
test_that("ProcessingStep constructor", {
    ps <- new("ProcessingStep", FUN = "mean", ARGS = list(na.rm = TRUE))
                 "Object of class \"ProcessingStep\"")
    expect_error(new("ProcessingStep", FUN = "aaaa"))
    ps <- ProcessingStep(mean, list(na.rm = TRUE))

test_that("ProcessingStep executeProcessingStep", {
    ps <- ProcessingStep("sum", list(c(1, 4, 5)))
    expect_identical(executeProcessingStep(ps), 10)

    ps <- ProcessingStep("sum", list(c(1, 4, 5, NA)))
    ## Pass optional arguments to ...
    expect_identical(executeProcessingStep(ps, na.rm = TRUE), 10)

test_that(".cat_fun works", {
    res <- .cat_fun("sum")
    expect_equal(res, "sum")
    res <- .cat_fun(sum)
    expect_equal(res, "user-provided function")

test_that("show,ProcessingStep works", {
    ps <- ProcessingStep(sum, list(1:4))
    expect_output(show(ps), "user-provided function")

    ps <- ProcessingStep(function(z) z + 4)
    expect_output(show(ps), "user-provided function")
    ps <- ProcessingStep("sum", list(a = sqrt))
    expect_output(show(ps), "Function: sum")
    expect_output(show(ps), "a = user-provided function")
lgatto/ProtGenerics documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 6:52 a.m.