multiGSEA 1.0.0 (Bioconductor release)

New Features

The implementation is still tied to the original design of package which only supported a numeric ranking vector, and hijacks the whole xmeta. workaround. Consider using FacileAnalysis::ffsea(data.frame, gdb) if you want a more coherent interface.

Breaking Changes

multiGSEA 0.10

User Visible Changes

multiGSEA 0.6.x

User Visible Changes

New Features

multiGESA 0.4.x

User Visible Changes

New Features

Note that MSigDB provides the entrez IDs for each geneset as human genes. The mouse version of these gene sets was constructing by mapping the human entrez ID's to their mouse orthologs via igis::orthologs. When this mapping returns multiple mouse IDs for a single human ID, all of the mouse IDs are kept in the mouse geneset.

To get the previous v4.0 genesets (provided by WEHI), you would simply specify version='v4.0' in the getMSigDBSet like so:

  gdb5 <- getMSigDBsetc(c('c2', 'c7'), species='mouse')
  gdb4 <- getMSigDBsetc(c('c2', 'c7'), species='mouse', version='v4.0')

Bug Fixes

multiGSEA 0.1.0

New Features

User Visible Changes

lianos/multiGSEA documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 1:26 p.m.