Man pages for kuwisdelu/matter
Out-of-core statistical computing and signal processing

approx1Resampling in 1D with Interpolation
approx2Resampling in 2D with Interpolation
avgCentral Tendency
binpeaksPeak Processing
binvecBinned Summaries of a Vector
bsearchBinary Search with Approximate Matching
checksumCalculate Checksums and Cryptographic Hashes
chunkApplyApply Functions Over Chunks of a List, Vector, or Matrix
chunked-classChunked Vectors, Arrays, and Lists
colscaleScaling and Centering by Row or Column Based on Grouping
colsweepSweep out Matrix Summaries Based on Grouping
convolve_atConvolution at Arbitrary Indices
coscoreColocalization Coefficients
cpalColor Palettes
cv_doPerform Cross Validation
deferred-opsDeferred Operations on "matter" Objects
deprecatedDeprecated and defunct objects in matter
downsampleDownsample a Signal
drle-classDelta Run Length Encoding
enhanceContrast Enhancement
estbaseContinuum Estimation
estdimEstimate Raster Dimensions
estnoiseLocal Noise Estimation
estresEstimate Signal Resolution
fastmapFastMap Projection
fetchMove Data Between Shared Memory and File Storage
filt1Smoothing Filters in 1D
filt2Smoothing Filters in 2D
filtnSmoothing Filters using K-nearest neighbors
findpeaksPeak Detection
findpeaks_cwtCWT-based Peak Detection
findpeaks_knnPeak Detection using K-nearest neighbors
inpolyPoint in polygon
iQuoteQuote Identifiers
isofunIsolate Closures for Serialization
knnsearchK-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search
matter_arr-classOut-of-Core Arrays
matter-classVectors, Matrices, and Arrays Stored in Virtual Memory
matter_fct-classOut-of-Core Factors
matter_list-classOut-of-Core Lists of Vectors
matter-optionsOptions for "matter" Objects
matter_str-classOut-of-Core Strings
matter-typesData Types for "matter" Objects
matter-utilsInternal Utilities for "matter" Package
memMonitor Memory Use
mi_learnMultiple Instance Learning
nnmfNonnegative Matrix Factorization
nscentroidsNearest Shrunken Centroids
peakwidthsPeak Summarization
pinvPseudoinverse of a Matrix
plot_signalPlot a Signal or Image
plsPartial Least Squares
prcompPrincipal Components Analysis for "matter" Matrices
predscoreScore predictive performance
rescaleSignal Normalization
RNGStreamsParallel RNG Streams
rocscoreCompute area under ROC curve
rollvecRolling Summaries of a Vector
rowDistsCompute Distances between Rows or Columns of a Matrix
rowStatsRow and Column Summary Statistics Based on Grouping
seq_relRelative Sequence Generation
sgmixSpatial Gaussian Mixture Model
shinglesCleveland-Style Shingles
simple_logger-classSimple Logging
simspecSimulate Spectra
SnowfastParam-classFast Simple Network of Workstations (SNOW)-style Parallel...
sparse_arr-classSparse Vectors and Matrices
stream_statStreaming Summary Statistics
structC-Style Structs Stored in Virtual Memory
summary-statsSummary Statistics for "matter" Objects
to_rasterRasterize a Scattered 2D or 3D Signal
trans2d2D Spatial Transformation
uuidUniversally Unique Identifiers
vizi-functionsA Simple Grammar of Base Graphics
vizi-methodsPlotting Graphical Marks
vizi-parSet Graphical Parameters
warp1Warping to Align 1D Signals
warp2Warping to Align 2D Signals
kuwisdelu/matter documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 5:19 p.m.