#' @author Lei Li, Liya Ming
#' @title mms2plot
#' @description Visualization of multiple MS/MS spectra for groups of modified
#' and non-modified peptides
#' @export mms2plot
#' @param id_table_path File path of the table that contains the information of
#' peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) and number labels. The PSM information
#' is referred to as the output file msms.txt from Maxquant.
#' @param mod_xml_path File path of the modification file. The Maxquant
#' mdification xml file modifications.xml can be directly used.
#' @param par_filepath File path of of the parameter batch table that includes
#' the parameter xml file and the fragment mass tolerance (ppm). The
#' parameter file format is referred to as par.xml in Maxquant.
#' @param output_path Folder Path that stores the output image files.
#' @param min_intensity_ratio minimal percentage threshold of MS2 intensity,
#' compared with the highest intensity. (default=0.01).
#' @param pdf_width The width of a single PSM figure area in inches. The area
#' includes both plot region and outer margin area. The default is 3.35
#' for a single column. The width is 7 for double-column.
#' @param pdf_height The height of a single PSM figure area in inches. The
#' default is pdf_width/2.4.
#' @param xmai Margin of the figure in number of inches for x axis.
#' (default=pdf_width*0.15/3.35).
#' @param ymai Margin of the figure in number of inches for y axis.
#' (default=pdf_width*0.15/3.35).
#' @param ppm The threshold of mass error in parts per million(ppm):
#' (exactMass-accurateMass)/exactMass*1E6. (default=20).
#' @param y_ion_col y ion color. The default is red.
#' @param b_ion_col b ion color. The default is blue.
#' @param peaks_col color of all M/Z peaks. The default is grey.
#' @param ymax The height of the plot region relative to the default.
#' (default=1.6).
#' @param info_height The height of MS2 annotation. (default=1.5)
#' @param peptide_height The height of peptide sequence annotation in the plot
#' region, relative to the default. (default=1.3)
#' @param mod_height The height of modification annotation relative to the
#' location where peptide sequence is annotation. (default=0.07).
#' @param len_annoSpace The length of b/y ion annotation segments.(default=0.1).
#' @param lwd line width relative to the default. (default=pdf_width/3.35).
#' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and
#' symbols is magnified relative to the default.(default=pdf_width/3.35).
#' @return No value is returned.
#' @import xml2
#' @import gsubfn
#' @importFrom MSnbase readMSData
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis lines par plot segments text
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @note See vignettes for more details
#' @examples
#' ###
#' general_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata" )
#' setwd( general_path )
#' ###################################
#' # Generate a mirrored-spectra pdf file for label-free data
#' lf_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata/label_free" )
#' # id_table_path expands the Maxqaunt output msms.txt by adding "label" column
#' id_table_path = dir( lf_path, "msms_labelfree.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' # par_filepath contains par.xml with full file path and PPM cutoff
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot( id_table_path, mod_xml_path, par_filepath, output_path) # Only run for testing
#' ###################################
#' # Generate an aligned-spectra plot pdf file for TMT labelling
#' TMT_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata/TMT" )
#' # id_table_path expands the Maxqaunt output msms.txt by adding "label" column
#' id_table_path = dir( TMT_path, "msms_TMT.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' # par_filepath contains par.xml with full file path and PPM cutoff
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot( id_table_path, mod_xml_path, par_filepath, output_path) # Only run for testing
#' #####################################
#' # Generate a mirrored-spectra pdf file for SILAC labelling
#' SILAC_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata/silac" )
#' id_table_path = dir( SILAC_path, "msms_SILAC.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot( id_table_path, mod_xml_path,par_filepath,output_path ) # Only run for testing
#' #####################################
#' # Generate a couple of spectra pdf files for dimethyl labelling
#' dim_path = system.file(package="mms2plot",dir="extdata/Dimethyl_Labelling")
#' id_table_path = dir( dim_path, "msms_dim.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot(id_table_path, mod_xml_path, par_filepath, output_path) # Only run for testing
#' #####################################
#' # Generate a couple of spectra pdf files for ETD (ie. c/z ions)
#' dim_path = system.file(package="mms2plot",dir="extdata/label_free_ETD")
#' id_table_path = dir( dim_path, "msms_lf_ETD.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot(id_table_path, mod_xml_path, par_filepath, output_path) # Only run for testing
#' #####################################
#' # an example for showing neutral loss (e.g. phosphorylation)
#' dim_path = system.file(package="mms2plot",dir="extdata/phospho")
#' id_table_path = dir( dim_path, "msms_phospho.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' mod_xml_path = dir( general_path, "modifications.xml", full.names = TRUE )
#' par_filepath = dir( general_path, "par_batch.txt", full.names = TRUE )
#' output_path = general_path
#' #mms2plot(id_table_path, mod_xml_path, par_filepath, output_path) # Only run for testing
# rm(list=ls())
# .libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "E:/mms2plot/MMS2plot/inst/extdata") )
# library(xml2)
# library(MSnbase)
# library(data.table)
# library(DescTools) # MixColor
# library(gsubfn)
# #
# PPM_denominator=1E6
# source("R/plot_mirror_or_group.R")
# source("R/add_mod_aa.R")
# source("R/psm_calculation.R")
# source("R/plot_components.R")
# getwd()
mms2plot <- function(id_table_path,
xmai = 0.15*pdf_width/3.35,
ymai = 0.3*pdf_width/3.35,
peaks_col = "grey",
ymax = 1.6,
info_height = 1.5,
peptide_height = 1.3,
mod_height = 0.07,
len_annoSpace = 0.1,
srt <- 0
if(! file.exists(output_path)) {
output_path = paste(output_path, "/", sep="")
if(! file.exists(output_path)){
stop(paste("The output dictionary [", output_path, "] does NOT \
if(! file.exists(par_filepath)){
stop(paste0("The file '", par_filepath, "' does NOT exist."))
par_files<-data.table::fread(par_filepath, na.strings = "NA",
sep = "\t", fill = TRUE, header = TRUE)
if(! any(colnames(par_files) == "ppm")){stop(paste0("The 'ppm' column does NOT exist in ", par_filepath))}
if(! any(colnames(par_files) == "par_path")){stop(paste0("The 'par_path' column dos NOT exist in ", par_filepath))}
if(! any(colnames(par_files) == "ion_type")){stop(paste0("The 'ion_type' column dos NOT exist in ", par_filepath))}
if(! all(base::grepl("y|z", par_files$ion_type))){stop("Three labels (y, z or yz) are accepted only in the 'ion_type' column of ", par_filepath)}
par_ppm <- data.table::rbindlist(apply(par_files, 1, readpar_ppm))
input_table <- data.table::fread(id_table_path, na.strings = "NA",
sep = "\t", fill = TRUE, header = TRUE)
# check the columns in id_table_path
msms_file = base::basename(id_table_path)
if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Raw file")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Raw file' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "label")){
stop(paste0("The column 'label' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Scan number")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Scan number' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Sequence")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Sequence' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Modifications")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Modifications' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Modified sequence")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Modified sequence' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Gene Names")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Gene Names' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
}else if(! any(colnames(input_table) %in% "Charge")){
stop(paste0("The column 'Charge' does not exist in ", msms_file, "!"))
input_table$base_rawFile <- basename(input_table$`Raw file`)
input_table <- check_input_table(input_table, id_table_path, par_ppm, par_filepath)
lapply(unique(input_table$`Raw file`), drawms2plot_samerawfile, input_table,
mod_xml_path, output_path, par_ppm, min_intensity_ratio, pdf_width,
pdf_height, xmai, ymai, y_ion_col, b_ion_col, peaks_col, ymax,
peptide_height, info_height, mod_height, len_annoSpace, lwd, cex,
show_iontype=TRUE, srt) # call for individual raw_files
# load("data/aa_mw_table.rda")
# load("data/atom_mw_table.rda")
# # ##save(aa_mw_table, atom_mw_table, PPM_denominator, file = "data/data.rda")
# # ##load aa_mw and atom_mw files
# #aa_mw_table <- data.table::fread("inst/extdata/AA_MW.txt", sep = "\t",
# # fill = TRUE, header = TRUE)
# #save(aa_mw_table, file = "data/aa_mw_table.rda")
# # ##atom_mw_table <- data.table::fread("inst/extdata/atom_MW.txt", sep = "\t",
# # ## fill = TRUE, header = TRUE)
# #
# mod_xml_path = "inst/extdata/modifications.xml"
# par_filepath = "inst/extdata/par_batch_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/TMT/msms_TMT_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/Dimethyl_Labelling/msms_dim_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/silac/msms_SILAC_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/label_free/msms_labelfree_test.txt"
# id_table_path = "inst/extdata/phospho/msms_phospho_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/label_free_ETD/msms_lf_ETD_test.txt"
# # id_table_path = "inst/extdata/kal/CRTAC1.txt"
# #
# # ##
# output_path = "d:"
# mms2plot(id_table_path=id_table_path, mod_xml_path=mod_xml_path,
# par_filepath=par_filepath, output_path=output_path, pdf_width=7)
# #
# id_table_path = "D:/test/input/identification.txt"
# mod_xml_path = "D:/test/input/modifications.xml"
# mqpar_filepath = "D:/test/input/parameter_batch.txt"
# output_path = "D:/test"
# mms2plot(id_table_path,mod_xml_path,mqpar_filepath,output_path)
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