
#' @title Write MS data to mzML or mzXML files
#' @aliases writeMSData
#' @description
#' The `writeMSData,MSnExp` and `writeMSData,OnDiskMSnExp` saves
#' the content of a [MSnExp] or [OnDiskMSnExp] object to MS file(s) in
#' either *mzML* or *mzXML* format.
#' @details
#' The `writeMSData` method uses the *proteowizard* libraries through
#' the `mzR` package to save the MS data. The data can be written to
#' *mzML* or *mzXML* files with or without copying additional metadata
#' information from the original files from which the data was read by the
#' [readMSData()] function. This can be set using the `copy` parameter.
#' Note that `copy = TRUE` requires the original files to be available and
#' is not supported for input files in other than mzML or mzXML format.
#' All metadata related to the run is copied, such as instrument
#' information, data processings etc. If `copy = FALSE` only processing
#' information performed in R (using `MSnbase`) are saved to the mzML file.
#' Currently only spectrum data is supported, i.e. if the original mzML
#' file contains also chromatogram data it is not copied/saved to the new
#' mzML file.
#' @note
#' General spectrum data such as total ion current, peak count, base peak
#' m/z or base peak intensity are calculated from the actual spectrum data
#' before writing the data to the files.
#' For MSn data, if the `OnDiskMSnExp` or `MSnExp` does not contain also
#' the precursor scan of a MS level > 1 spectrum (e.g. due to filtering on
#' the MS level) `precursorScanNum` is set to 0 in the output file to
#' avoid potentially linking to a wrong spectrum.
#' The exported `mzML` file *should* be valid according to the mzML 1.1.2
#' standard. For exported `mzXML` files it can not be guaranteed that they
#' are valid and can be opened with other software than `mzR`/`MSnbase`.
#' @param object `OnDiskMSnExp` or `MSnExp` object.
#' @param file `character` with the file name(s). Its length has to match the
#'     number of samples/files of `x`.
#' @param outformat `character(1)` defining the format of the output files.
#'     Default output format is `"mzml"`.
#' @param merge `logical(1)` whether the data should be saved into a single
#'     *mzML* file. Default is `merge = FALSE`, i.e. each sample is saved to
#'     a separate file. **Note**: `merge = TRUE` is not yet implemented.
#' @param verbose `logical(1)` if progress messages should be displayed.
#' @param copy `logical(1)` if metadata (data processings, original file names
#'     etc) should be copied from the original files. See details for more
#'     information.
#' @param software_processing optionally provide specific data processing steps.
#'     See documentation of the `software_processing` parameter of
#'     [mzR::writeMSData()].
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @rdname writeMSData
setMethod("writeMSData", signature(object = "MSnExp", file = "character"),
          function(object, file, outformat = c("mzml", "mzxml"),
                   merge = FALSE, verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose(), copy = FALSE,
                   software_processing = NULL) {
              ## Set copy to false if not all original files are available.
              if (copy & !all(file.exists(fileNames(object)))) {
                  warning("Setting 'copy = FALSE' because the original files ",
                          "can not be found.")
                  copy <- FALSE
              if (merge) {
                  stop("Not yet implemented.")
                  ## Set copy to FALSE
                  ## Call .writeMSDataMerged
              } else {
                  .writeMSData(object = object, file = file,
                               outformat = outformat, verbose = verbose,
                               copy = copy, software_processing)
lgatto/MSnbase documentation built on Nov. 12, 2024, 10:58 a.m.