#' Conversion of the research result with the mzid format to the mms2plot-required identification file.
#' @export MZID_prep
#' @param config_table_path file path of the table that contains five columns: the raw MS filepath,
#' the type of modifiation, mass shift, the tolerance of the mass shift and the search result MZID filepath.
#' Please see teh user guide for the details.
#' @param output_path a character string naming a output file as the identification txt file for mms2plot.
#' @return No value is returned.
#' @examples
#' general_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata" )
#' setwd( general_path )
#' config_table_path = 'prep/user_table_forMSMS.txt'
#' path_user_table = 'prep/user_table_forMZID.txt'
#' output_path = 'prep/comet/conversion/identification.txt'
#' MZID_prep(path_user_table,output_path)#,dir_mzid)#label.by.Raw_seq_charge)
# rm(list=ls())
# gc()
# if(!requireNamespace('stringr')) install.packages('stringr')
# library(stringr)
# if(!requireNamespace('mzID')) install.packages('mzID')
# library(mzID)
# if(!requireNamespace('dplyr')) install.packages('dplyr')
# library(dplyr)
# options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# options(digits = 15)
MZID_prep = function(path_user_table,output_path){
user_table = data.table::fread(path_user_table)#read user table
result_df = lapply(X = seq(nrow(user_table)),FUN = Convert_by_usr,table = user_table)#,paths_mzid = paths_mzid)
df = do.call(rbind,result_df)
df_mod = df[with(df,Modifications == 'Unmodified'),]
df_unmod = df[with(df,Modifications != 'Unmodified'),]
key_unmod = unique(paste(df_unmod$`Raw file`,df_unmod$Sequence,df_unmod$Charge))
key_mod = unique(paste(df_mod$`Raw file`,df_mod$Sequence,df_mod$Charge))
key_intersect = intersect(key_unmod,key_mod)
if(length(key_intersect) > 0){
keep_unmod = df_unmod[with(df_unmod,paste(`Raw file`,`Sequence`,`Charge`) %in% key_intersect),]
keep_mod = df_mod[with(df_mod,paste(`Raw file`,`Sequence`,`Charge`) %in% key_intersect),]
bind_groups = rbind(keep_mod,keep_unmod)
bind_groups = df
keys = paste(bind_groups$`Raw file`,bind_groups$Sequence,bind_groups$Charge)
df_sub_ls = lapply(seq(length(key_intersect)),Add_label,df = bind_groups,keys = keys)
df_labeled = do.call(rbind,df_sub_ls)
if(!dir.exists(dirname(output_path))){dir.create(dirname(output_path),recursive = TRUE)}
utils::write.table(df_labeled,output_path,quote = F,row.names = F,sep = '\t')
print("The conversion is successfully complete.")
# path_user_table = 'inst/extdata/prep/user_table_forMZID.txt'
# output_path = 'inst/extdata/prep/comet/conversion/identification.txt'
# ####Run---MZID_prep
# MZID_prep(path_user_table,output_path)
# path_user_table = 'E:\\mingliya\\project\\mms2plot\\search_result\\comet\\user_table_forMZID.txt'
# output_path = paste(dirname(path_user_table),'test_out.txt',sep = '/')
# MZID_prep(path_user_table,output_path)
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