#' Calculate square loss term in gradient of objective function
#' Projected gradient descent is used to numerically solve the optimization
#' problem of finding a probabilistic assignment of cells to locations. The
#' gradient of the loss function has a term \eqn{L(C_1, C_2) \otimes T}. This
#' function calculates that term when \eqn{L(a,b) = \frac 1 2 (a - b)^2}, namely
#' the square loss.
#' @param D_cell Graph-based distance matrix between pairs of cells, generated
#' from function \code{\link{calc_graph_dist}} in this package.
#' @param tD_loc Transpose of the graph-based distance matrix between pairs of
#' locations generated from function \code{\link{calc_graph_dist}} in this
#' package. Since the k-nearest neighbor graph is directed, the matrix is not
#' necessarily symmetric.
#' @param T_tmp A matrix for probabilistic assignment of cells (in rows) to
#' locations (in columns). This matrix will be updated in gradient descent.
#' @return A numeric matrix with cells in rows and locations in columns.
tens_gr_square_loss <- function(D_cell, tD_loc, T_tmp) {
out <- -D_cell %*% T_tmp %*% tD_loc
out - min(out)
#' Compute probabilistic assignment of cells to locations
#' This function uses the graph-based distances between cells and between
#' locations, and optionally a distance matrix (e.g. Euclidean) bewteen cells
#' and locations in gene expression space if an in situ atlas is present, to
#' compute a probabilistic assignment of cells to locations. See the Methods
#' section of the \href{https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2018/10/30/456350.full.pdf}{novoSpaRc paper}.
#' R uses BLAS for linear algebra, and the default BLAS that
#' comes with R is not optimized. Using an optimized version of BLAS, such as
#' OpenBLAS and Intel MKL (as in Microsoft R Open), can speed up matrix
#' multiplication several times compared to default BLAS. For the projected
#' gradient descent, a matrix multiplication is done in each iteration, and the
#' matrix can be large if your dataset has many cells. Therefore, an optimized
#' BLAS is strongly recommended. See vignette for how to make R use optimized
#' BLAS.
#' @inheritParams tens_gr_square_loss
#' @param D_loc Graph-based distance matrix between pairs of
#' locations generated from function \code{\link{calc_graph_dist}} in this
#' package. Since the k-nearest neighbor graph is directed, the matrix is not
#' necessarily symmetric.
#' @param D_cell_loc Distance (e.g. Euclidean) matrix between each cell and each
#' location in gene expression space if in situ atlas is present. This argument
#' can be left missing if an in situ atlas (e.g. from seqFISH, MERFISH,
#' or STARmap).
#' @param alpha Weight to give to the in situ atlas if it's present.
#' @param p Numeric vector, marginal distribution over the cells, by default uniform.
#' @param q Numeric vector, Marginal distribution over the genes, by default uniform.
#' @param loss_fun A string that specifies loss function for difference between
#' cells' pairwise distance and locations' pairwise distance. Right now only
#' "square", meaning square loss, is supported.
#' @param epsilon Entropy regularization term.
#' @param tol Tolerance. When \code{alpha != 1}, this function uses projected gradient
#' descent to find the probabilistic assignment of cells to locations. When the
#' change in objective value is less than a tolerance, then the grdient descent
#' iteration will stop.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations in projected gradient descent.
#' @param verbose Whether to display progress during projected gradient descent.
#' @param check_every Check change in objective value once in how many iterations
#' in gradient descent. For instance, if 10 is passed to this argument, then
#' check once every 10 iterations. You may not want to check every single
#' iteration since checking involves computing the Frobenius norm of a potentially
#' large matrix, which can be time consuming. However, if you do not check
#' frequently enough, then this function will keep on running after the actual
#' change in objective is less than the tolerance until the next check.
#' @return A matrix with cells in rows and locations in columns.
#' @importFrom Barycenter Sinkhorn
#' @export
gw_assign <- function(D_cell, D_loc, D_cell_loc, alpha, p, q,
loss_fun = "square", epsilon = 5e-4, maxiter = 1000,
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), verbose = TRUE,
check_every = 1) {
if (epsilon < 0) stop("epsilon must not be negative.")
# Initialize
T_tmp <- tcrossprod(p, q)
cpt <- 1
err <- 1
# Normalize D_cell_loc if present
if (missing(D_cell_loc)) {
if (alpha > 0) {
stop("Weight is given to D_cell_loc, which is missing")
} else Dcl_norm <- 0
} else {
if (alpha == 0) {
warning("D_cell_loc is ignored because alpha = 0.")
Dcl_norm <- 0
} else {
Dcl_norm <- D_cell_loc / max(D_cell_loc)
p <- matrix(p, ncol = 1)
q <- matrix(q, ncol = 1)
if (alpha == 1) {
T_tmp <- Sinkhorn(p, q, T_tmp, epsilon, maxIter = 1000)$Transportplan
} else {
# Gradient descent
if (loss_fun != "square") {
message("Only square loss is currently supported. Using square loss.")
D_loc <- t(D_loc) # Don't transpose in every single iteration
while (err > tol && cpt < maxiter) {
Tprev <- T_tmp
tens <- tens_gr_square_loss(D_cell, D_loc, T_tmp)
tens_all <- (1 - alpha) * tens + alpha * Dcl_norm
T_tmp <- Sinkhorn(p, q, tens_all, epsilon, maxIter = 1000)$Transportplan
if (cpt %% check_every == 0) {
err <- norm(T_tmp - Tprev, "F")
if (verbose) {
cat("Iteration ", cpt, ", delta: ", err, "\n", sep = "")
cpt <- cpt + 1
if (err > tol) {
warning("Change in objective is greater than tolerance when maxiter is exhausted.")
# To do: Unit test on toy example
# To do: Write function to see whether the assumption that physically closer cells
# have more similar gene expression profile holds.
# To do: Add examples in function documentation
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