
## Did you miss the previous step? The one about creating your package
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(usethis::proj_path("dev", "01_create_pkg.R"))

## ********************
## Setup Git and GitHub
## ********************

## Note that Bioconductor doesn't allow *.Rproj files
## So we have to ignore it before anything else
usethis::use_git() ## Choose the option to make the commit, then to restart RStudio
## If you don't have git installed, you will likely benefit from reading
## "Happy Git and GitHub for the useR" at

## After the restart, we next need to change the default Git branch to "devel"
## as this is the new standard at Bioconductor. You can choose to ignore
## this step, but will have to deal with more complicated commands later down
## the road. So we highly recommend that you use the "devel" Git branch!
usethis::git_default_branch_rename(to = "devel")

## Next we continue by connecting your local git repository to
## GitHub. You might want to use the `organisation` and `private` arguments

## If this is your first time running use_github(), you might have to also run:
## The above command will suggest that you read more at
## which contains the latest recommendations by the usethis authors for
## configuring your R to GitHub connection.
## Type your GitHub token, not your password! Otherwise you might run into this
## problem:

## In some situations, gitcreds::gitcreds_set() might not work. For example,
## gitcreds::gitcreds_set() is not supported on Linux as discussed at
## In these situations,
## you have to rely on the old workflow of editing your
## .Renviron file with contents like (note the empty line at the end!):
## Then re-start your R session.
## Editing the .Renviron is strongly discouraged now since it stores as
## simple text your GitHub personal access token (PAT) instead of the
## more secure approach provided by gitcreds.

## Now run use_github()
## Follow any prompts, such as running on the terminal:
## git push --set-upstream origin devel

## Move to the next step: setting up your package core files
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(usethis::proj_path("dev", "03_core_files.R"))

## This template was made using
lcolladotor/biocthis documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 10:01 p.m.