suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("ggplot2")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("MSnbase")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("zoo")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("Rdisop")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("pRolocdata")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("pRoloc")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("msdata")) library("grid") suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("BiocParallel"))
cat(readLines("./"), sep = "\n")
cat(readLines("./"), sep = "\n")
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
[@Gatto2012] aims are providing a reproducible
research framework to proteomics data analysis. It should allow
researcher to easily mine mass spectrometry data, explore the data and
its statistical properties and visually display these.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
also aims at being compatible with the
infrastructure implemented in Bioconductor, in particular
r Biocpkg("Biobase")
. As such, classes developed specifically for
proteomics mass spectrometry data are based on the eSet and
ExpressionSet classes. The main goal is to assure seamless
compatibility with existing meta data structure, accessor methods and
normalisation techniques.
This vignette illustrates r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
utility using a dummy
data sets provided with the package without describing the underlying
data structures. More details can be found in the package, classes,
method and function documentations. A description of the classes is
provided in the MSnbase-development
vignette^[in R, open it with vignette("MSnbase-development")
or read it online here].
Raw mass spectrometry file are generally several hundreds of MB large
and most of this is used for binary raw spectrum data. As such, data
containers can easily grow very large and thus require large amounts
of RAM. This requirement is being tackled by avoiding to load the raw
data into memory and using on-disk random access to the content of
data files on demand. When focusing on reporter ion
quantitation, a direct solution for this is to trim the spectra using
the trimMz
method to select the area of interest and thus
substantially reduce the size of the Spectrum
objects. This is
illustrated in section \@ref(sec:trim).
Parallel processing The independent handling of spectra is ideally
suited for parallel processing. The quantify
method for example
performs reporter peaks quantitation in parallel.
Parallel support is provided by the r Biocpkg("BiocParallel")
various backends including multicore (forking, default on Linux),
simple networf network of workstations (SNOW, default on Windows)
using sockets, forking or MPI among others. We refer readers to the
documentation in r Biocpkg("BiocParallel")
. Automatic parallel
processing of spectra is only established for a certain number of
spectra (per file). This value (default is 1000) can be set with the
In sock-based parallel processing, the main worker process has to
start new R instances and connect to them via sock. Sometimes these
connections can not be established and the processes get stuck. To
test this, users can disable parallel processing by disabling parallel
processing with register(SerialParam())
. To avoid these deadlocks,
it is possible to initiate the parallel processing setup explicitly at
the beginning of the script using, for example
library("doParallel") registerDoParallel(3) ## using 3 slave nodes register(DoparParam(), default = TRUE) ## rest of script comes below
On-disk access Developmenets in version 2 of the package have
solved the memory issue by implementing and on-disk version the of
data class storing raw data (MSnExp, see section \@ref(sec:msnexp)),
where the spectra a accessed on-disk only when required. The
benchmarking vignette compares the on-disk and in-memory
implemenatations^[in R, open it with vignette("benchmarking")
read it online
here]. See
details below.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
is able to import raw MS data stored in one of
the XML
-based formats as well as peak lists in the mfg
format^[Mascot Generic Format, see].
Raw data The XML
-based formats, mzXML
[@Orchard2007] and mzML
[@Martens2010] can be imported with
the readMSData
function, as illustrated below (see ?readMSData
more details). To make use of the new on-disk implementation, set
mode = "onDisk"
in readMSData
rather than using the default mode
= "inMemory"
file <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "mzXML$") rawdata <- readMSData(file, msLevel = 2, verbose = FALSE)
Only spectra of a given MS level can be loaded at a time by setting
the msLevel
parameter accordingly in readMSData
and in-memory
data. In this document, we will use the itraqdata
data set, provided
with r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
. It includes feature metadata, accessible
with the fData
accessor. The metadata includes identification data
for the r length(itraqdata)
MS2 spectra.
Version 2.0 and later of r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
provide a new
on-disk data storage model (see the benchmarking vignette for more
details). The new data backend is compatible with the orignal
in-memory model. To make use of the new infrastructure, read your
raw data by setting the mode
argument to "onDisk"
(the default is
still "inMemory"
but is likely to change in the future). The new
on-disk implementation supports several MS levels in a single raw
data object. All existing operations work irrespective of the backend.
Peak lists can often be exported after spectrum processing from
vendor-specific software and are also used as input to search engines.
Peak lists in mgf
format can be imported with the function
(see ?readMgfData
for details) to create experiment
objects. Experiments or individual spectra can be exported to an
file with the writeMgfData
methods (see ?writeMgfData
details and examples).
Experiments with multiple runs Although it is possible to load and
process multiple files serially and later merge the resulting
quantitation data as show in section \@ref(sec:combine), it is also
feasible to load several raw data files at once. Here, we report the
analysis of an LC-MSMS experiment were 14 liquid chromatography (LC)
fractions were loaded in memory using readMSData
on a 32-cores
servers with 128 Gb of RAM. It took about 90 minutes to read the 14
uncentroided mzXML
raw files (4.9 Gb on disk in total) and create a
3.3 Gb raw data object (an MSnExp instance, see next section).
Quantitation of 9 reporter ions (iTRAQ9 object, see
\@ref(sec:reporterions)) for 88690 features was performed in parallel
on 16 processors and took 76 minutes. The resulting quantitation data
was only 22.1 Mb and could easily be further processed. These number
are based on the older in-memory implementation. As shown in the
benchmarking vignette, using on-disk data greatly reduces memory
requirement and computation time.
See also section \@ref(sec:io2) to import quantitative data stored in
spreadsheets into R for further processing using r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
The MSnbase-iovignette[in R, open it with vignette("MSnbase-io")
or read it online
gives a general overview of r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
's input/ouput
See section \@ref(sec:io3) for importing chromatographic data of SRM/MRM experiments.
supports also to write MSnExp
or OnDiskMSnExp
objects to mzML
files using the writeMSData
function. This is specifically useful in
workflows in which the MS data was heavily manipulated. Presently, each
sample/file is exported into one file.
Below we write the data in mzML
format to a temporary file. By setting the
optional parameter copy = TRUE
general metadata (such as instrument info or
all data processing descriptions) are copied over from the originating file.
writeMSData(rawdata, file = paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML"), copy = TRUE)
Raw data is contained in MSnExp objects, that stores all the spectra of an experiment, as defined by one or multiple raw data files.
library("MSnbase") itraqdata head(fData(itraqdata))
sz <- sum(sapply(assayData(itraqdata), object.size)) + object.size(itraqdata) sz <- as.numeric(sz) sz <- round(sz/(1024^2), 2)
As illustrated above, showing the experiment textually displays it's content:
Information about the raw data, i.e. the spectra.
Specific information about the experiment
processing^[This part will be automatically updated when the object is modified with it's ad hoc methods, as illustrated later.]
and package version. This slot can be accessed with the
Other meta data, including experimental phenotype, file name(s) used
to import the data, protocol data, information about features
(individual spectra here) and experiment data. Most of these are
implemented as in the eSet class and are described in more details
in their respective manual pages. See ?MSnExp
and references
therein for additional background information.
The experiment meta data associated with an MSnExp experiment is
of class MIAPE. It stores general information about the experiment
as well as MIAPE (Minimum Information About a Proteomics Experiment)
information [@Taylor2007, @Taylor2008]. This meta-data can be
accessed with the experimentData
method. When available, a
summary of MIAPE-MS data can be printed with the msInfo
for more details.
The raw data is composed of the r length(itraqdata)
MS spectra. The
spectra are named individually
(r paste(paste(head(featureNames(itraqdata)),collapse=", "),", ...",sep="")
and stored in a environment
. They can be accessed individually with
or itraqdata[[1]]
, or as a list with
. As we have loaded our experiment specifying
, the spectra will all be of level 2 (or higher, if
sp <- itraqdata[["X1"]] sp
Attributes of individual spectra or of all spectra of an experiment
can be accessed with their respective methods:
for the precursor charge,
for the retention time, mz
for the MZ
values, intensity
for the intensities, ... see the
Spectrum, Spectrum1 and Spectrum2
manuals for more details.
peaksCount(sp) head(peaksCount(itraqdata)) rtime(sp) head(rtime(itraqdata))
Reporter ions are defined with the ReporterIons class.
Specific peaks of interest are defined by a MZ value, a with around
the expected MZ and a name (and optionally a colour for plotting, see
section \@ref(sec:plotting)). ReporterIons instances are
required to quantify reporter peaks in MSnExp
experiments. Instances for the most commonly used isobaric tags like
iTRAQ 4-plex and 8-plex and TMT 6- and 10-plex tags are already
defined in r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
. See ?ReporterIons
details about how to generate new ReporterIons objects.
Chromatographic data, i.e. intensity values along the retention time dimension
for a given $m/z$ range/slice, can be extracted with the chromatogram
method. Below we read a file from the msdata
package and extract the (MS level
1) chromatogram. Without providing an $m/z$ and a retention time range the
function returns the total ion chromatogram (TIC) for each file within the
or OnDiskMSnExp
object. See also section \@ref(sec:io3) for importing
chromatographic data from SRM/MRM experiments.
f <- c(system.file("microtofq/MM14.mzML", package = "msdata")) mtof <- readMSData(f, mode = "onDisk") mtof_tic <- chromatogram(mtof) mtof_tic
Chromatographic data, represented by the intensity-retention time duplets, is
stored in the Chromatogram
object. The chromatogram
method returns a
object (note the s) which holds multiple Chromatogram
objects and arranges them in a two-dimensional grid with columns representing
files/samples of the MSnExp
or OnDiskMSnExp
object and rows $m/z$-retention
time ranges. In the example above the Chromatograms
object contains only a
single Chromatogram
object. Below we access this chromatogram object. Similar
to the Spectrum
objects, Chromatogram
objects provide the accessor functions
and rtime
to access the data, as well as the mz
function, that
returns the $m/z$ range of the chromatogram.
mtof_tic[1, 1] head(intensity(mtof_tic[1, 1])) head(rtime(mtof_tic[1, 1])) mz(mtof_tic[1, 1])
To extract the base peak chromatogram (the largest peak
along the $m/z$ dimension for each retention time/spectrum) we set the
argument to "max"
mtof_bpc <- chromatogram(mtof, aggregationFun = "max")
See the Chromatogram
help page and the vignettes from the r Biocpkg("xcms")
package for more details and use cases, also on how to extract
chromatograms for specific ions.
The MSmap class can be used to isolate specific slices of
interest from a complete MS acquisition by specifying $m/z$ and
retention time ranges. One needs a raw data file in a format supported
by r Biocpkg("mzR")
's openMSfile
, ...). Below we first download a raw data file from the
PRIDE repository and create\footnote{This code chunk is not evaluated
to avoid repeated downloaded of the raw data file. The M
map is provided with the package and loaded to evaluate subsequent
code chunks.} an MSmap containing all the MS1 spectra
between acquired between 30 and 35 minutes and peaks between 521 and
523 $m/z$. See ?MSmap
for details.
## downloads the data library("rpx") px1 <- PXDataset("PXD000001") mzf <- pxget(px1, 7) ## reads the data ms <- openMSfile(mzf) hd <- header(ms) ## a set of spectra of interest: MS1 spectra eluted ## between 30 and 35 minutes retention time ms1 <- which(hd$msLevel == 1) rtsel <- hd$retentionTime[ms1] / 60 > 30 & hd$retentionTime[ms1] / 60 < 35 ## the map M <- MSmap(ms, ms1[rtsel], 521, 523, .005, hd, zeroIsNA = TRUE)
mrda <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "M.rda$") mrda2 <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "M2.rda$") load(mrda) load(mrda2)
The M
map object can be rendered as a heatmap with plot
, as shown
on figure \@ref(fig:mapheat).
plot(M, aspect = 1, allTicks = FALSE)
One can also render the data in 3 dimension with the plot3D
function, as show on figure \@ref(fig:map3d).
To produce figure \@ref(fig:map3d2), we create a second MSmap
object containing the first two MS1 spectra of the first map
(object M
above) and all intermediate MS2 spectra and
display $m/z$ values between 100 and 1000.
i <- ms1[which(rtsel)][1] j <- ms1[which(rtsel)][2] M2 <- MSmap(ms, i:j, 100, 1000, 1, hd)
Spectra can be plotted individually or as part of (subset) experiments
with the plot
method. Full spectra can be plotted (using
), specific reporter ions of interest (by specifying
with reporters with reporters=iTRAQ4
for instance) or both
(see figure \@ref(fig:spectrumPlot)).
plot(sp, reporters = iTRAQ4, full = TRUE)
## bsasel <- fData(itraqdata)$ProteinAccession == "BSA" bsasel <- 1:3
It is also possible to plot all spectra of an experiment (figure
\@ref(fig:msnexpPlot)). Lets start by subsetting the itraqdata
experiment using the protein accession numbers included in the feature
metadata, and keep the r sum(bsasel)
from the BSA protein.
sel <- fData(itraqdata)$ProteinAccession == "BSA" bsa <- itraqdata[sel] bsa as.character(fData(bsa)$ProteinAccession)
These can then be visualised together by plotting the MSnExp object, as illustrated on figure \@ref(fig:msnexpPlot).
plot(bsa, reporters = iTRAQ4, full = FALSE) + theme_gray(8)
Customising your plots The r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
have a logical plot
parameter (default is TRUE
), that specifies if
the plot should be printed to the current device. A plot object is
also (invisibly) returned, so that it can be saved as a variable for
later use or for customisation.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
uses the \CRANpkg{ggplot2} package to generate
plots, which can subsequently easily be customised. More details
about \CRANpkg{ggplot2} can be found in [@ggplot2] (especially chapter
8) and on Finally, if a plot object has
been saved in a variable p
, it is possible to obtain a summary of
the object with summary(p)
. To view the data frame used to generate
the plot, use p$data
Chromatographic data can be plotted using the plot
method which, in contrast
to the plot
method for Spectrum
classes, uses R base graphics. The plot
method is implemented for Chromatogram
and MChromatograms
classes. The latter
plots all chromatograms for the same $m/z$-rt range of all files in an
experiment (i.e. for one row in the MChromatograms
object) into one plot.
Typically, identification data is produced by a search engine and
serialised to disk in the mzIdentML
(or mzid
) file format. This
format can be parsed by openIDfile
from the r Biocpkg("mzR")
package or mzID
from the r Biocpkg("mzID")
package. The MSnbase
package relies on the former (which is faster) and offers a simplified
interface by converting the dedicated identification data objects into
library("msdata") f <- "TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01-20141210.mzid" idf <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = f) iddf <- readMzIdData(idf) str(iddf)
The spectra along the rows are duplicated when the PSM can be assigned to multiple proteins, such as
iddf[grep("scan=5291", iddf[, "spectrumID"]), c("spectrumID", "sequence", "DatabaseAccess")]
of when there are multiple modifications in a PSM, such as
iddf[grep("scan=4936", iddf[, "spectrumID"]), c("spectrumID", "sequence", "modName", "modLocation")]
At this stage, it is useful to perform some exploratory data analysis and visualisation on the identification data. For example
table(iddf$isDecoy) table(iddf$chargeState)
library("ggplot2") ggplot(data = iddf, aes(x = MS.GF.RawScore, colour = isDecoy)) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~chargeState)
The filterIdentificationDataFrame
function can be used to remove
- PSMs that match decoy entries
- PSMs of rank > 1
- PSMs that match non-proteotypic proteins
iddf <- filterIdentificationDataFrame(iddf)
This data.frame
can be now be further reduced so that individual
rows represent unique spectra, which can be done with the reduce
iddf2 <- reduce(iddf, key = "spectrumID")
This reduces the number of rows from r nrow(iddf)
to r nrow(iddf2)
The first duplicated spectrum mentioned above is now unique as is
matched a decoy protein that was filtered out with
iddf2[grep("scan=5291", iddf2[, "spectrumID"]), c("spectrumID", "sequence", "DatabaseAccess")]
The matches to multiple modification in the same peptide are now combined into a single row and documented as semicolon-separated values.
iddf2[grep("scan=4936", iddf2[, "spectrumID"]), c("spectrumID", "sequence", "modName", "modLocation")]
This is the form that is used when combined to raw data, as described in the next section.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
is able to integrate identification data from
[@Jones2012] files.
We first load two example files shipped with the
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
containing raw data (as above) and the
corresponding identification results respectively. The raw data is
read with the readMSData
, as demonstrated above. As can be seen, the
default feature data only contain spectra numbers. More data about the
spectra is of course available in an MSnExp object, as illustrated
in the previous sections. See also ?pSet
and ?MSnExp
for more
## find path to a mzXML file quantFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"), = TRUE, pattern = "mzXML$") ## find path to a mzIdentML file identFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"), = TRUE, pattern = "dummyiTRAQ.mzid") ## create basic MSnExp msexp <- readMSData(quantFile, verbose = FALSE) head(fData(msexp), n = 2)
The addIdentificationData
method takes an MSnExp instance (or an
MSnSet instance storing quantitation data, see section
\@ref(sec:quant)) as first argument and one or multiple mzIdentML
file names (as a character vector) as second one^[The identification data can also be passed as dedicated identification objects such as mzRident
from the r Biocpkg("mzR")
package or mzID
from thr r Biocpkg("mzID")
package, or as a data.frame
- see ?addIdentifionData
for details.] and updates the
MSnExp feature data using the identification data read from the
msexp <- addIdentificationData(msexp, id = identFile) head(fData(msexp), n = 2)
Finally we can use idSummary
to summarise the percentage
of identified features per quantitation/identification pairs.
When identification data is present, and hence peptide sequences, one
can annotation fragment peaks on the MS2 figure by passing the peptide
sequence to the plot
itraqdata2 <- pickPeaks(itraqdata, verbose=FALSE) i <- 14 s <- as.character(fData(itraqdata2)[i, "PeptideSequence"])
plot(itraqdata2[[i]], s, main = s)
The fragment ions are calculated with the calculateFragments
described in section \@ref(sec:calcfrag).
One can remove the features that have not been identified using
. This function uses by default the
feature variable to search the presence of missing data
values) and then filter these non-identified spectra.
fData(msexp)$sequence msexp <- removeNoId(msexp) fData(msexp)$sequence idSummary(msexp)
Similarly, the removeMultipleAssignment
method can be used
to filter out non-unique features, i.e. that have been assigned to
protein groups with more than one member. This function uses by
default the nprot
feature variable.
Note that removeNoId
and removeMultipleAssignment
methods can also
be called on MSnExp instances.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
is able to calculate theoretical peptide fragments via
calculateFragments("ACEK", type = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"))
It is also possible to match these fragments against an Spectrum2 object.
pepseq <- fData(msexp)$sequence[1] calculateFragments(pepseq, msexp[[1]], type=c("b", "y"))
The current section is not executed dynamically for package size and processing time constrains. The figures and tables have been generated with the respective methods and included statically in the vignette for illustration purposes.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
allows easy and flexible access to the data, which
allows to visualise data features to assess it's quality. Some methods
are readily available, although many QC approaches will be experiment
specific and users are encourage to explore their data.
The plot2d
method takes one MSnExp instance as first argument to
produce retention time vs. precursor MZ scatter plots. Points
represent individual MS2 spectra and can be coloured based on
precursor charge (with second argument z="charge"
), total ion count
), number of peaks in the MS2 spectra
) or, when multiple data files were loaded, file
), as illustrated on the next figure. The
lower right panel is produced for only a subset of proteins. See the
method documentation for more details.
The plotDensity
method illustrates the distribution of several
parameters of interest (see figure below).
Similarly to plot2d
, the first argument is an MSnExp instance.
The second is one of
, peaks.count
or ionCount
whose density will be plotted. An optional third argument specifies
whether the x axes should be logged.
The plotMzDelta
method^[The code to generate the histograms has been contributed by Guangchuang Yu.]
implements the $m/z$ delta plot from [@Foster11] The $m/z$ delta plot
illustrates the suitability of MS2 spectra for identification by
plotting the $m/z$ differences of the most intense peaks. The
resulting histogram should optimally shown outstanding bars at amino
acid residu masses. More details and parameters are described in the
method documentation (?plotMzDelta
). The
next figure has been generated using the PRIDE
experiment 12011, as in [@Foster11].
In section \@ref(sec:incompdissoc), we illustrate how to assess incomplete reporter ion dissociation.
There are several methods implemented to perform basic raw data
processing and manipulation. Low intensity peaks can be set to 0 with
the removePeaks
method from spectra or whole
experiments. The intensity threshold below which peaks are removed is
defined by the t
parameter. t
can be specified
directly as a numeric. The default value is the character
, that will remove all peaks equal to the lowest non
null intensity in any spectrum. We observe the effect of the
method by comparing total ion count (i.e. the
total intensity in a spectrum) with the ionCount
before (object itraqdata
) and after (object
) for spectrum X55
. The respective
spectra are shown on figure \@ref(fig:spectrum-clean-plot).
experiment <- removePeaks(itraqdata, t = 400, verbose = FALSE) ionCount(itraqdata[["X55"]]) ionCount(experiment[["X55"]])
p1 <- plot(itraqdata[["X55"]], full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) + theme_gray(5) p2 <- plot(experiment[["X55"]], full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) + theme_gray(5) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2))) vplayout <- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y) print(p1,vp=vplayout(1,1)) print(p2,vp=vplayout(1,2))
Unlike the name might suggest, the removePeaks
method does not
actually remove peaks from the spectrum; they are set to 0. This can
be checked using the peaksCount
method, that returns the number of
peaks (including 0 intensity peaks) in a spectrum. To effectively
remove 0 intensity peaks from spectra, and reduce the size of the data
set, one can use the clean
method. The effect of the removePeaks
and clean
methods are illustrated on figure \@ref(fig:preprocPlot).
peaksCount(itraqdata[["X55"]]) peaksCount(experiment[["X55"]]) experiment <- clean(experiment, verbose = FALSE) peaksCount(experiment[["X55"]])
int <- c(0,1,1,3,1,1,0,0,0,1,3,7,3,1,0) mz <- c(113.9,114.0,114.05,114.1,114.15,114.2,114.25, 114.3,114.35,114.4,114.42,114.48,114.5,114.55,114.6) ppsp <- new("Spectrum2",intensity=int,mz=mz,centroided=FALSE) p1 <- plot(ppsp, full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) + theme_gray(5) + geom_point(size=3,alpha=I(1/3)) + geom_hline(yintercept=3,linetype=2) + ggtitle("Original spectrum") p2 <- plot(removePeaks(ppsp,t=3), full=TRUE, plot = FALSE) + theme_gray(5) + geom_point(size=3,alpha=I(1/3)) + geom_hline(yintercept=3,linetype=2) + ggtitle("Peaks < 3 removed") p3 <- plot(clean(removePeaks(ppsp,t=3)), full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) + theme_gray(5) + geom_point(size=3,alpha=I(1/3)) + geom_hline(yintercept=3,linetype=2) + ggtitle("Peaks < 3 removed and cleaned")
grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(3, 1))) print(p1, vp=vplayout(1, 1)) print(p2, vp=vplayout(2, 1)) print(p3, vp=vplayout(3, 1))
Another useful manipulation method is trimMz
, that takes as
parameters and MSnExp (or a Spectrum) and a numeric mzlim
. MZ
values smaller then min(mzlim)
or greater then max(mzmax)
discarded. This method is particularly useful when one wants to
concentrate on a specific MZ range, as for reporter ions
quantification, and generally results in substantial reduction of data
size. Compare the size of the full trimmed experiment to the original
r sz
range(mz(itraqdata[["X55"]])) experiment <- filterMz(experiment, mzlim = c(112,120)) range(mz(experiment[["X55"]])) experiment
As can be seen above, all processing performed on the experiment is recorded and displayed as integral part of the experiment object.
MSnExp and Spectrum2 instances also support standard
MS data processing such as smoothing and peak picking, as described in
the smooth
and pickPeak
manual pages. The
methods that either single spectra of experiments, process the
spectrum/spectra, and return a updated, processed, object. The
implementations originate from the \CRANpkg{MALDIquant} package
Quantitation is performed on fixed peaks in the spectra, that are
specified with an ReporterIons object. A specific peak is
defined by it's expected mz
value and is searched for within
$\pm$ width
. If no data is found, NA
is returned.
mz(iTRAQ4) width(iTRAQ4)
int <- c(0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0) mz <- c(113.9, 114.0, 114.05, 114.1, 114.15, 114.2, 114.25) ssp <- new("Spectrum2", intensity = int, mz = mz, centroided = FALSE) p <- plot(ssp, full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) p <- p + theme_gray(5)
The quantify
method takes the following parameters: an MSnExp
experiment, a character describing the quantification method
, the
to be quantified and a strict
logical defining whether
data points ranging outside of mz
$\pm$ width
should be considered
for quantitation. Additionally, a progress bar can be displaying when
setting the verbose
parameter to TRUE
. Three quantification
methods are implemented, as illustrated on figure
\@ref(fig:quantitationPlot). Quantitation using sum
sums all the
data points in the peaks to produce, for this example,
r quantify(ssp, iTRAQ4[1], method = "sum")[[1]]
, whereas method max
only uses the peak's maximum intensity,
r quantify(ssp, iTRAQ4[1], method = "max")[[1]]
. Trapezoidation
calculates the area under the peak taking the full with into account
(using strict = FALSE
r round(quantify(ssp, iTRAQ4[1], method = "trap", strict =
FALSE)[[1]], 3)
) or only the width as defined by the reporter (using
strict = TRUE
r round(quantify(ssp, iTRAQ4[1], method = "trap", strict =
). See ?quantify
for more details.
grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 2))) vplayout <- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y) print(p + ggtitle("Quantitation using 'sum'") + geom_point(size = 3, alpha = I(1/3), colour = "red"), vp = vplayout(1, 1)) print(p + ggtitle("Quantitation using 'max'") + geom_point(aes(x = 114.1, y = 3), alpha = I(1/18), colour = "red", size = 3), vp = vplayout(1, 2)) print(p + ggtitle("Trapezoidation and strict=FALSE") + geom_polygon(alpha = I(1/5), fill = "red"), vp = vplayout(2, 1)) print(p + ggtitle("Trapezoidation and strict=TRUE") + geom_polygon(aes(x = c(NA, 114.05, 114.05, 114.1, 114.15, 114.15, NA), y = c(NA, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, NA)), fill = "red", alpha = I(1/5)), vp = vplayout(2,2))
The quantify
method returns MSnSet objects, that extend the
well-known eSet class defined in the r Biocpkg("Biobase")
package. MSnSet instances are very similar to ExpressionSet
objects, except for the experiment meta-data that captures MIAPE
specific information. The assay data is a matrix of dimensions $n
\times m$, where $m$ is the number of features/spectra originally in
the MSnExp used as parameter in quantify
and $m$ is the number of
reporter ions, that can be accessed with the exprs
method. The meta
data is directly inherited from the MSnExp instance.
qnt <- quantify(experiment, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ4, strict = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) qnt head(exprs(qnt))
The next figure illustrates the quantitation of the TMT
10-plex isobaric tags using the quantify
method and the TMT10
reporter instance. The data on the $x$ axis has been quantified using
method = "max"
and centroided data (as generated using
ProteoWizard's msconvert
with vendor libraries' peak picking); on
the $y$ axis, the quantitation method was trapezoidation
strict = TRUE
(that's important for TMT 10-plex) and the profile data. We
observe a very good correlation.
If no peak is detected for a reporter ion peak, the respective
quantitation value is set to NA
. In our case, there
is r sum(
such case in row
r which( %% nrow(qnt)
We will remove the offending line using the filterNA
The pNA
argument defines the percentage of accepted missing
values per feature. As we do not expect any missing peaks, we set it
to be 0 (which is also the detault value).
table( qnt <- filterNA(qnt, pNA = 0) sum(
The filtering criteria for filterNA
can also be defined as
a pattern of columns that can have missing values and columns that
must not exhibit any. See ?filterNA
for details and
The infrastructure around the MSnSet class allows flexible
filtering using the [
sub-setting operator. Below, we
mimic the behaviour of filterNA(, pNA = 0)
by calculating
the row indices that should be removed, i.e. those that have at least
one NA
value and explicitly remove these rows. This method
allows one to devise and easily apply any filtering strategy.
whichRow <- which( %% nrow(qnt) qnt <- qnt[-whichRow, ]
See also the plotNA
method to obtain a graphical overview of
the completeness of a data set.
If quantitation data is already available as a spreadsheet, it can be
imported, along with additional optional feature and sample (pheno) meta data,
with the readMSnSet
function. This function takes the
respective text-based spreadsheet (comma- or tab-separated) file names
as argument to create a valid MSnSet instance.
Note that the quantitation data of MSnSet objects can also
be exported to a text-based spreadsheet file using the
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
also supports the mzTab
format\footnote{}, a
light-weight, tab-delimited file format for proteomics
data. mzTab
files can be read into R with
to create and MSnSet instance.
See the MSnbase-io vignette for a general overview of
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
's input/ouput capabilites.
Data from SRM/MRM experiments can be imported from mzML
files using the
function. The mzML
files are expected to contain chromatographic
data for the same precursor and product m/z values. The function returns a
object that arranges the data in a two-dimensional array, each
column representing the data of one file (sample) and each row the
chromatographic data for the same polarity, precursor and product m/z. In the
example code below we load a single SRM file using readSRMData
fl <- proteomics(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "MRM") srm <- readSRMData(fl) srm
The precursor and product m/z values can be extracted with the precursorMz
functions. These functions always return a matrix, each row
providing the lower and upper m/z value of the isolation window (in most cases
minimal and maximal m/z will be identical).
head(precursorMz(srm)) head(productMz(srm))
Single peak adjustment In certain cases, peak intensities
need to be adjusted as a result of peak interferance. For example, the
$+1$ peak of the phenylalanine (F, Phe) immonium ion (with $m/z$ 120.03)
inteferes with the 121.1 TMT reporter ion. Below, we calculate the
relative intensity of the +1 peaks compared to the main peak using the
r Biocpkg("Rdisop")
library(Rdisop) ## Phenylalanine immonium ion Fim <- getMolecule("C8H10N") getMass(Fim) isotopes <- getIsotope(Fim) F1 <- isotopes[[1]][2, 2] F1
If desired, one can thus specifically quantify the F immonium ion in
the MS2 spectrum, estimate the intensity of the +1 ion
(r round(F1,4)
% of the F peak) and substract this calculated
value from the 121.1 TMT reporter intensity.
The above principle can also be generalised for a set of overlapping peaks, as described below.
Reporter ions purity correction Impurities in the reporter
reagents can also bias the results and can be corrected when
manufacturers provide correction coefficients. These generally come
as percentages of each reporter ion that have masses differing by -2,
-1, +1 and +2 Da from the nominal reporter ion mass due to isotopic
variants. The purityCorrect
method applies such correction to
MSnSet instances. It also requires a square matrix as second
argument, impurities
, that defines the relative percentage of
reporter in the quantified each peak. See ?purityCorrect
for more
impurities <- matrix(c(0.929, 0.059, 0.002, 0.000, 0.020, 0.923, 0.056, 0.001, 0.000, 0.030, 0.924, 0.045, 0.000, 0.001, 0.040, 0.923), nrow = 4) qnt.crct <- purityCorrect(qnt, impurities) head(exprs(qnt)) head(exprs(qnt.crct))
The makeImpuritiesMatrix
can be used to create impurity
matrices. It opens a rudimentary spreadsheet that can be directly
A set of imputation methods are available in the impute
method: it takes an MSnSet instance as input, the name of the
imputation method to be applied (one of
r paste(MsCoreUtils::imputeMethods(), collapse=", ")
possible additional parameters and returns an updated for MSnSet
without any missing values. Below, we apply a deterministic minimum
value imputation on the naset
example data:
## an example MSnSet containing missing values data(naset) table( ## number of NAs per protein table(fData(naset)$nNA) x <- impute(naset, "min") processingData(x) table(
As described in more details in [@Lazar:2016], there are two types of mechanisms resulting in missing values in LC/MSMS experiments.
Missing values resulting from absence of detection of a feature, despite ions being present at detectable concentrations. For example in the case of ion suppression or as a result from the stochastic, data-dependent nature of the MS acquisition method. These missing value are expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing at random (MAR) or missing completely at random (MCAR).
Biologically relevant missing values, resulting from the absence of the low abundance of ions (below the limit of detection of the instrument). These missing values are not expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing not at random (MNAR).
MAR and MCAR values can be reasonably well tackled by many imputation methods. MNAR data, however, requires some knowledge about the underlying mechanism that generates the missing data, to be able to attempt data imputation. MNAR features should ideally be imputed with a left-censor (for example using a deterministic or probabilistic minimum value) method. Conversely, it is recommended to use hot deck methods (for example nearest neighbour, maximum likelihood, etc) when data are missing at random.
x <- impute(naset, "zero") exprs(x)[exprs(x) != 0] <- 1 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("gplots")) heatmap.2(exprs(x), col = c("lightgray", "black"), scale = "none", dendrogram = "none", trace = "none", keysize = 0.5, key = FALSE, RowSideColors = ifelse(fData(x)$randna, "orange", "brown"), ColSideColors = rep(c("steelblue", "darkolivegreen"), each = 8))
It is anticipated that the identification of both classes of missing
values will depend on various factors, such as feature intensities and
experimental design. Below, we use perform mixed imputation, applying
nearest neighbour imputation on the r sum(fData(naset)$randna)
features that are assumed to contain randomly distributed missing
values (if any) (yellow on figure \@ref(fig:miximp)) and a
deterministic minimum value imputation on the
r sum(!fData(naset)$randna)
proteins that display a non-random pattern
of missing values (brown on figure \@ref(fig:miximp)).
x <- impute(naset, method = "mixed", randna = fData(naset)$randna, mar = "knn", mnar = "min") x
Please read ?MsCoreUtils::impute_matix()
for a description of the
different methods.
A MSnSet object is meant to be compatible with further
downstream packages for data normalisation and statistical
analysis. There is also a normalise
(also available as
) method for expression sets. The method takes
and instance of class MSnSet as first argument, and a
character to describe the method
to be used:
: Applies quantile normalisation [@Bolstad03] as
implemented in the normalize.quantiles
function of the
r Biocpkg("preprocessCore")
: Applies robust quantile normalisation
[@Bolstad03] as implemented in the normalize.quantiles.robust
function of the r Biocpkg("preprocessCore")
: Applies variance stabilisation normalization [@Huber2002] as
implemented in the vsn2
function of the r Biocpkg("vsn")
: Each feature's reporter intensity is divided by the maximum of
the reporter ions intensities.
: Each feature's reporter intensity is divided by the sum of the
reporter ions intensities.
See ?normalise
for more methods. A scale
method for MSnSet
instances, that relies on the base::scale
qnt.max <- normalise(qnt, "max") qnt.sum <- normalise(qnt, "sum") qnt.quant <- normalise(qnt, "quantiles") qnt.qrob <- normalise(qnt, "quantiles.robust") qnt.vsn <- normalise(qnt, "vsn")
The effect of these are illustrated on figure \@ref(fig:normPlot) and figure \@ref(fig:cvPlot) reproduces figure 3 of [@Karp2010] that described the application of vsn on iTRAQ reporter data.
.plot <- function(x, ttl = NULL) { boxplot(exprs(x), main = ifelse(is.null(ttl), processingData(x)@processing[2], ttl), cex.main = .8, cex.lab = .5, cex.axis = .5, cex = .8) grid() } oldmar <- par()$mar par(mfrow=c(3,2),mar=c(2.9,2.9,2.9,1)) .plot(qnt, ttl = "Non-normalised data") .plot(qnt.max, ttl = "Maximum") .plot(qnt.sum, ttl = "Sum") .plot(qnt.quant, ttl = "Quantile") .plot(qnt.qrob, ttl = "Robust quantile") .plot(qnt.vsn, ttl = "vsn")
sd1 <- apply(log2(exprs(qnt))+10,1,sd) mn1 <- apply(log2(exprs(qnt))+10,1,mean) cv1 <- sd1/mn1 sd2 <- apply(exprs(qnt.vsn)+10,1,sd) mn2 <- apply(exprs(qnt.vsn)+10,1,mean) cv2 <- sd2/mn2 dfr <- rbind(data.frame(rank=order(mn1),cv=cv1,norm="raw"), data.frame(rank=order(mn2),cv=cv2,norm="vsn")) library("zoo") ## rmed1 <- rollapply(cv1,7,function(x) median(x,na.rm=TRUE)) ## rmed2 <- rollapply(cv2,7,function(x) median(x,na.rm=TRUE)) ## ## Calling directly rollapply.zoo to make it zoo_1.6-4 compatible. ## The above requires zoo >= 1.7-0, which is as of 15 March 2011 ## not yet available on CRAN (only on r-forge). rmed1 <- zoo:::rollapply.zoo(cv1,7,function(x) median(x,na.rm=TRUE)) rmed2 <- zoo:::rollapply.zoo(cv2,7,function(x) median(x,na.rm=TRUE)) dfr2 <- rbind(data.frame(x=seq(1,70,by=(70/length(rmed1))), y=rmed1,norm="raw"), data.frame(x=seq(1,70,by=(70/length(rmed1))), y=rmed2,norm="vsn")) p <- qplot(rank,cv,data=dfr,col=norm) + geom_line(data=dfr2,aes(x=x,y=y,colour=norm)) + theme_gray(7)
Note that it is also possible to normalise individual spectra or whole
MSnExp experiments with the normalise
method using the max
method. This will rescale all peaks between 0 and 1. To visualise
the relative reporter peaks, one should this first trim the spectra
using method trimMz
as illustrated in section
\@ref(sec:rawprocessing), then normalise the MSnExp with normalise
using method="max"
as illustrated above and plot the data using
(figure \@ref(fig:msnexpNormPlot)).
p <- plot(normalise(experiment[bsasel], "max"), reporters = iTRAQ4, full = FALSE, plot = FALSE) p <- p + theme_gray(7)
Additional dedicated normalisation method are available for MS2
label-free quantitation, as described in section \@ref(sec:lf) and in
the quantify
The above quantitation and normalisation has been performed on quantitative data obtained from individual spectra. However, the biological unit of interest is not the spectrum but the peptide or the protein. As such, it is important to be able to summarise features that belong to a same group, i.e. spectra from one peptide, peptides that originate from one protein, or directly combine all spectra that have been uniquely associated to one protein.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
provides one function, combineFeatures
that allows to aggregate features stored in an MSnSet using
build-in or user defined summary function and return a new
MSnSet instance. The three main arguments are described
below. Additional details can be found in the method documentation.
gb <- fData(qnt)$ProteinAccession
's first argument, object
, is an instance of class
MSnSet, as has been created in the section \@ref(sec:quant) for
instance. The second argument, groupBy
, is a factor
than has as
many elements as there are features in the MSnSet object
argument. The features corresponding to the groupBy
levels will be
aggregated so that the resulting MSnSet output will have
features. Here, we will combine individual
MS2 spectra based on the protein they originate from. As shown below,
this will result in r length(table(gb))
new aggregated features.
gb <- fData(qnt)$ProteinAccession table(gb) length(unique(gb))
The third argument, method
, defined how to combine the
features. Predefined functions are readily available and can be
specified as strings (method="mean"
, method="median"
, method="sum"
or method="medianpolish"
to compute respectively
the mean, media, sum, weighted mean or median polish of the features
to be aggregated). Alternatively, is is possible to supply user
defined functions with method=function(x) { ... }
. We will use the
qnt2 <- combineFeatures(qnt, groupBy = gb, method = "median") qnt2
Of interest is also the iPQF
spectra-to-protein summarisation
method, which integrates peptide spectra characteristics and
quantitative values for protein quantitation estimation. See ?iPQF
and references therein for details.
Note that if samples are not multiplexed, label-free MS2
quantitation by spectral counting is possible using
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
. Once individual spectra have been assigned to
peptides and proteins (see section \@ref(sec:id)), it becomes
straightforward to estimate protein quantities using the simple
peptide counting method, as illustrated in section
sc <- quantify(msexp, method = "count") ## lets modify out data for demonstration purposes fData(sc)$DatabaseAccess[1] <- fData(sc)$DatabaseAccess[2] fData(sc)$DatabaseAccess sc <- combineFeatures(sc, groupBy = fData(sc)$DatabaseAccess, method = "sum") exprs(sc)
Such count data could then be further analyses using dedicated count
methods (originally developed for high-throughput sequencing) and
directly available for MSnSet instances in the
r Biocpkg("msmsTests")
Bioconductor package.
The spectral abundance factor (SAF) and the normalised form (NSAF) [@Paoletti2006] as well as the spectral index (SI) and other normalised variations (SI$_{GI}$ and SI$_N$) [@Griffin2010] are also available. Below, we illustrate how to apply the normalised SI$_N$ to the experiment containing identification data produced in section \@ref(sec:id).
The spectra that did not match any peptide have already been remove
with the removeNoId
method. As can be seen in the
following code chunk, the first spectrum could not be matched to any
single protein. Non-identified spectra and those matching multiple
proteins are removed automatically prior to any label-free
quantitation. Once can also remove peptide that do not match uniquely
to proteins (as defined by the nprot
feature variable column)
with the removeMultipleAssignment
fData(msexp)[, c("DatabaseAccess", "nprot")]
Note that the label-free methods implicitely apply feature aggregation (section \@ref(sec:feataggregation)) and normalise (section \@ref(sec:norm)) the quantitation values based on the total sample intensity and or the protein lengths (see [@Paoletti2006] and [@Griffin2010] for details).
Let's now proceed with the quantitation using the quantify
, as in
section \@ref(sec:quant), this time however specifying the method of
interest, SIn
(the reporters
argument can of course be ignored
here). The required peptide-protein mapping and protein lengths are
extracted automatically from the feature meta-data using the default
and length
feature variables.
siquant <- quantify(msexp, method = "SIn") processingData(siquant) exprs(siquant)
Other label-free methods can be applied by specifiying the appropriate
argument. See ?quantify
for more details.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
provides functionality to compare spectra against
each other. The first notable function is plot
. If two
Spectrum2 objects are provided plot
will draw
two plots: the upper and lower panel contain respectively the first
and second spectrum. Common peaks are drawn in a slightly darker
centroided <- pickPeaks(itraqdata, verbose = FALSE) (k <- which(fData(centroided)[, "PeptideSequence"] == "TAGIQIVADDLTVTNPK")) mzk <- precursorMz(centroided)[k] zk <- precursorCharge(centroided)[k] mzk * zk plot(centroided[[k[1]]], centroided[[k[2]]])
Currently r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
supports three different metrics to
compare spectra against each other: common
to calculate the
number of common peaks, cor
to calculate the Pearson
correlation and dotproduct
to calculate the dot product. See
to apply other arbitrary metrics.
compareSpectra(centroided[[2]], centroided[[3]], fun = "common") compareSpectra(centroided[[2]], centroided[[3]], fun = "cor") compareSpectra(centroided[[2]], centroided[[3]], fun = "dotproduct")
supports MSnExp objects as well.
compmat <- compareSpectra(centroided, fun="cor") compmat[1:10, 1:5]
Below, we illustrate how to compare a set of spectra using a hierarchical clustering.
Quantitation using isobaric reporter tags assumes complete dissociation between the reporter group (red on the figure below), balance group (blue) and peptide (the peptide reactive group is drawn in green). However, incomplete dissociation does occur and results in an isobaric tag (i.e reporter and balance groups) specific peaks.
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
provides, among others, a ReporterIons object
for iTRAQ 4-plex that includes the 145 peaks, called iTRAQ5. This
can then be used to quantify the experiment as show in section
\@ref(sec:quant) to estimate incomplete dissociation for each
iTRAQ5 incompdiss <- quantify(itraqdata, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ5, strict = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) head(exprs(incompdiss))
Figure \@ref(fig:incompdissPlot) compares these intensities for the whole experiment.
dfr <- cbind(expand.grid("feature" = featureNames(incompdiss), "reporters" = sub("iTRAQ5\\.", "", sampleNames(incompdiss)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), "intensity" = as.vector(exprs(incompdiss))) repsum <- rowSums(exprs(incompdiss)[, 1:4]) dfr2 <- data.frame(iTRAQ1to4 = repsum, iTRAQ5 = exprs(incompdiss)[,5]) p1 <- ggplot(data = dfr, aes(x = reporters,y = log10(intensity))) + geom_boxplot() + theme_gray(6) p2 <- ggplot(data = dfr2, aes(x = log10(iTRAQ1to4), y = log10(iTRAQ5))) + geom_point(alpha = I(1/2)) + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dotted") + stat_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE) + xlab(label = expression(log[10]~sum~114~to~117)) + ylab(label = expression(log[10]~145)) + theme_gray(6) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2))) print(p1, vp = vplayout(1, 1)) print(p2, vp = vplayout(1, 2))
Combining mass spectrometry runs can be done in two different ways depending on the nature of these runs. If the runs represent repeated measures of identical samples, for instance multiple fractions, the data has to be combine along the row of the quantitation matrix: all the features (along the rows) represent measurements of the same set of samples (along the columns). In this situation, described in section \@ref(sec:comb1), two experiments of dimensions $n_1$ (rows) by $m$ (columns and $n_2$ by $m$ will produce a new experiment of dimensions $n_1 + n_2$ by $m$.
When however, different sets of samples have been analysed in
different mass spectrometry runs, the data has to be combined along
the columns of the quantitation matrix: some features will be shared
across experiments and should thus be aligned on a same row in the new
data set, whereas unique features to one experiment should be set as
missing in the other one. In this situation, described in section
\@ref(sec:comb2), two experiments of dimensions $n_1$ by $m_1$ and
$n_2$ by $m_2$ will produce a new experiment of dimensions
$unique_{n_1} + unique_{n_2} + shared_{n_1, n_2}$ by $m_1 + m_2$. The
two first terms of the first dimension will be complemented by
Default MSnSet feature names (X1
, X2
, ...) and sample names
, iTRAQ4.115
, iTRAQ4.116
, ...) are not informative.
The features and samples of these anonymous quantitative data-sets
should be updated before being combined, to guide how to meaningfully
merge them.
To simulate this situation, let us use quantiation data from the
object that is provided with the package as
experiment 1 and the data from the rawdata
instance created at the very beginning of this document. Both
experiments share the same default iTRAQ 4-plex reporter names
as default sample names, and will thus automatically be combined along
exp1 <- quantify(itraqdata, reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE) sampleNames(exp1) centroided(rawdata) <- FALSE exp2 <- quantify(rawdata, reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE) sampleNames(exp2)
It important to note that the features of these independent
experiments share the same default anonymous names: X1, X2, X3, ...,
that however represent quantitation of distinct physical analytes. If
the experiments were to be combined as is, it would result in an error
because data points for the same feature name (say X1
) and the
same sample name (say iTRAQ4.114
) have different values. We thus
first update the feature names to explicitate that they originate from
different experiment and represent quantitation from different spectra
using the convenience function updateFeatureNames
. Note that
updating the names of one experiment would suffice here.
head(featureNames(exp1)) exp1 <- updateFeatureNames(exp1) head(featureNames(exp1)) head(featureNames(exp2)) exp2 <- updateFeatureNames(exp2) head(featureNames(exp2))
The two experiments now share the same sample names and have different feature names and will be combined along the row. Note that all meta-data is correctly combined along the quantitation values.
exp12 <- combine(exp1, exp2) dim(exp1) dim(exp2) dim(exp12)
Lets now create two MSnSets from the same raw data to simulate two
different independent experiments that share some features. As done
previously (see section \@ref(sec:feataggregation)), we combine the
spectra based on the proteins they have been identified to belong to.
Features can thus naturally be named using protein accession numbers.
Alternatively, if peptide sequences would have been used as grouping
factor in combineFeatures
, then these would be good feature name
set.seed(1) i <- sample(length(itraqdata), 35) j <- sample(length(itraqdata), 35) exp1 <- quantify(itraqdata[i], reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE) exp2 <- quantify(itraqdata[j], reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE) exp1 <- droplevels(exp1) exp2 <- droplevels(exp2) table(featureNames(exp1) %in% featureNames(exp2)) exp1 <- combineFeatures(exp1, groupBy = fData(exp1)$ProteinAccession) exp2 <- combineFeatures(exp2, groupBy = fData(exp2)$ProteinAccession) head(featureNames(exp1)) head(featureNames(exp2))
The droplevels
drops the unused featureData
levels. This is required to avoid passing absent levels as
in combineFeatures
. Alternatively, one
could also use factor(fData(exp1)\$ProteinAccession)
The feature names are updated automatically by
, using the groupBy
Proper feature names, reflecting the nature of the features (spectra,
peptides or proteins) is critical when multiple experiments are to be
combined, as this is done using common features as defined by their
names (see below).
Sample names should also be updated to replace anonymous reporter
names with relevant identifiers; the individual reporter data is
stored in the phenoData
and is not lost. A convenience
function updateSampleNames
is provided to append the
MSnSet's variable name to the already defined names,
although in general, biologically relevant identifiers are preferred.
sampleNames(exp1) exp1 <- updateSampleNames(exp1) sampleNames(exp1) sampleNames(exp1) <- c("Ctrl1", "Cond1", "Ctrl2", "Cond2") sampleNames(exp2) <- c("Ctrl3", "Cond3", "Ctrl4", "Cond4")
At this stage, it is not yet possible to combine the two experiments,
because their feature data is not compatible yet; they share the same
feature variable labels, i.e. the feature data column names
(r paste(head(fvarLabels(exp1), n = 3), collapse=", ")
, ...),
but the part of the content is different because the original data was
(in particular all the spectrum centric data: identical peptides in
different runs will have different retention times, precursor
intensities, ...). Feature data with identical labels (columns in
the data frame) and names (row in the data frame) are expected to have
the same data and produce an error if not conform.
stopifnot(all(fvarLabels(exp1) == fvarLabels(exp2))) fData(exp1)["BSA", 1:4] fData(exp2)["BSA", 1:4]
Instead of removing these identical feature data columns, one can use
a second convenience function, updateFvarLabels
, to update
feature labels based on the experiements variable name and maintain
all the metadata.
exp1 <- updateFvarLabels(exp1) exp2 <- updateFvarLabels(exp2) head(fvarLabels(exp1)) head(fvarLabels(exp2))
It is now possible to combine exp1
and exp2
including all the meta-data, with the combine
method. The
new experiment will contain the union of the feature names of the
individual experiments with missing values inserted appropriately.
exp12 <- combine(exp1, exp2) dim(exp12) pData(exp12) exprs(exp12)[25:28, ] exp12
In summary, when experiments with different samples need to be
combined (along the columns), one needs to (1) clarify the sample
names using updateSampleNames
or better manually, for
biological relevance and (2) update the feature data variable labels
with updateFvarLabels
. The individual experiments (there
can be more than 2) can then easily be combined with the
method while retaining the meta-data.
If runs for the same sample (different fractions for example) need to
be combines, one needs to (1) differentiate the feature provenance
with updateFeatureNames
prior to use combine
A single MSnSet can also be split along the features/rows or
samples/columns using the split
method and a factor
defining the splitting groups, resulting in an instance of class
data(dunkley2006) head(pData(dunkley2006)) split(dunkley2006, dunkley2006$replicate) ## or, defining the appropriate annotation variable name dun <- split(dunkley2006, "replicate")
Above, we split along the columns/samples, but the function would equally work with a factor of length equal to the number of rows of the MSnSet (or a feature variable name) to split along the rows/features.
Finally, the effect of split
can be reverted by
dun2 <- unsplit(dun, pData(dunkley2006)$replicate) compareMSnSets(dunkley2006, dun2)
See ?MSnSetList
for more details about the class,
and unsplit
and comments about storing
multiple assays pertaining the same experiment.
It is sometimes useful to average a set of replicated experiments to
facilitate their visualisation. This can be easily achieved with the
function, which takes a list of valid
MSnSet instances as input and creates a new object whose
expression values are an average of the original values. A value of
dispersion (disp
) and a count of missing values (nNA
) is
recorded in the feature metadata slot. The average and dispersion are
computed by default as the median and (non-parametric) coefficient of
variation (see ?npcv
for details), although this can easily be
parametrised, as described in ?averageMSnSet
The next code chunk illustrates the averaging function using three
replicated experiments from [@Tan2009] available in the
r Biocpkg("pRolocdata")
library("pRolocdata") data(tan2009r1) data(tan2009r2) data(tan2009r3) msnl <- MSnSetList(list(tan2009r1, tan2009r2, tan2009r3)) avgtan <- averageMSnSet(msnl) head(exprs(avgtan)) head(fData(avgtan)$disp) head(fData(avgtan)$nNA)
We are going to visualise the average data on a principle component
(PCA) plot using the plot2D
function from the
r Biocpkg("pRoloc")
package [@Gatto2014]. In addition, we are going
to use the measure of dispersion to highlight averages with high
variability by taking, for each protein, the maximum observed
dispersion in the 4 samples. Note that in the default implementation,
dispersions estimated from a single measurement (i.e. that had 2
missing values in our example) are set to 0; we will set these to the
overal maximum observed dispersion.
disp <- rowMax(fData(avgtan)$disp) disp[disp == 0] <- max(disp) range(disp) library("pRoloc") plot2D(avgtan, cex = 3 * disp)
r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
can also be used for MS^E^ data independent
acquisition from Waters instrument. The MS^E^ pipeline depends on
the Bioconductor r Biocpkg("synapter")
package [@Bond2013] that
produces MSnSet instances for indvidual acquisitions.
The r Biocpkg("MSnbase")
infrastructure can subsequently be used to
further combine experiments, as shown in section \@ref(sec:comb2) and
apply top3 quantitation using the topN
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