##' A module to explore the GSEA statistics generated from a multiGSEA Run.
##' @description
##' The UI is a DT::datatable of GSEA statistics for the selected method. The
##' module returns a list with the following reactive elements:
##' \describe{
##' \item{$stats}{
##' The table of gene sets and their statistics that pass the prescribed
##' \code{fdr} thershold
##' }
##' \item{$selected}{
##' The geneset that is currently "active"/selected by the user. This
##' is defined as \code{<collection>_::_<name>}
##' }
##' }
##' You probably want to \code{observeEvent(this$selected)} in your
##' \code{server.R} (or similar) so you can react to user clicks on different
##' gene sets
##' @rdname mgTableBrowserModule
##' @export
##' @importFrom shiny tagList uiOutput NS
##' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput
##' @param id the shiny id of the UI module
mgTableBrowserUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
##' @rdname mgTableBrowserModule
##' @export
##' @importFrom shiny reactive req renderUI tags
##' @importFrom DT renderDataTable
##' @param input shiny server input object
##' @param output shiny server output object
##' @param session shiny server session object
##' @param mgc the \code{MultiGSEAResultContainer} object
##' @param method a reactive that determines which method to explore from this
##' result
##' @param fdr a reactive that gives the fdr threshold to filter results in the
##' table by.
mgTableBrowser <- function(input, output, session, mgc, method, fdr,
server=TRUE) {
## under the FDR threshold
gsea.result.table <- reactive({
mg <- req(mgc()$mg)
if (is.null(method()) || method() == "") {
# msg("... gseaMethod not selected yet")
## MultiGSEResult object, method, and FDR thersholds all set, now fetch
## the data that corresponds to this criteria
constructGseaResultTable(mg, method(), fdr())
selected <- reactive({
tbl <- req(gsea.result.table())
idx <- input$gseaResultTable_row_last_clicked
## By defualt, if user doesn't click a row we will say that the first
## row is selected
if (is.null(idx)) {
idx <- 1L
xcol <- as.character(gsea.result.table()$collection[idx])
xname <- as.character(gsea.result.table()$name[idx])
paste(xcol, xname, sep='_::_')
output$resultTableMessage <- renderUI({
gst <- req(gsea.result.table())
if (!is(gst, 'data.frame')) {
tmsg <- ''
} else if (nrow(gst) == 0) {
tmsg <- sprintf('No results at FDR cutoff of %.2f', fdr())
} else {
tmsg <- sprintf('Showing %d genesets at FDR cutoff of %.2f',
nrow(gst), fdr())
output$gseaResultTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
req(gsea.result.table(), mgc())
renderGseaResultTableDataTable(gsea.result.table(), method(),
}, server=server)
list(stats=gsea.result.table, selected=selected)
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