#' Returns the relevant featureIds for a given geneset.
#' @description
#' Gene sets are defined by the unique compound key consisting of their
#' `collection` and `name`. To fetch the featureIds associated with
#' a specific geneset, you must provide values for `i` and `j`. If
#' these are missing, then a character vector of all the unique feature ids
#' within `x` are returned.
#' If the GeneSetDb `x` has been conformed to an expression object this
#' will default to return only the feature_id's that are matched to the target
#' expression object, and they will be returned using the same identifiers that
#' the target expression object uses. To change this behavior, tweak the values
#' for the `active.only` and `value` parameters, respectively.
#' `x` can be either a `GeneSetDb` or a `MultiGSEAResult`. If its the latter,
#' then this call simply delegates to the internal `GeneSetDb`.
#' @rdname featureIds
#' @exportMethod featureIds
#' @param x Object to retrieve the gene set from, either a `GeneSetDb` or a
#' `MultiGSEAResult`.
#' @param i,j The collection,name compound key identifier of the gene set
#' @param value What form do you want the id's in?
#' * `"feature_id"`: the IDs used in the original geneset definitions
#' * `"x.id"`: the ids of the features as they are used in the expression
#' object.
#' * `"x.idx"`: The integer index into the expresion object `x` that the
#' `GeneSetDb`` has been conformed to.
#' @param active.only only look for gene sets that are "active"? Defaults to
#' `TRUE` if `x` is conformed to a target expression object, else `FALSE`.
#' [conform()] for further details.
#' @return A vector of identifiers (or indexes into an expression object,
#' depending on the `value` argument) for the features in the specified
#' geneset. `NA` is returned if the geneset is not "active" (ie. listed in
#' [geneSets()])
#' @examples
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' fids.gs <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', 'BIOCARTA_AGPCR_PATHWAY')
#' fids.c2 <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2')
#' fids.all <- featureIds(gdb)
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom=TRUE)
#' gdb <- conform(gdb, vm)
#' ## fewer than before
#' fids.gs2 <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', 'BIOCARTA_AGPCR_PATHWAY')
#' ## same as before
#' fids.gs3 <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', 'BIOCARTA_AGPCR_PATHWAY', active.only=FALSE)
#' ## returned as row indices into vm
#' fids.idxs <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', value='x.idx')
setGeneric("featureIds", signature="x",
function(x, i, j, value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'),
active.only=is.conformed(x), ...) {
#' Fetch the featureIdMap for a `GeneSetDb`
#' @exportMethod featureIdMap
setGeneric("featureIdMap", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("featureIdMap"))
setGeneric("featureIdMap<-", function(x, value) {
#' Gene Set Collection Metadata
#' @description
#' The design of the GeneSetDb is such that we assume that groups of gene sets
#' are usually defined together and will therefore share similar metadata.
#' These groups of gene sets will fall into the same "collection", and,
#' therefore, metadata for particular gene sets are tracked at the collection
#' level.
#' Types of metadata being referred to could be things like the organism
#' that a batch of gene sets were defined in, the type of feature identifiers
#' that a collection of gene sets are using (ie. [GSEABase::EntrezIdentifier()])
#' or a URL pattern that combines the collection,name compound key that one
#' can browse to in order to find out more information about the gene set.
#' There are explicit helper functions that set and get these aforementioned
#' metadata, namely [org()], [featureIdType()],
#' [geneSetCollectionURLfunction()], and [geneSetURL()]. Aribtrary
#' metadata can be stored at the collection level using the
#' [addCollectionMetadata()] function. More details are provided below.
#' @exportMethod collectionMetadata
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
#' @param x Object to extract the collectionMetadata from
#' @param collection The geneset collection to to query
#' @param name The name of the metadata variable to get the value for
#' @param ... not used yet
#' @examples
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H')
#' ## Gene Set URLs
#' geneSetURL(gdb, c('H', 'H'),
#' ## feature_id TYpe
#' featureIdType(gdb, 'H')
#' ## Organism
#' org(gdb, 'H')
#' ## Arbitrary metadata
#' gdb <- addCollectionMetadata(gdb, 'H', 'foo', 'bar')
#' cmh <- collectionMetadata(gdb, 'H') ## print this to see
setGeneric("collectionMetadata", signature=c("x", "collection", "name"),
function(x, collection, name, ...) {
# ##' @export
# ##' @rdname collectionMetadata
# setGeneric("collectionMetadata<-", signature=c("x", "collection", "name"),
# function(x, collection, name, value) {
# standardGeneric("collectionMetadata<-")
# })
#' @section Gene Set URLs:
#' A URL function can be defined per collection that takes the collection,name
#' compound key and generates a URL for the gene set that the user can browse
#' to for futher information. For instance, the
#' [geneSetCollectionURLfunction()] for the MSigDB collections are defined
#' like so:
#' ```
#' url.fn <- function(collection, name) {
#' url <- 'http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/cards/%s.html'
#' sprintf(url, name)
#' }
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H')
#' geneSetCollectionURLfunction(gdb, 'H') <- url.fn
#' ```
#' In this way, a call to `geneSetURL(gdb, 'H', 'HALLMARK_ANGIOGENESIS')`
#' will return
#' http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/cards/HALLMARK_ANGIOGENESIS.html.
#' This function is vectorized over `i` and `j`
#' @exportMethod geneSetURL
#' @inheritParams featureIds
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
#' @return A character vector of URLs for each of the genesets identified by
#' `i, j`. `NA` is returned for genesets `i,j` that are not found in `x`.
setGeneric("geneSetURL", signature="x", function(x, i, j, ...) {
#' @exportMethod geneSetCollectionURLfunction
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
setGeneric("geneSetCollectionURLfunction", signature="x", function(x, i, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
setGeneric("geneSetCollectionURLfunction<-", signature="x", function(x, i, value) {
#' @section Feature ID Types:
#' When defining a set of gene sets in a collection, the identifiers used must
#' be of the same type. Most often you'll probably be working with Entrez
#' identifiers, simply because that's what most of the annotations work with.
#' As such, you'd define that your collection uses geneset identifiers like
#' so:
#' ```
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H')
#' featureIdType(gdb, 'H') <- GSEABase::ENSEMBLIdentifier()
#' ## or, equivalently (but you don't want to use this)
#' gdb <- addCollectionMetadata(gdb, 'H', 'id_type', GSEABase::ENSEMBLIdentifier())
#' ```
#' @exportMethod featureIdType
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
#' @inheritParams featureIds
setGeneric("featureIdType", signature="x", function(x, i, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
setGeneric("featureIdType<-", signature="x", function(x, i, value) {
#' @section Organism:
#' You're going to want to keep track of the organism the experiments were run
#' in that were used to define this collection of gene sets.
#' ```
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H')
#' org(gdb, 'H') <- 'Homo_sapiens'
#' ```
#' @exportMethod org
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
#' @inheritParams featureIds
setGeneric("org", signature="x", function(x, i, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
setGeneric("org<-", signature="x", function(x, i, value) {
#' Fetches information for a gene set
#' @description
#' Gene sets inside a [GeneSetDb()] are indexed by their collection,name
#' compound key. There is no special class to represent an individual gene set.
#' Instead, gene sets are returned as a data.frame, the rows of which enumerate
#' the features that belong to them.
#' When `x` is a [MultiGSEAResult()], this function will append
#' the differential expression statistics for the individual features generated
#' across the contrast that defined `x`.
#' @exportMethod geneSet
#' @rdname geneSet
#' @inheritParams featureIds
#' @param with.feature.map If `TRUE`, then details of the feature mapping
#' from the original feature_id space to the target feature space are included
#' (default: `FALSE`).
#' @param ... passed down to inner functinos
#' @template asdt-param
#' @return a `data.(frame|table)` of gene set information. If \code{x} is a
#' `MultiGSEAResult` object, then differential expression statistics
#' are added as columns to this result.
setGeneric("geneSet", signature="x", function(x, i, j, ...) {
#' Fetch the active (or all) gene sets from a GeneSetDb or MultiGSEAResult
#' @export
#' @inheritParams featureIds
#' @template asdt-param
#' @return a data.table with geneset information.
#' @rdname geneSets
#' @exportMethod geneSets
#' @examples
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' gs <- geneSets(gdb)
setGeneric("geneSets", function(x, ...) standardGeneric('geneSets'))
#' Summarize geneset:feature relationships for specified set of features
#' This function creates a geneset by feature table with geneset membership
#' information for a specified feature set. Only the gene sets that have
#' any of the `features` are included.
#' @rdname geneSetSummaryByGenes
#' @exportMethod geneSetSummaryByGenes
#' @param x `GeneSetDb` or `MultiGSEAResult`
#' @param features a character vector of featureIds
#' @param with.features Include columns for `features`? If `x` is
#' is a `GeneSetDb`, these columns are `TRUE`/`FALSE`. If
#' `x` is a `MultiGSEAResult` object, the values are the logFC of
#' the feature if present in the gene set, otherwise its `NA`.
#' @param feature.rename if `NULL`, the feature columns are prefixed with
#' `featureId_`, if `FALSE`, no renaming is done. If `x` is
#' a `MultiGSEAResult`, then this can be the column name found in
#' `logFC(x)`, in which case the value for the feature from the given
#' column name would be used (setting this to `"symbol"`) would be a
#' common thing to do, for instance.
#' @return a data.frame of geneset <-> feature incidence/feature matrix.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom=TRUE)
#' gdb <- conform(exampleGeneSetDb(), vm)
#' mg <- multiGSEA(gdb, vm, vm$design, 'tumor', methods=NULL)
#' features <- c("55839", "8522", "29087")
#' gsm.hit <- geneSetSummaryByGenes(gdb, features)
#' gsm.fid <- geneSetSummaryByGenes(mg, features, feature.rename=NULL)
#' gsm.sym <- geneSetSummaryByGenes(mg, features, feature.rename='symbol')
setGeneric("geneSetSummaryByGenes", signature=c("x"),
function(x, features, with.features=TRUE, feature.rename=NULL, ...)
#' @rdname conform
#' @exportMethod conform
setGeneric("conform", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("conform"))
#' Subset a GeneSetDb to only include geneSets with specified features.
#' @exportMethod subsetByFeatures
#' @rdname subsetByFeatures
#' @param x `GeneSetDb`
#' @param featureIds Character vector of featureIds
#' @return A subset of `x` which contains only the geneSets that contain
#' features found in `featureIds`
#' @examples
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' features <- c("55839", "8522", "29087")
#' (gdb.sub <- subsetByFeatures(gdb, features))
setGeneric("subsetByFeatures", signature="x",
function(x, features, value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'), ...) {
#' @exportMethod unconform
#' @rdname conform
setGeneric("unconform", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("unconform"))
#' Summarizes different results into tabular form
#' @exportMethod summarized
setGeneric("summarized", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("summarized"))
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