methylation_profile_y = matrix(),
external_signal_y = c("signal_number"=NA, "mean"=NA,"SD"=NA,"median"=NA,
"quartile_25"=NA, "quartile_75"=NA),
tag_density_y = c("peak_number"=NA, "mean"=NA,"SD"=NA,"median"=NA,
"quartile_25"=NA, "quartile_75"=NA))
setGeneric(name = "updateIntersectPeakMatrix",
def = function(theObject, id, id_x, overlap_percentage_x, isxTFregulomeID,
MethMotif_x, methylation_profile_x, external_signal_x,
tag_density_x, id_y, overlap_percentage_y,isyTFregulomeID,
MethMotif_y, methylation_profile_y, external_signal_y,
setMethod(f = "updateIntersectPeakMatrix",
signature(theObject = "IntersectPeakMatrix"),
definition = function(theObject, id, id_x, overlap_percentage_x,
isxTFregulomeID, MethMotif_x, methylation_profile_x,
external_signal_x, tag_density_x, id_y, overlap_percentage_y,
isyTFregulomeID, MethMotif_y, methylation_profile_y,
external_signal_y, tag_density_y)
if (missing(theObject))
stop("No IntersectPeakMatrix object.Please use 'theObject = '")
if (!missing(id))
if (!is.character(id))
stop("'id' should be character!")
theObject@id <- id
if (!missing(id_x))
if (!is.character(id_x))
stop("'id_x' should be character!")
theObject@id_x <- id_x
if (!missing(overlap_percentage_x))
if (!is.numeric(overlap_percentage_x))
stop("'overlap_percentage_x' should be numeric!")
theObject@overlap_percentage_x <- overlap_percentage_x
if (!missing(isxTFregulomeID))
if (!is.logical(isxTFregulomeID))
stop("'isxTFregulomeID' should be logical!")
theObject@isxTFregulomeID <- isxTFregulomeID
if (!missing(MethMotif_x))
if (class(MethMotif_x)[1]!="MethMotif")
stop("'MethMotif_x' should be class MethMotif!")
theObject@MethMotif_x <- MethMotif_x
if (!missing(methylation_profile_x))
if (class(methylation_profile_x)[1]!="matrix")
stop("'methylation_profile_x' should be class matrix!")
theObject@methylation_profile_x <- methylation_profile_x
if (!missing(external_signal_x))
if (!is.vector(external_signal_x))
stop("'external_signal_x' should be class vector!")
theObject@external_signal_x <- external_signal_x
if (!missing(tag_density_x))
if (!is.vector(tag_density_x))
stop("'tag_density_x' should be class vector!")
theObject@tag_density_x <- tag_density_x
if (!missing(id_y))
if (!is.character(id_y))
stop("'id_y' should be character!")
theObject@id_y <- id_y
if (!missing(overlap_percentage_y))
if (!is.numeric(overlap_percentage_y))
stop("'overlap_percentage_y' should be numeric!")
theObject@overlap_percentage_y <- overlap_percentage_y
if (!missing(isyTFregulomeID))
if (!is.logical(isyTFregulomeID))
stop("'isyTFregulomeID' should be logical!")
theObject@isyTFregulomeID <- isyTFregulomeID
if (!missing(MethMotif_y))
if (class(MethMotif_y)[1]!="MethMotif")
stop("'MethMotif_y' should be class MethMotif!")
theObject@MethMotif_y <- MethMotif_y
if (!missing(methylation_profile_y))
if (class(methylation_profile_y)[1]!="matrix")
stop("'methylation_profile_y' should be class matrix!")
theObject@methylation_profile_y <- methylation_profile_y
if (!missing(external_signal_y))
if (!is.vector(external_signal_y))
stop("'external_signal_y' should be class vector!")
theObject@external_signal_y <- external_signal_y
if (!missing(tag_density_y))
if (!is.vector(tag_density_y))
stop("'tag_density_y' should be class vector!")
theObject@tag_density_y <- tag_density_y
# ExclusivePeaksMM object
ExclusivePeaksMM <- setClass(
slots = c(id = "character",
exclusive_percentage = "numeric",
exclusive_peak = "data.frame",
isTFregulomeID = "logical",
MethMotif = "MethMotif",
methylation_profile = "matrix"),
prototype = list(id = "",
exclusive_percentage = 0,
exclusive_peak = data.frame(),
isTFregulomeID = FALSE,
MethMotif = new('MethMotif'),
methylation_profile = matrix())
setGeneric(name = "updateExclusivePeaksMM",
def = function(theObject, id, exclusive_percentage, exclusive_peak,
isTFregulomeID, MethMotif, methylation_profile)
setMethod(f = "updateExclusivePeaksMM",
signature(theObject = "ExclusivePeaksMM"),
definition = function(theObject, id, exclusive_percentage, exclusive_peak,
isTFregulomeID, MethMotif, methylation_profile)
if (missing(theObject))
stop("No ExclusivePeaksMM object.Please use 'theObject = '")
if (!missing(id))
if (!is.character(id))
stop("'id' should be character!")
theObject@id <- id
if (!missing(exclusive_percentage))
if (!is.numeric(exclusive_percentage))
stop("'exclusive_percentage' should be numeric!")
theObject@exclusive_percentage <- exclusive_percentage
if (!missing(exclusive_peak))
if (!
stop("'exclusive_peak' should be data.frame!")
theObject@exclusive_peak <- exclusive_peak
if (!missing(isTFregulomeID))
if (!is.logical(isTFregulomeID))
stop("'isTFregulomeID' should be logical!")
theObject@isTFregulomeID <- isTFregulomeID
if (!missing(MethMotif))
if (class(MethMotif)[1]!="MethMotif")
stop("'MethMotif' should be class MethMotif!")
theObject@MethMotif <- MethMotif
if (!missing(methylation_profile))
if (class(methylation_profile)[1]!="matrix")
stop("'methylation_profile' should be class matrix!")
theObject@methylation_profile <- methylation_profile
# CommonPeaksMM object
CommonPeaksMM <- setClass(
slots = c(id = "character",
common_percentage = "numeric",
common_peak = "data.frame",
isTFregulomeID = "logical",
MethMotif = "MethMotif",
methylation_profile = "matrix"),
prototype = list(id = "",
common_percentage = 0,
common_peak = data.frame(),
isTFregulomeID = FALSE,
MethMotif = new('MethMotif'),
methylation_profile = matrix())
setGeneric(name = "updateCommonPeaksMM",
def = function(theObject, id, common_percentage, common_peak,isTFregulomeID,
MethMotif, methylation_profile)
setMethod(f = "updateCommonPeaksMM",
signature(theObject = "CommonPeaksMM"),
definition = function(theObject, id, common_percentage, common_peak,isTFregulomeID,
MethMotif, methylation_profile)
if (missing(theObject))
stop("No CommonPeaksMM object.Please use 'theObject = '")
if (!missing(id))
if (!is.character(id))
stop("'id' should be character!")
theObject@id <- id
if (!missing(common_percentage))
if (!is.numeric(common_percentage))
stop("'common_percentage' should be numeric!")
theObject@common_percentage <- common_percentage
if (!missing(common_peak))
if (!
stop("'common_peak' should be data.frame!")
theObject@common_peak <- common_peak
if (!missing(isTFregulomeID))
if (!is.logical(isTFregulomeID))
stop("'isTFregulomeID' should be logical!")
theObject@isTFregulomeID <- isTFregulomeID
if (!missing(MethMotif))
if (class(MethMotif)[1]!="MethMotif")
stop("'MethMotif' should be class MethMotif!")
theObject@MethMotif <- MethMotif
if (!missing(methylation_profile))
if (class(methylation_profile)[1]!="matrix")
stop("'methylation_profile' should be class matrix!")
theObject@methylation_profile <- methylation_profile
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